Monday, January 25, 2010


Surgery, recovery, and therapy have been going well. I'll omit the details as I'm sure no one really wants to hear about them.

I've really discovered what great friends I have made in blogland the last two years. I have so appreciated all of your encouragement and comments. Sue at Rue-Mouffetard
was so supportive before surgery; then gave me a phone call the day after surgery. Those of you that know Sue can attest to the fun it was to talk to her.
Then, my other SUE friend from back east, Suzie Q at Rabbit Run Cottage
surprised me with the delivery of this gorgeous, sweet smelling bouquet. I was so excited that I probably scared the poor, delivery gal to death - a 71-year old lady in sweat pants, with tubes running in and out all over the place and a bad hair day is not a pretty sight! But, I have so enjoyed those flowers with the sentiment behind them.

Thanks to everyone!!!!
I'm still lacking stamina at the keyboard, but I'll try to return to full blogging activity in a week or so.
Again, my sincere thanks to all of you.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are doing well. I wanted to tell you that your blog is inspiring to me. The type of things you blog about, all those everyday things, are what I love to read about. I love living a simple life! Quilting, antiquing, cooking, day trips and enjoying the grandchildren are my favorite things. Please keep blogging about your life so that I may enjoy reading about someone just like me...a normal person!

Anonymous said...

Sally! I'm so glad your home and recovering! How sweet are our blog friends. What gorgeous flowers from SusieQ. She's a doll!
I'm so glad you're better!
Shelia ;)

Marilyn said...

Glad to hear that things are going well. It sounds like you have a very positive attitude which helps a lot! Here's wishing you a continued speedy recovery.

PAT said...

It is so good to hear things are going well, Sally! Thinking of you and hoping for all the best in your recovery!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some serious surgery. Take it easy and don't rush the blogging. We'll all be here when you feel more like it. Rest!!!


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Both Sue's are very sweet ladies! Glad you're home and recovering!


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Sally, I'm glad this finds you doing well. Take it as you can...we miss you darling, but will be waiting for you when you're up and about..
hugs ~lynne~

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Sally, I am glad you have the surgery behind you! You must be typing one handed!! I can't believe you had one of those boxes. I never knew they existed. Hope you are feeling better every day!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Sally, I didn't know about your surgery, but I'm so glad you are recuperating well. I'll have you in my prayers. laurie

Susie Q said...

Oh Sally!!! I have been off the computer a lot of late and just now found your email! I also got your very sweet note too!
I wanted to call (Sue A gave me your #) but I didn't want to disturb you if you were resting...I have a knack for calling at the wrong time!! *laugh*
I am so happy you liked the flowers...just wanted you to know I was thinking about you and cared so much!

Get well soon and we will be here when you are feeling 100%!!


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello sweet lady...

Just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing! I'm so glad to hear that all is going well! I'm sure that they have you busy with the physical therapy at this point! Still keeping you and your quick recovery in my prayers, my friend!

Ahhh...that was so sweet of Suzy Q! Your bouquet of flowers is gorgeous!!! Well Darlin', I sure do hope to hear from you soon...missing you!!! Take care and get that shoulder back in working order again!!!

Love ya,

Sue said...

Hi Sally...well girl your sounding like your on the mend......What gorgeous flowers our Miss Suzie sent....hope the breathing gets better and glad the shoulder is feeling better....

Anonymous said...

Glad that you have the surgery behind you and hope for better days ahead. Sometimes this getting older stuff is a real booger! Just had foot surgery myself...but the end result will be worth it...I hope! Feel better.
Hugs, Donna

Elaine said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. You have some great friends!