Monday, December 13, 2010

Celebrating the Reason!

I'm joining in with Lynn at Happier Than a Pig in the Mud
for a special party where we are celebrating the reason for the season by showing our nativity sets.
This Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus ornament hangs on our big tree in the living room. It is made from corn husks, and was purchased in Santa Fe and given to us many years ago by my parents.

This is part of our Fontanini Nativity. We bought it several years ago because it was so beautiful, plus it was durable. We wanted a set with lots of animals for the grandchildren to arrange, rearrange, and enjoy. We always keep it on a low table for their easy access. Even though they are getting older, they still always move things around when they stop by.
And this special nativity is a Hummel from Germany. On our son's first Christmas 42 years ago, Bob bought Mary and Baby Jesus for my Christmas present. Over the years, he has added pieces along as availability and finances have allowed. The beauty and details are unbelievable as only a Hummel figurine can be. I always get this treasured keepsake out before any other Christmas decoration to set the tone for the special celebration of the birth of our Savior.

May the joy and reason for the season stay with you all year long!
I'll also be joining The Shabby Chic Cottage
for the Christmas Decor party on Dec. 15.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sally! Oh, what lovely Nativities. I have a Fontanini Nativity too. They are lovely. Now the Hummel is beautiful and what a treasure.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

La said...

Your Nativities are lovely. I especially like the cornhusk Holy Family. La

Lynn said...

Sally, thank you so much for joining the party! I'm lovin' your hand crafted corn husk ornaments and the pretty set with the angel under the cloche! Your Hummel pieces are spectacular, what a great set to have and to be able to add to-enjoy:@)

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Very pretty. Thanks for sharing.

The Decorative Dreamer said...

You have such lovely nativity sets. I really love the Hummel set but your Fontanini set is beautiful too! Love that your family still plays with it too. LOL!

Olive said...

Oh dear I might would leave that Hummel out in a china cabinet all the time! The Italian one is equally gorgeous.

Marilyn said...

I've only known one other family that has a Hummel set. Now you. What a magnificent treasure. Thank you for sharing your others as well. ♥♫

Pam Kessler said...

Beautiful nativity sets. I love the corn husk one. The simplicity of it is fitting.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful! From the simplest form in corn husks to the intricate details of a Hummel. All are beautiful in his sight. Thank you for sharing both with us.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Your nativities are wonderful...Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!

Charo said...

So lovely Nativities!

Anonymous said...

Sally your nativities are so lovely! The corn husk one is really neat! I meant to join this party but didn't get my post up soon enough!

Pray you and DH are doing well!

bee blessed

Unknown said...

Sally...all wonderful but that hummel one is stunning and what a lovely story it has behind it :)

CHRISTmas Blessings!

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

I love the husk ornaments and your nativity scene! Wonderful reasons for the season!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Those nativities are just lovely!

Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
