
Thursday, July 30, 2009


Marie at Emma Calls Me Mama is hosting an Heirloom Party today. She describes an heirloom as anything passed down from family members through generations. This past weekend as we attended the Antiques Roadshow, we saw many heirlooms so I'm joining Marie's party to share our experience and a glimpse at a couple of our family heirlooms. Be sure to check out Marie's blog for a list of the other party participants.

I'm sure most of you are familiar with The Antiques Roadshow, the very popular PBS program that travels around the country hosting appraisal fairs. The roadshow recently came to Denver, and we thought we should try to get tickets. There are about 6,000 people who attend each show; but many thousands more apply through a lottery system to secure tickets. We didn't win any tickets through the lottery, but a friend in Texas who knows one of the 80 appraisers was able to get us some tickets. So away we went!!!

This is the ultimate people-watching experience. You wind your way around and stand in line forever and ever, but it is so much fun watching people hauling their treasures around in all kinds of contraptions.

Of course, you get to see some wonderful antiques and hear their stories along the way in line.

We were part of the spectacle, as we were toting two suitcases. Once you get to the final part of the line, you must unpack so that it can be determined which specialty line to get into to see the specific appraisers.
At this point, we had our only celebrity sighting - one of the Keno twins! Don't know if it was Leslie or Leigh, but it was one of them.

Here are my two Indian baskets waiting patiently in line to reach the appraiser. Each basket has been in my family since the early 1900s. The basket on the top came from my mother's side of the family and is Western Apache. The bottom basket is Jicarilla Apache and came from my dad's side of the family. Both have family lore and tales in their history. While both have a nice market value, the treasure is in the family history.

And from this point on, all cell phones and cameras must be turned off as you enter the appraisal area and TV set. So, no more pictures!!

Actually, the appraisal was anti-climatic, as we were rushed through. I really think I knew more about my baskets then the appraiser I ended up with knew. She was actually the appraiser for the Indian jewelry, but in their hurry to move the line, she was assigned to me because she was not busy. I knew going in that there was no chance to be filmed for the show as I had nothing that special; but it was a shame as I was having a really good hair day!!!!

On our way out, we ran into a friend that I hadn't seen for several years. That was a bonus.

All in all, it was a very fun and entertaining day.


  1. The baskets are so beautiful, you know the craftsmanship is exceptional. What a fun experience to at least go to the Roadshow!

  2. How neat to take your heirlooms to the Antiques Roadshow! That's not something many people can say. :)

  3. The pattern is so beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing it!

  4. Your baskets are worth than anyone realizes apparently. Indian baskets bring a very pretty penny. Hmmmmm!
    Well, at least you had a good time.
    Have you pursued checking out the real value of them? TTFN~ Marydon

  5. I love that show! How neat that you got to have the experience. What a bummer that you were rushed through though. I would imagine it would be overwhelming for all the appraisers though. Your baskets are beautiful. I think it's wonderful that we have such a varied and unique make up to our Country's history and artifacts. Thanks for sharing your baskets and have a loveleigh evening.

    Sares @
    Loveleigh Treasures

  6. I used to watch that show all the time!!! what a great story and a memorable experience!!!
    thanks for the visit today...I hope you don't have issues anymore commenting!!!

  7. Oh Sally you always have a good hairday !

    We just got back from NM about an hour ago- haven't had internet service for most of trip!

    I tried to get tickets to the roadshow too but no go... that would have been so much fun!

    We did get the house closed though we did have to spend $3200.00 for a new septic system before we could close - ended up having to stay longer than we thought because of this and a few other glitches! We were praying that the septic would be ok but just thankful that He provided for the money to get it fixed. The lady who bought the house seems very nice and she is so excited about the house which makes us feel better about owner financing it!

    Off of crutches and just limping abit! Go to Dr tomorrow for another check on the toe- hope to find a few yard sales since it will be Friday!!


  8. Hello Sally - thank you for joining the party! Your baskets are so neat! I love the shape of the one on top. And the designs on both are so cool and different. Do you use them at home in your decor?


  9. How fun, Sally! I have always wanted to go there! Maybe they'll head my way one day. Isn't it everyoe's dream to find out that the old thingy they picked up in a yard sale turns out to be worth thousands? lol Have a great weekend!...Debbie

  10. How fun, Sally.
    I love your Indian baskets...and so sorry you didn;t get to show off your cute hair on tv!! :O)
    xo bj

  11. The baskets are so beautiful! You are so lucky to have them.

    We love watching Antiques Roadshow. It is one of our favorites!

    Thanks for sharing your heirlooms with us!

  12. Even if you weren't selected to be on the show, this was an exciting day! Thanks for sharing your experience and your baskets.

  13. Looks like a fun and exhausting day! Your baskets are beautiful. Do you display them somehow?

  14. Beautiful baskets Sally!

    I would love to go to that show, but I don't know how I would ever cart my stuff there. I wonderful if I could strap it to Rich's back LOL


  15. What a fun day!
    I adore your quilt on your blog header!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  16. I would never have dreamed the tickets were this hard to get! It would be a lot of fun to see all the people and their treasures. I hope you will do a post and tell us more about those baskets soon! Thanks for sharing an interesting story!

  17. Hi Sally...what a neat story! I've never known anyone who actually went to one of those shows, though I've watched them on t.v. plenty of times. :-) Sorry you didn't get a great appraiser. I love your baskets...what a wonderful treasure to pass down through your family! Thanks for sharing them and your story...relly interesting to hear how it works at one of those shows.

  18. Your baskets are beautiful and what wonderful condition they appear to be in! I went to the RS one time too. Until I went to the RS, I would never have thought I'd say I had fun standing in a long line waiting for something. We antique lovers are a friendly group, especially when we are talking about our treasures. laurie

  19. Sally, thanks for sharing the behind the scenes with us. It's always interesting to learn their secrets and such. I'm sorry you got stuck with a dud of an appraiser, but your baskets are pretty neat and I bet with all of their memories they are priceless to you anyway. ~ Robyn

  20. It is a rainy day here in La and I have enjoyed some blog reading....So glad I stopped by yours. I enjoyed my visit.

  21. Oh how fun. Sounds like a great day.
    Those baskets look wonderful. I would love to see what everyone else brought for their treasures.

    I had something appraised at an appraisal fair and I too felt like I
    knew more about the item than the appraiser. It was totally disappointing!

    As always, thanks for your thoughtful comments on my blog.

  22. Hi Sally...I am doing better thank you. The next round is the end of this month. Hope the month goes SLOW! Your baskets are so wonderful. Antiques Roadshow is coming here Saturday, but we are not going....apparently it is standing all day and I am not up to that. Would be fun though!

  23. Your baskets are truly beautiful heirlooms, Sally. It's too bad you couldn't see an appraiser who would have known what they were and appreciated them.

    By the way ... your "good hair day" wasn't wasted, since you ran into your friend you hadn't seen for several years. That was lagniappe!

  24. How much fun was that!? it's a shame that the expert was not able to see your baskets.Too bad you werent on tv, would have loved to see you!


  25. The baskets are gorgeous, Sally! I have always been fascinated by this show, always curious as to what value the appraiser will give on an item. I posted my charm bracelets. Come visit when you can...Christine

  26. The baskets are quite beautiful Sally and I now they mean a lot to your family. What fun to go to Antiques Roadshow!! I would love that!


  27. Wow, what a wonderful opportunity to actually attend and be a part of one of the Antique Roadshow stops. your baskets are really special and I wish the right appraiser had been assigned to you.
