
Sunday, August 30, 2009


It is Blue Monday, so please go check out Sally's blog, Smiling Sally
for a list of the participants.

I really am BLUE as summer is over! School starts for our grandkids tomorrow - back to a regimented schedule, no more lazy days, or journeys with Bob and I to experience summer fun.

In an effort to broaden their horizons through another generation's eyes, we took several short road trips this summer with Caitlin and Wyatt. Nothing was more than a couple of hours in the car or nothing was too expensive with just picnic lunches or fast food. I didn't realize they had so many BLUE shirts until I checked out the pictures - perfect for BLUE Monday.

Bob took them fishing a couple of times - once on the river and once on a lake. One very hot day, we went to the go-cart track in The City; and WOW, did they have fun driving for the first time!

On another very hot day, we went to historical Bent's Fort on the Santa Fe trail and to the Koshare Indian Kiva Museum to experience life in the 1800s.

And, finally we experienced one man's dream at Bishop's Castle in the Rocky Mountains with the bonus of a whole week's exercise climbing turrets and towers.

We loved every minute of the time spent under the BLUE skies with these adorable, well-behaved kids . They are growing up way too fast.


  1. Hi Sally! What fun memories you have made with your grandchildren! It sounds like you took some great trips and I'm sure they will never forget the fun they had with you! I will miss having time with my grandson, too. Happy week!...Debbie

  2. Hi Sally...what a wonderful grandmother you are...I'm jealous you get to spend such quality time with the kids and I'm 1,000 miles away from Miss happy you had such a lovely summer...

  3. This sounds like a summer to remember. Happy Blue Monday.

  4. Aww, I bet y'all did have fun! I'm sad that school has started again sure cuts into our grandma time, doesn't it?

    Your grands are cute as they can be! And what a fun excursion the castle must have been!

  5. Making memories with the grandkids is the best! Wonderful photos, Sally!

  6. I love the memories you captured with your camera this summer. Your collages are terrific and I love the photos you used to assemble them. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  7. Wonderful shots and post.
    Have a nice week.

  8. What a fun summer memories you made for these kids Sally...My grand kids now that they are grown up tell me all the time how much fun they had coming to my house and the silly things we did...May you have a great week my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  9. Sounds like you are very close to your grandkids and they most adore spending time with you. How wonderful!

  10. How wonderful to be able to enjoy outings with your grandkids! The photo collage with all the blues looks great.

  11. What a wonderful summer. I enjoy short trips w/ my nephews and niece; they are growing up way too fast, also!

  12. Hi Sally...

    Just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing and see if you're making any progress on that remodeling project? Are you nearing completion?'ll be so nice but I bet you're biting at the bit to get everything finished and back in order! Ohhh...and just think...more opportunities for more decorating! I just love it, my friend!!!

    Loved seeing your photos of Caitlin and Wyatt...they're absolutly precious!!! I think it's fabulous that ya'll took them on several trips this summer...that's awesome!!! I just know that you're making some precious memories with those grands!!! My most favorite childhood memories are the times that I spent with my grandparents! We took many Grandpa was a rockhound...I can't tell you how many times I went rock hunting! To this day, I can name nearly every type of rock that can be found here in the US! Hehe! They were the best of times though! Enjoy your grandchildren, my friend!!! You know...all 10 of mine are in south Texas...I just feel like I'm really missing out on so much because we live so far apart. I sure hate that! Well, I'm rambling, my friend...just wanted to come by and say hello and see what you've been up to! I can't wait to see your finished project photos!!!

    Love ya,

  13. Oh they are soo cute! What wonderful memories you and your husband have created for them, and how wonderful to grow up with grand parents who will create those kinds of experiences! laurie

  14. Forgot to tell you, your mosaics look great. I love that first one in this post. laurie

  15. Oh how neat that you've been able to make these special times with your grandchildren. I lived far away from my have my children. I pray that I will be close to my grandkids...though I want my children in the right place also. Be blessed today, sweet friend. xo rachel
