
Thursday, August 6, 2009


Michael at Designs by Gollum
is hosting Foodie Friday once again. Please check out her wonderful blog for a list of the participants in all of their yumminess!

Madeleines are a small French cake/cookie dating back to Louis XV's time. They are sponge-like and usually flavored with lemon baked in a speciality pan. I bought my pans about 35 years ago when my sister-in-law gave me the basic lemon recipe. Since then, I have adapted the recipe for different flavors. It can be a fancy cookie served at parties, etc. I've made dozens and dozens for family and friend's weddings over the years. But it is a simple cookie, too - the grandkids like to make them and will eat one right after the other if not supervised!!

The recipe:

Add 4 unbeaten egg whites one at a time to 2/3 cup sugar, beating well after each. Repeat with 4 egg yolks. Fold in 1 1/3 cup flour with mixer on low, followed by 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons melted butter and a pinch of salt.

Lemon: Add 1 teaspoon pure lemon extract
Walnut: Add 1/4 teaspoon lemon extract and 1/4 cup chopped nuts
Chocolate Chip: Add 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1/4 cup chopped chocolate chips
Chocolate: Increase sugar to 3/4 cup and add melted 3 oz. chocolate

Spray 24 madeleine shells with Pam and fill 1/2 full. Bake 375 degrees for 10 minutes.

Glaze: 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar thinned with water
Lemon glaze: 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar thinned with lemon juice

Dip madeleines in glaze of choice and place on wire rack to dry.

Here are what my madeleine pans look like. They are available at most kitchen supply stores.

This recipe is a good approximation of those found in Paris. Now, if I could only master Laduree's macaroons. Does anyone have a recipe for those?

POSTSCRIPT: My blog has gone through a minor transformation, as I switched over to accommodate bigger pictures. This 70-year old, non computer-literate brain was challenged, so I'm still working out the glitches and deciding which pictures are best enlarged. I'm also working on some mosaics. Thanks to all of you who have posted tutorials and given suggestions. I'm open to any further ideas; and as always, appreciate your comments.


  1. Sally this sounds and looks fabulous! I would find them very hard to resist!

  2. I just HATE foodie friday!!! I just crave and crave and crave!!!! these look great and you should consider yourself lucky I am not in reaching distance of that plate!!! we'd be fighting for the crumbs!

  3. Those look and sound wonderful, Sally. They look like they would melt in your mouth. I'm going to print your recipe and try them sometime.

  4. Hi Sally !
    Those cookies look scrumpious !!!!

  5. I have only had rose water madeleines and they were wonderful! Yours look devine!
    Have a great weekend : )

  6. I love the look of Madelaines. So very French. Even the pans make one think of a fancy pastry chef.

  7. I have never had a madeleine- they look yummy especially on those gorgeous dishes you found!!!

    Your new blog dress is coming along nicely! Don't you love being able to view the pictures in the larger size- it is so much easier than clicking on each one to see the details!


  8. I like your new look.

    I'm afraid that I'd join your grandkids in eating one after the other!

  9. Like a little trip to Paris on the plate:)

  10. I want a madeleine pan! They just look so dainty & sweet & elegant. Maybe I should make some for Caralyn's birthday tea party....I'd NEED the pan then. ;o)

    Thanks for the recipe'll be the first one I try when I get my pan.

  11. Sally, This something I have "never" seen.. they certainly look delicious. I'm wondering if these pans are easy to find now..I think they would be fun to try and a something different for my Holiday Open House in November..Have a super w/k my friend..
    hugs ~lynne~

  12. Your cookies look so good, Sally. Thanks for the recipe. I would love for you to join me on some Sightseeing Saturdays, looking forward to them...Christine

  13. I have never had a Madeleines, but they look and sound wonderful. THANKS!!! for the recipe. Geri

  14. Morning girl..ohhhh those look too pretty to eat! lol But they sound so good ...I'd probably be popping them like peanuts into my mouth!lol
    the pics are beutiful are braver than me....I am too scared to even try to enlarge my pics! Thanks for coming by sweetie...hope you have a great weekend.

  15. Oh Sally...I love madeleines! Even just the simple ones are wonderful! When I lived in
    France, I bought them in the little town nearby...Commercy...the place where they were invented. Delightful! I must admit that I haven't tried making them in years. Thanks for the recipe! Now, as for Ladurée's macarons...I see that there are several recipes online, but have never tried any of them. Let us know if you find a good one! Enjoyed this post...happy memories! Enjoy your weekend...Debbie
    PS...Love the new look! I just switched over myself not too long ago. It does take some work, but I think it makes a big difference! Lovely photos!

  16. Oh YUM! They look wonderful!

    You won the black and white apron at Nouveau Stitch so I need your mailing address please!


  17. Mornin' Girlfriend...

    Just read your sweet happy to see you this morning! My friend, you sound as busy as I am! How nice that you're getting a mudroom...they really are a necessity in this part of the country! Mine has been a lifesaver...sure saves on keeping the floors clean in the rest of the house! Ours is located just inside our back door...we also have the laundry in this room and our computer is set up here as well! It's really a multi-purpose room...hehe! I'm loving my new cabinets...hides the laundry uglies and more storage!

    Well my friend, I have never heard of Madeleines before but they look absolutely delicious...and they're so pretty! I love almond flavoring, I bet it could be substituted as well! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!!

    Have a super Sunday Sweetie!
    Love ya,
    PS...I love your new blog look, my friend! Love the larger photos and your new header photo is gorgeous!!! I know...I have to really study when it comes to these computer things! Hehe!

  18. I hope to see you at Crock Pot Wednesdays at this week. Mr. Linky is up and ready for you.

  19. I'm afraid I'll be like your grandchildren, and eat them all unless I'm supervised! These look delicious, and I have one of those pans. It was my mother's, and I didn't know what it was for! I'm so excited to get the recipe. I can't wait to try it. All I have to do is find the pan! laurie

  20. Forgot to tell you, I love your big pictures, especially in the post about the baskets. Your mosaic header looks great too! laurie

  21. YeaH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a recipe from My Sally!! I have a Madeleine pan and have only made them once. You have inspired me to get it out of the cabinet and bake a batch..I heard you won the apron from Miss nice. I have been gone so long I have to read back on all your posts to catch up...I have so many thing to post. We stopped at colonial Williamsburg on the way to Jersey and I have lots of pics to post..then Miss B on Sunday and lots of stuff next week. Friday I go to a coking class at the Viking School here in Atlanta...I tried to get other bloggers in the area to join in but only one taker....she's fun so we should have a good time. I'll take lots of good to be back....Sue.

  22. Hi Sally~ ~I am so excited to read your recipe. Recently I bought a pan at Goodwill and have been on the look out for a great recipe. Thanks for coming to my rescue. I'll post about them when I bake.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
