
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


When my husband, Bob, was growing up; he began working in his family's grocery store at age 6 sorting potatoes and candling eggs. He has fond memories of stocking shelves, cutting meat, checking and carrying out groceries at the store when he was not in school or doing sports. He worked there until the week before we got married. We did a lot of courting over a bag of groceries being carried out to the car. My mother never had to beg me to run to the grocery store to pick up something!
We have several items that came out of the store, but a favorite is this old gum-ball machine with a patent date of 1923.

I'm sure that all of those growing-up years in the grocery store helped develop Bob's strong work ethic. To this day, in retirement, he still works everyday around the house, in the yard, and substitute teaching during the school year. Who says there is anything wrong with a little child labor?
Thanks to Suzanne at Colorado Lady for hosting Vintage Thingies Thursday and a chance to show off our old gum-ball machine.


  1. Sally- what a great little story to go with your Vintage Thursday gumball machine!!

    Taking a little break from vacuuming and getting ready for company coming through tomorrow.

    This is so funny- I didn't even know a tornado came through!!! Guess that's what I get for not having TV!! Actually we were at our coffee and chat time. Came back to Walsenburg around 2:00 and noticed a lot of leaves torn up and on the ground- thought another hail storm had come this way- but never heard that it was a tornado!!! Weather sure has been funny lately- had to close the windows last night as it got so chilly!!! I guess Fall is coming!

    That would be fun to get together with our hubbies too!!


  2. What a cool gumball machine. Great story too. You're right about child labor. I've been working since I was 15 and by the time I got out of high school I had learned how to handle my money and deal with the public. And I had a nice little nest egg.

  3. Your gumball machine is really cool.

  4. I love this gumball machine. How wonderful to have it. I have always wanted one to put in my kitchen, maybe to put nuts in, this one is really amazing. Love it!! Have a great VTT.

  5. I loved your story and the gum ball machine. What wonderful memories..
    Happy VTT..have a lovely weekend.

  6. Love the gumball machine! And I enjoyed the story too. Interesting reading about your early lives. Thanks for sharing and Happy Thursday!


  7. Wow, What a great bumball machine!! :)

  8. Oooooo, I love this!!! It is fabulous! Thank you for sharing a bit of you & hubbs with us.

  9. Cool machine! Child labor like his was a natural part of life on farms and family businesses, and very educating.

  10. very nice post! your gumball machine super cool!

  11. Oh, this is great--I would love to see one in person

  12. What a sweet story. I can see little Sally running to the store every day just to smile at her little friend!

  13. Oh, this takes me back! My grandma Annie owned and operated a diner and inn back when I was too little to remember. My mother inherited some of her dishes from there and other things. One thing I love is their gumball machine stories and the dishes that came in the bags of gumballs (similar to the wheat dishes that came in flour!). I have a couple of those dishes and this machine reminds me of them.

  14. That is fantastic! What a treasure!

  15. You have a real treasure in that gum machine. So glad you shared with us as I do not recall seeing on just like that. Might be because I did not have the money to put into it.

  16. Ah! I guess it's true...the grocery store is a great place to meet someone. I too met my hubby at the grocery store. He worked there as a sacker. Great post!

  17. Such warm memories! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Hi Dear Sally! Oh, I love this gum ball machine. Mr. Precious has one, but I think it's from the 60s. Your hubby is a jewel. Don't you wished kids today had those great work ethics? It's not really common.
    Oh, I wish I was across the ocean, but I'm not.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  19. Hi Sally...

    Just read the sweet note that you left for me. Thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes and well wishes for my blog! I have also really enjoyed getting to know you this year, Sally! I would love for you, Mary, and me to be able to get together sometime...I'd love to meet each of you in person!!! I have gained so much from's really changed my sheltered little country life! It's brought me so much jog...and I've met so, so many sweet you, my friend!!!

    Love this vintage gumball machine! I have always been so intriqued by them...would love to have one! I sure enjoyed reading about your husband and his work in the family store! I totally agree with you about kids else do they learn and build a work ethic? Hmmm...maybe that's some of the problem many don't have a very good work's so sad! Anyway...don't get me started...hehe!

    Thank you again for the sweet birthday wishes!

    Love ya, my friend!
    PS...I had some catching up to do when I got here...I left you notes on your basket post and the following posts!

  20. WOw! What a great gumball machine AND man you've got there!

  21. What a family treasure...I enjoyed reading about your hubby's childhood into youth work in the family store and how he has continued to be a diligent worker.

  22. Nice story and love the gumball machine! What a family treasure. Bet the grandkids want to know where all the gumballs are..........

  23. I loved this post!!! have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Sally, what a delightful story to go along with a wonderful vintage gumball machine. What a treasure.. to answer your question from Outdoor Wednesdays' post.. I don't live in Kansas darling. We live in Missouri right out side Kansas City about 50 miles or so.. I hope this finds you all enjoying a preview of a beautiful fall,
    hugs ~lynne~

  25. I think those are so fabulous! But a story for the family to share is even better. I would want to fill that up and stick it in my kitchen.

  26. I love this story, Sally.

    J is the same about working. He always says his arms are long because he carried so many 5 gallon buckets on the farm. He started doing that when he was a little tyke. Even though he is retired, he works every day! Just doing things around the house and yard.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  27. Oh Sally you know I loved this post...I love that gum ball machine I have one just like it in my kitchen...Loved the story about your hubby...and girl I think every child shoul work...I did as a young girl...My mama did hand me money I had to earn it...she taught me values...Too bad we don't see more of this now days with the youngs ones...Well don't get me started on that issue...These kids now days need a cell phone and Ipod at the age of ??? Any hoo I better shut up now...May you have a great weekend my Dear friend...Also had to tell you I love your new mud room...How special to have a huuby to do all of that for you...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  28. Thanks for your encouragement. I dread those treatments...but then again, I am thankful that I can have them....its a real quandry...I just take it one treatment at a time. Talk to you again soon!!

  29. That is so neat, and how wonderful that it holds memories for the two of you. I love that you courted over the bags of groceries! How cute! laurie

  30. This would have been wonderful all by itself but look at the precious story that goes with it! A true treasure!
