
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Mother Nature paid us a visit Sunday night. When we went to bed, we knew it was snowing; but didn't think too much about it. But, at 2:30 am we were awaken with a bang! In the upper right picture below, that is our bedroom window hiding behind that fallen branch. Our shed also took a hit from another big branch.

The willow tree is always the last to lose its leaves. It couldn't support the weight as there were just too many leaves left in combination with the snow.
The entire tree will have to come down. It was our grandkid's climbing tree and the one that held their swing - they are devastated. We're thankful that the house and shed didn't sustain any damage.

Below was the tree in its kid-loving days. It served all of us well.

Please stop by Susan's at A Southern Daydreamer
for more views of Mother Nature's wonders.


  1. Oh my goodness. I hope you are alright. You must have been shocked. Yes mother nature is strong.
    Just want to let you know I have a new blog Riet's Photoblog

  2. Sally it is amazing how quickly things can change! Just Friday that tree was beautiful and stately!

    Bill said well it looks like Bob doesn't have to figure out how to trim that tree to get more sun in his garden- sorry it had to be this way!

    How has Grandson taken the news?


  3. this is just terrible!!! I am worried of the same thing as the leaves did not dry up and drop...they froze and are still just hanging there!

  4. Thank God no one was hurt!! that was one huge tree....We have a big dead one on our front lawn and in the last storm the whole top fell now looks like a flag pole....You know with our luck can it falling on the house be far glad you weren't injured....

  5. Oh Sally! I am so sorry! I hate to lose a mature tree...and especially one with so many memories attached! Maybe you can have a little family ceremony, plant a new one together and watch it grow. Have a great rest of the week!...hugs...Debbie

  6. What a tragedy to have lost a tree. It has happened to us before, as well. Whenever it snows here and there are leaves still on the trees, you can find me outside with my broom, shaking the snow off the branches of the smaller ones. I might look silly, but at least it helps to save them. I hope you will be re-planting another to start more memories...

  7. What a terrible scare. I'm glad that you and your house are safe and in one piece.

  8. Oh my! I am so glad it did not damage your house, but so sad for the devastation of your grandchildren and for the poor tree. My grandson loves to climb our trees, so I know how you feel! Hugs, Cindy S.

  9. Oh my! What an unfortunate turn of events. I hope everyone is okay. Sending you good thoughts ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  10. I'm sorry about the tree but am also very grateful that your house and shed are okay and that no one in the house was hurt.

  11. It's sad to lose a part of the landscape that has been such a source of happiness for your family. I just glad that your home suffered no serious damage. Hugs...Mary

  12. I'm always so sad when a beautiful old tree comes down. Glad your house was not harmed.

  13. Oh, my goodness! This was truly a scary event! That's terrible about your climbing tree, but so glad you are okay! Did your house get damaged? At least your grandchildren have some great memories about tree climbing.
    Thanks for visiting me - I just love it when you do.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Hello Dearheart...

    Ohhhh noooo!!! How scary, my friend! I just can't even imagine being awakened by the sound of a tree crashing down upon your house...or near your home! I'm so sorry about the loss of your stately old willow tree! It really is a worry when we get these heavy, wet snows and the trees still have their leaves! This was the type of snow that we had up here last week...I took photos and was going to post them on my blog and then I never got around to it! But several of our old tree limbs just hung clear down to the ground..weighted with heave, wet snow! I couldn't believe that they sprung back up after a couple of days.

    Well my friend, thank the good Lord that you are safe and that nothing wasn't really damaged...other than the poor old willow and that's bad enough! We are now under winter storm warnings here in northeastern Colo. The snow has just begun to fall. They are predicting snow now through Friday...possible up to 14". That's not a terribly big amount but the wind always blows like crazy over here in the flatlands. We have to watch for blizzards and downed power lines. We went to town and stocked up on groceries last night...extra gas for the generator...and we have lots of wood for the stove so I guess we're prepared! I'm sure hoping that we don't lose our electricity! Say a prayer for us, my friend! sorry about your downed willow tree!

    Will talk with you soon...
    Love ya,
    PS..sent you an email earlier.

  15. Oh wow! Sally I am so sorry you had this happen. I heard you all were having snow out there!

  16. That must have been so frightening. So glad you're okay.

  17. I can't believe snow already! WOw! Sorry you will loose that tree! I bet there are many happy memories with the GRandchildren there! Happy Outdoor Wednesday, and stay warm!!

  18. Sally, I am so sorry this happened, but so relieved that nobody was injured. It looks like it would have only required a few inches for it to go through your house. laurie

  19. Oh my word girl...I am so thankful it didn't do major damage but also sorry for the loss of your tree...nature can sure turn around in such a short time.

    I sure have missed visiting with you sweetie but want to thank you so much for all your prayers and support for me and my family...take care girl and after you get all the mess cleaned up maybe your family can have a special tree planting party and plant a new memory! Love ya sweetie!

  20. Oh my GOODNESS! So glad your home and shed are not damaged. wow.

  21. I am glad to hear you and your house did not sustain any damage. It is sad about the tree though.

    ~ Tracy

  22. hope you got that all cleaned up okay!!!

  23. Yikes,, I should have looked at this post first... you had a terrible storm.. hope all else is well..hugs ~lynne~

  24. It is always so sad to lose a tree like this. They are old friends after all. But you all have great memories...
