
Tuesday, January 5, 2010


We are now a few days into 2010; and, of course, I have been thinking about some personal goals and plans for the new year. Naturally, I have also given some thought to how I fit into the land of blog.

When I first began to blog a year and half ago, my purpose was to use the medium as a journal to record the histories and stories of some of my ancestors and to picture some of their belongings that I have inherited. I, also, was wanting to leave a record of how we, as a family, live and love today. I was mainly thinking of my children, grandchildren, and future descendants as my audience
. I have decided that is still a priority for me. I didn't expect to meet some great people along the way out in the land of blog, but that certainly has been a blessing to me.

And, now, we are here in 2010; and I find myself running out of ideas to blog about. Our life is simple, and we live frugally. Even though we love to work on our home, we have come to a point that we have done just about everything we want to. Our home is comfortable, easy to live in, and we have everything necessary. So, what will I blog about in the future?

Here are a few ideas (but not many) for 2010.

2010 will most likely be the year of a neglected surgery for repair of my rotator cuff
. Is this a blogable event? - probably not!

We probably won't travel much as we are saving for an exciting 2011 year of travel. Bob is planning to go on a cruise in February 2011 through the Panama Canal; and I'm scheduled to leave May 23, 2011 for a trip to Germany and France (and a return to Paris!!!). Those are a long time away, but definitely will be excursions to blog about. So, in the meantime, we are talking about a short trip to Round Top, Texas for the spring 2010 antique show, which is always fun, exciting, and blogable.

We had so much fun last summer taking our grandkids on day trips around the state to places and for experiences they normally wouldn't have with their parents. We're planning to do that again in 2010. Our grandkids are adorable, charming, special and great to blog about. BUT, every one's grandkids are adorable, charming, special and great to blog about.

We keep talking about some wainscoting in the dining room. Will this be the year?

On our limited budget, we will probably still be out there antiquing and junk hunting. If we come across anything of note, I'll let you know.

2010 has to be the year that I complete the organization and scrapbooking of 120 years of family pictures. At this point, I have completed the ancestor part; and am now working on my childhood. So that leaves only 60 years of pictures to go. Probably, scrapbooking is not a blogging event for me as what I am doing is very simple. I'm just using pretty papers (no glitz or doodads) with computer-generated names, dates, and places.

Other than the above, our life is pretty mundane and not always blog material. But, I promise to try occasionally to come up with something that you might enjoy reading about. I probably won't be posting as often as in the past, but please check in once in awhile. I always enjoy reading every comment, and thrive on all of your posts and creativity.

What is a post without a picture?

Are you interested? Probably not! One of those mundane parts of life for me is ironing. I got so far behind during November and December (the rotator cuff issue hasn't helped), that I have spent several hours this week trying to catch up. So far, I've ironed 43 napkins, several tablecloths, and am now working on many, many shirts.

Here's to a great 2010 for all of you!


  1. Sally anything you blog about will be of interest to me friend!! Most of the things I blogged about last year I never thought would happen so you never know what will turn up!

    I get a hankering every once in awhile to get the iron out and iron away- love doing this while watching a movie!


  2. Keep blogging Sally. I always enjoy my visits!

    Once I get the iron and ironing board out, I can get's just talking myself into getting the necessary items out! My friend JoAnn loves to iron! She irons everything. I think it might be relaxing for her.

    Can't wait to hear about Round Top and all your other fabulous adventures! Yes, they are fabulous adventures!

  3. O Sally ,
    I love reading your blogs..I love "normal" stuff....

    My hubby had rotar cuff surgery a little over a year ago and now the shoulder is he needs the other one done....

    I would love to hear about your trips...make sure to keep us updated - you got "fans" ya know...

    Hugs ~ Kammy

  4. Looks like you have exciting plans for the future Sally, but keep blogging about everyday life. I enjoy reading about them because it shows normalcy. Have a Happy 2009!...Christine

  5. Friends are always interested in each other's lives. I originally was going to get back into decorating and doing things like that when I started my blog but life thought otherwise and I don't have the finances or time or energy to do that anymore. I use my blog as kind of a family journal and if my friends want to read along they can. It's working out well so far. I too live very frugally but sometimes the posts I think will bore everyone to tears are the ones that I get the most comments and feedback on, go figure! I enjoy your blog and hope that you keep blogging about your family, interests, or whatever. That's why I keep coming back anyway, I enjoy your posts.

  6. Sally now girl you know I love coming by here and visiting with you....and Girl I started my blog just to talk about Antiques and the history of them and got so far off that I just decided this year I would try and go back to that...just feel like I bore people with my love of them...Come by and see me some time Sally...Many Blessings to you this year...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. Our Dear Sally.....anything to have to post about is worthy of reading and loving....even mundane...frugal...ironing is worth reading about if your operating the iron....As for your poor shoulder...e-mail me if you have any questions about the surgery....I have been there...done that....twice. Had both shoulders worked and it A-Okay and the other well not so lucky....and if you would like a travel partner for that trip to Paris I'm your girl....I can get myself into trouble in any country!!

  8. Hi, I found you through your comment at Kammy's and since you get to the thrift shops AFTER she gets through shopping, thought you must be near Fort Collins or Loveland. I'm out on the eastern plains near Fort Morgan, but grew up near Ft.Collins and Ault. My mom still lives on my grandparent's farm where we moved when I was in third grade, A LONG TIME AGO!! My life is very ordinary, too. Will be visiting you now that I know where you are!

  9. Hey Sally, Happy New Year!
    Girl...of course we're interested !

  10. Hi Sally, from a very frigid and snowy Missouri. Girl we have snow now and it's below zero.. This weather is crazy. We're all pretty sick of winter, but have a feeling it's only just begun. What wonderful trips you have planned. Looking forward to seeing those pics, so keep the batteries charged for the camera. You put together all of those pictures in scrapbooks? Girl I am impressed. What treasures those will be for future generations.
    Sally, girlfriend, whatever you post on is always wonderful. Post to your hearts content about whatever and whenever you want. I always enjoy the blogs with personal things in them a whole lot more than those that have taken them off line or where ever they get them.. Ok.. didn't mean to vent or write a small book.. lol.. hugs to you darling ~lynne~

  11. Forgot to tell you I "love" to iron.. I know girl.. strange but love hugs ~lynne~

  12. Oh Sally! I know tis feeling all too well! But you are SO blog worthy! : ) I feel such a kinship with you, and even though we have yet to *meet* in person, I feel I know you and consider you and great friend. Please stay with us...I have been a neglectful blogger and don;t always get around as I wish to but I would miss you terribly if you left.

    And maybe you could inspire me to iron!


  13. It sounds like you have some great things to blog about in 2010. I am sure some other great ideas will come to you also. But I understand when the blog well runs dry...been there myself! Have fun scrapbookin' those pictures and looking forward to your trip, planning is half the fun!

  14. Sally, I suspect we all feel that way about blogging. Very often, I think I've reached the end of any blogging material I might have had. Other times, I think I never had any blogging material, and what I blogged was interesting only to me or my family. But then I know how much I would miss all of you wonderful Blogville people, and I return to my blog to post about something. I've never come to your blog that I thought it was an interesting post. You take whatever time you need, but please do come back to post about your life (hey! I could use some pointers on ironing, so if that's what you post, I'll be interested!) laurie

  15. This is so funny that you should post this because I was talking about it to my girlfriend. I have been blogging 2 years and have basically covered just about everything! We are very simple people...we don't party, we like our home as it is, and we don't have a lot of fun I say the same thing...what can I blog about?? I just keep finding something so far!!! So don't quit. There are many of US out there in blogland!!
