
Friday, January 15, 2010


Recently, everyone has been showing their silver. I decided that I should join in; but first, I need to fill you in on the history of my silver.

When we were married in 1958, it was quite fashionable to give and receive silver serving dishes as wedding presents. Evidently, we were fashionable because we received over 40 pieces. Now, this is just what two 19-year-old, college students living in a two-room basement dumpy apartment needed. So, the silver lived boxed up in my parent's basement for several years with my Dad always asking when we were going to take our stuff to our own place.

Finally, after we bought our first house; we unpacked the silver and displayed it, but not using it. In those days, there was no such thing as the 'tarnished look'; so I faithfully polished every month. Then, I entered into my 'earth mother' era and was too busy baking bread and tending to babies to polish. The silver was packed up again and began its 40-year existence under the bed. It has been moved many times to different houses, but always shoved back under the bed.

The only time I have dug into the box was thirteen years ago when our daughter got married. We used several trays and the coffee service on her reception table. I repacked everything at that time into plastic boxes and shoved it back under the bed until today. I decided it was time to take another look.

I was told to pack silver in tissue paper, then in plastic bags to keep it from tarnishing. Surprisingly, It has not tarnished a lot during all of these years.
The platter at the beginning of this post is huge measuring 15" x 21". By the time you put a turkey on it, it would be too heavy to carry to the table! Does anyone still carve at the table anyway?
This piece of silver below is a Silent Butler. Was I really expected to go around with this to empty my guests dirty ashtrays and brush the crumbs from the table into it during a party?

I have several sets of assorted dishes that match each other in pattern.

How many canape trays do 19-year old couples need? Evidently, five - that is how many we have!

There is a coffee service with a big, footed serving tray and two big covered vegetable dishes.

On the left below, there are quite a few candy and nut dishes; and on the right a big Paul Revere bowl with a matching cream and sugar set. Then, there are salt and pepper shakers, a butter dish, candle holders, a marmalade jar, and a gravy boat.

I guess our acquaintances didn't think we had enough silver, so our children each received a silver bank and a baby cup when they were born.

One of the things I found packed away that we didn't receive as a wedding present was this monogrammed dish below. I remember my uncle giving this to us when he went into the nursing home. With the "M" monogram, it must have belonged to my grandmother's family as her maiden name began with "M". It is lovely with all of the grapes around it. I may just keep this out for awhile to enjoy.

So, what is your favorite wedding gift to give? Do you do something from a registry, give something homemade, or money or gift cards? If you are looking for something to give that is unique, run to your local Goodwill store. I bet you can find a Silent Butler just waiting to be regifted.

I'm linking into Mary's Mosaic Monday at Little Red House.
There you will find a list of participants with beautiful photography and interesting subjects.

Also, Beth at The Gypsy Fish
is hosting Silver Sunday. Please stop by there to check out all of the beautiful silver.

P.S.: I must get busy polishing and repacking my silver. It is very empty under the guest bed.


  1. Hi Sally...this was too funny...I guess giving silver wasn't popular in 1970 as we didn't receive one pice as a wedding gift...the only silver i have ever owned was silver plated flatware that the MIL gave us and then she ignored the pattern i loved and gave us what she liked....I always loved that about people.....We'll buy you a gift but it has to be something "we" like....I sold it a few years ago on E-Bay..thanik I got $80n for the entire set which included shrimp forks and ice tea spoons.....Being Italian from the North we give money as a wedding gift....Have you ever watched the Sopranos or an Italian movie with a wedding scene.....every italian bride carries a satin "money bag"....

  2. Oh my goodness.. what a lovely story. Girl.. these are "beautiful". I love, love, love your silver pieces. I am especially fond of the monogrammed piece. What a treasure. I have never seen a silver bank. I'm gushing all over this post!! Ok.. I've got to polish what "few" pieces I have... hugs ~lynne~

  3. Oh I do love all of your wonderful silver. It is just stunning. I have a few of my own pieces and then a lot of my moms and mother-in-laws. I am determined to use it more. I also have a lot of trays. That must have been the rage. I sure hope you keep more of it out and use it. It is all just fantastic. Hugs, Marty

  4. Oh Sally, I'm laughing - at you and at myself. I was also 19 when I married, and had no desire to keep silver polished. Ours also stayed packed up at my parent's house for a lot of years, and most of it stays packed away at my house now. You have some beautiful pieces of silver. If I'm ever a guest in your home, I'll know to check under my bed for the loot!! laurie

  5. I pick something from a gift list if they've registered somewhere. I remember exchanging so many gifts and so this way I figure they at least get what they want! I got tons of stuff from our little small town store that I swear they just cleaned out the back room to put on a gift list I never registered for. We carted it all back up there and got a Kitchen table, two vacuums, etc. All big item stuff! They were a furniture store too. We didn't get chairs but we did get the formica table that we used for 25 years until we finally bought a nice one! I love the silver though bz it's so beautiful. I used to house clean for people and one lady always had me shine her silver for her.

  6. In 1974 they were still giving silver as wedding gifts and ours has lived in boxes in the window seat for just about that long! Loved your story and you have some gorgeous pieces! Thanks for sharing!
    Take care, Laura

  7. What a beautiful collection and a wonderful story. I don't have much, but I keep it out where it can be seen and used most of the time. We didn't get any when we got married in 86. Any serving pieces we received were crystal.

  8. Wow, you Do have a lot of silver...I would love to have a set of silver salt and pepper check that box after I leave when I come over sometime!!

  9. I had fun reading this story and seeing your huge collection! I haven't been to a wedding in awhile. I don't do the registry thing unless I really like what they picked!
    Great post!

  10. You have been keeping this all tucked away- shame on you friend!! It is so pretty! You have some lovely lovely pieces!! I think I received 2 silver trays for wedding gifts and that was it. I just recently got them out to set vignettes on but did not polish them (I use the excuse that I love the aged patina!)


  11. Hello Dearheart...

    Ohhh my gosh, have been laying atop a silver mine all of these years!!! Hehe!!! Girl, I have to tell you, I have some serious "silver" envy going on right now! have soooo many fabulous pieces!!! I'm so glad that you got out your boxes and went through them! I love each and every piece...and I was really eyeing that little silver candy dish with the cut-work designs! I was just looking at one on ebay this week and thought about bidding on it...then I restrained myself! Hehe! Was very hard to do though! Well my dear friend, I do hope that you'll start using some of these pieces...they are all sooo beautiful! Ohh, and I love the beautiful grape design on the piece that your uncle gave you...gorgeous!!! This has been such a treat, Sally! Sure wished you could have heard all of my ooohing and aaahing! I seriously think I drooled all over the gross, huh? Hehe!

    Well my friend, I hope that you're having a wonderful, restful weekend! We have the kids so we'll be traveling up to Greeley tomorrow! So happy that we've been having such pretty weather! It actually got up to 52 today...a real heatwave!!!

    Love ya,

  12. I really enjoyed reading your story. I can just imagine what you and your husband thought about getting all that silver when you were 19.
    It's nice that you still have it. It all looks beautiful! And the monogrammed piece is a definite keeper.

  13. OMGosh , must have hung out with a lot classier people than I did. I didn't get very much silver at all. bwaaaaa

    I am thrilled that you didn't get rid of it after all those years.
    It is just stunning...a lot of work if you want it shiny and well worth it, if you love silver.

    Wonderful post...

  14. Loved your story, I can relate to it. You have a beautiful collection of silver, Sally. The monogrammed dish is really gorgeous.
    I did receive a few pieces when I married the first time, but like you said...what to do with it? Young and not very sophisticated, my friends probably would have fallen over themselves laughing if I had used any of it when they were around!
    I have several pieces now, mostly from the family or thrift stores. I do use it once in awhile for other than decoration.
    We usually give money as a wedding gift.

  15. Hi Sally! I love all of your silver! When I got married, pewter was in style, so I have an assortment of that! lol Now I am so happy that everyone is deciding to give away Grandma's silver to GW! I'm racking up! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend....hugs...Debbie

  16. Wow, what amazing wedding gifts! You have quite a collection and beautiful too. I just love the tray with the letter "M". It's gorgeous!

    For wedding presents, I usually give gift cards to the store of their choice. Not too creative, but I'd rather they get something of their choosing.

  17. Wow Sally - what a neat post !
    Gosh, did you get any other wedding gifts ?? That is a huge lot of silver and what neat stories you have.... I give money for wedding gifts - so they can buy thier own silver...LOL !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  18. Oh, wow! Lucky you. I can't believe you don't keep more of it out. Its all just so gorgeous. I agree with you. The monogrammed piece is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Rosie

  19. Oh, what beautiful silver you have! i loved this post! I enjoyed reading it and then reading it out loud to my busband. We both got a chuckle out of it!! I'm with Laurie, I am hoping to be a guest and use your guest room. I must remember to bring a huge extra bag tucked in to my luggage for "souvenirs"!!

  20. Hi Sally
    What beautiful silver you have! My favorite is the very last picture of the dish with the amazing piece. Happy SS

  21. What a great story about your silver. I got married late in life, we asked not to receive gifts, now I wonder how much silver I may have gotten!!!! HEHEHE

    Thanks for sharing, Happy Silver Sunday.

  22. Oh, yes, silver was the fashionable wedding gift in the 50's -- along with hats and gloves! Love your family piece and yes, you should keep it out. It's a treasure.

    You have a great treasure trove of silver!

  23. Be still my heart.
    40 pieces of silver?!
    Your pieces are lovely-
    Enjoyed visiting,

  24. I got married in 1980. Everyone was broke. We got crock pots (3) and towels (dozens) I'm not sure why. Although I wouldn't have needed or used the silver then, it would be fun to own some now. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Too funny! We recieved a silver chip and dip set for a wedding gift. An Airman and new wife barely surviving pay check to pay I can relate! I don't think I used that chip and dip set for the first 25 years we were married. It is in my china hutch along with a few other assorted pieces. Like you occassionally the come out of hiding! As for gifts...I like to get something that goes with the couples "theme". Usually something from the kitchen then I will make a matching apron and add recipe cards of something like that. I like to get several similar items and put them together.

  26. Your silver pieces are wonderful. I really love the silent butler. Have a great week...julie

  27. You got 40 pieces - we didn't even get one when we married in 1979. Times change! It's all lovely, but polishing that amount of silver is too much to contemplate - no wonder it lives under the bed! ::Jill

  28. I enjoyed seeing all your silver. We received a beautiful tray in 1972 when we got married. About 5 years ago I inherited my husband's aunt & uncle's silver - 3 huge totes full! But I love it and use it when I entertain.
    Ours is packed away waiting for a new dining room suite - we sold our teak set (a 70's thing) just before Christmas.

  29. Hello, Dear Sally! Oh, my goodness! 40 pieces of silver...I've heard that before! :) Your pieces are so lovely and what a story. I'm so glad you didn't get rid of these gorgeous things! You do have the most lovely treasures!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  30. Oh Sally, all your silver pieces are just stunning. I love the ones with ornate edges, so pretty. I like to give something for the home for weddings and a check or gift certificate....Christine

  31. Monograms, I love anything with a monogram. I found a wonderful cutting board with a monogram M on it and pewter ormate handles. And M just happens to be the first letter on my last name. I found it at Goodwill and I should post it someday. Happy SS


  32. You do have a wonderful story and a collection of silver.

  33. I go to the registry and get something that the couple THINK they need. LOL!

  34. When we were married in 1971 we recieved alot of Corning Ware, Quilts, sheet sets and $$$. Very nice post about your silver and pretty pieces too.


  35. Sweet Sally you have a ton of silver...WOW!! I'm very impressed with your collection my friend...I too got lots of silver when Wally and I got married it was the end thing at that time I guess...never used it either have just started liking it again...but will tell you I hate to polish the stuff my hands are like prunes and my nails get a mess ha ha!! I also got 3 toasters at my wedding ha ha!! Oh and don't forget the fonda pot ha ha!! Hope you have a great day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  36. Nice silver story. I am glad you unpacked it out after so many years.

    The coffee service looks beautiful.
    I would use it every day.

    I just unpacked an old silver tea pot and I was happy to see that toothpaste works great as silver polish.

  37. fab, fab, fab pieces. i found an old silent butler and really thought it was so cool...not really practical, but cool.

  38. Wow, Sally! You have quite a collection of silver!

    Great story and beautiful silver.

  39. I am with Sue here...getting married in the 70s didn;t afford as much silver! I got one small dish...: ) My Mom has quite a few pretty pieces but you have so many exquisite things! I can just imagine you running around and sweeping the crumbs away...that IS a pretty piece how ever it is used! And the monogrammed piece is so nice...
    I used to love polishing Mom's silver. I found it very relaxing!


  40. I loved reading the "story" about your silver! You have some very, very lovely pieces, but my favorites are the baby cups!

  41. I'm awe that you still have all this silver from your wedding presents. Good for you! We didn't receive a lot of silver presents at our wedding, but I had friends who did. They didn't want or need it at the time and many of them sold these pieces in yard sales. I could never have done that. I find silver beautiful and love it when I find a piece to add to our home. Thanks for sharing this story. It's heartwarming! ~ Sarah
