
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It is cloche party time again with our able hostess, Marty, at
A Stroll Thru Life.
You will be inspired by all of the wonderful ideas of the participants. Be sure to go by Marty's for a list.

For my cloches this time, I have assembled some jewelry, etc. from my family.

Four of the pocket watches belonged to my paternal grandmother and grandfather, and a great, great uncle. The gold watch with the bird engraving belonged to my great grandmother. The little crocheted change purse in the lower right corner belonged to my maternal grandmother.

The medium-sized cloche is sitting on my mother's baby cap, and encloses my grandmother's wedding ring, my grandfather's cuff links, another grandfather's stick pins, and a pin belonging to my grandmother. The picture is of one of my great grandmothers taken when she was 16.


  1. Sally, how wonderful that you are the "keeper" of these special treasures. That watch with the bird on it is so sweet. Such a good idea to display these beauties in cloches. (I also really like that mat you have everything on). laurie

  2. Just beautiful Sally, love all the special jewerly you have...and your sweet picture of your grandma....Hope you have a GREAT day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  3. What gorgeous heirlooms & so beautifully displayed in your cloches. How fortunate that you have these watches.

    Have a great eve.
    Hugs, Marydon

  4. Hi Sally! Oh, how pretty and nostalgic! You do have so many wonderful mementos from your family members. Everything looks so pretty under your cloches. I really like the one with the hook that displays the pocket watch!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Oh how pretty. I just love all of your beautiful watches, and such treasured heirlooms. Under your cloches, they look just fabulous. Thanks so much for this wonderful post. I will have Mr. Linky up tomorrow night by 6 pm. Be sure to link up. Thanks again. Hugs, Marty

  6. Sally these are wonderful! I love the watches and the domes and cloches!

  7. Hi sally....I always enjoy seeing your family's so special that you have all these wonderful keepsakes....Hope tonight finds you feeling better...I'm doing better...turns out the ankle was just a bad sprain....thank goodness as I couldn't imagine having to be driven around by the Boss for 6 weeks!!

  8. I just love, love, love everything about this vignette. Especially that everything has a special meaning to you. Fabulous!!!

  9. Just beautiful displays. Thank you so much for sharing and giving me some ideas!


  10. I loved how you used jewelry in your cloches. Beautifully done!

  11. I really enjoyed seeing your family treasures and they look wonderful under a cloche!

  12. Hey Sally, I love family heirlooms the best! Under cloches makes them doubly special.
    smiles, alice

  13. Hello Dearheart...

    Ohhh...this is the sweetest display of cloches, my friend! To have all of these precious family treasures...well, it's just wonderful! I love your grandmother's beautiful watch with the bird engraving! I was just wondering where you found that little cloche with the hook? Was it specifically made for displaying the watch? I've never seen one like that before! Ohhh...and that little crocheted pocket purse is gorgeous! It's all beautiful! I really enjoyed looking through some of your sweet family treasures, my friend! Thank you for sharing them with us!!!

    How are you getting along, Sally? I hope that your shoulder is healing up nicely! Are you having to see a physical therapist? Wow...I just realized that I must sound like a little question box...hehe! Well Darlin' take care and I would love to hear from you when you get a chance! Let me know how you're doing!

    Love and prayers,

  14. What special treasures you have, Sally! You displayed them so well...Christine

  15. Love the watch theme! Wish I had some family treasures like this.

  16. LOVE your cloche... the sentimentality makes them extra special. LEzlee

  17. These are so pretty, Sally. You are blessed to have this many heirlooms...I had a bunch, too...I made ROOTS frames for both my kids..blogged about them long ago..time to bring them back.
    xo bj

  18. What wonderful heirlooms! Such a pretty display and way to share them.

  19. How lucky you are to have such treasures! Love them all.

  20. I love the idea of putting these beautiful heirlooms under the cloches. They are so pretty and excellent way to showcase and protect such precious items.

    Carey from Chicory Nits

  21. Morning girl...I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face...I cannot tell you how much your beautiful post has moved seeing all your family's can just feel such love and history..those pocket watches...ohhh how many times have they been touched by your loved ones and how blessed are you to be the 'keeper' of such treasures....I can't tell you how much you have blessed me this morning with your beautiful post....have a great weekend sweetie ~Picket~

  22. those clocks look beautiful under the glass. What a pretty vignette!

  23. What treasures to have. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  24. How utterly wonderful, charming, and moving. Well done.

  25. You've given me a super idea on something to do with gold picket watches! Thank you.

  26. Beautiful cloches. Beautiful memories!

  27. just got my first cloche and am visiting to get inspiration. i like that your treasures have a story!
