
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I'm usually on the lookout for 19th century brown transferware, but I'll occasionally buy 20th century pieces if they are inexpensive. Awhile ago, I bought a box for $10 at auction that contained all of the following pieces.

The flower pot and the little creamer are both from England, Royal Crownford, in the Charlotte pattern from the 1940s. The Charlotte pattern is often different on various pieces, but they are all Victorian basket designs.

These two barrel-shaped shakers are by Clarice Cliff in the Tonquin pattern from England, also from the 1940s. They currently list for about $60 EACH, making the $10 box a real bargain!

The two covered butter dishes are both Mason's English transferware. The one on the left is the Bow Bells pattern and the one on the right is the Stratford pattern.
I just love a good deal, especially if it is transferware!

Please check out the following parties to find more wonderful vintage, thrifty things:

Suzanne at Colorado Lady
for Vintage Thingies Thursday

Cindy at My Romantic Home
for Show and Tell Friday

Rhoda at Southern Hospitality
for Monday's Thrifty Treasures


  1. Hey the transferware and what a deal you asked about the box of $2. dishes at the flea market last Friday...Yes there were a few transfer pieces....small desert size dishes....Denise picked up one in red....

  2. I am no familiar with that pattern. You have a nice collection and it is very pretty. I like earth tones in most anything.

  3. You got a very good deal. I think the shakers are most interesting.

  4. Your collection is just beautiful and great goodness, what a bargain you got. You are a very lucky girl. Happy VTT..have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Oh these are stunning! I just saw a large set at Salvation Army yesterday, now you have me thinking I may just go back and grab them before someone else does. I ALWAYS do that- pass things up that catch my eye and when I do go back, they're usually gone. Cross your fingers for me, I need some of your good luck! Happy VTT and thanks for sharing these beauties!

  6. Brown transferware is so lovely, especially for a fall place setting. You found a real steal for $10!

  7. Over the past few years I've really come to love transferware. So pretty! Best of all....score!

  8. Beautiful transferware, and a fabulous deal!

  9. You sure did get a fantastic deal. I sell transferware and I've paid $10 just for the little flower pot to resell! I have some of all these patterns in my collection and in my store for sale. I love Charlotte, Tonquin and Bow Bells (the Calico looking butter dish). I love transferware in every color! Great find! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Hi Sally...

    Ohh my goodness, did get a great bargain! All those beautiful old pieces of brown transferware for just $10!!! I'm so happy for you were doin' your little happy dance! Hehe! All of the patterns on these pieces are just lovely...of course, I have yet to find a pattern of transferware that I didn't like! Hehe! Thank you so much for sharing them with us! where are you going to display them?

    How are you enjoying our beautiful weather? It has been in the high 60's here the last couple of days! Ohhh...I have Spring fever so bad! But, it sounds like we better brace ourselves! The weathman said snow tomorrow night and we could really be in for a storm in our neck of the woods! Eeeks! Well my friend, hope that my note finds you doing well! I was so glad to hear that your shoulder is doing so well! Thank the Lord!!!

    Love ya,
    PS...I see that your Mike had a birthday! Happy Birthday wishes being sent his way! Hmmm...he is going to go and work in an orchard in Japan this summer? Ohhh...that sounds so interesting! Good for him!!!

  11. Wow, I love the brown! It's fabulous...gracious

    Happy VTT

  12. I love the pieces, what a steal! You did good :)

    Happy VTT too
    -brightest blessings-

  13. Such a pretty collection - and oh my what a bargain!

  14. What a bargain for a great collection! I love the shape of the milk pitcher.

  15. I am a sucker for all transferware! I don't have any brown pieces yet but I really love yours. What a great deal you got!

  16. I love transferware. I am a blue and white girl myself, but it is pretty in brown too. And wow, what a great buy!

    Susan and Bentley

  17. I love this brown transfer wear! You really scored on the $10 box. The butterdish patterns are just beautiful!

  18. How do you girls do it... finding great bargains like this? I've always admired transferware in all the colors but have resisted collecting any until now. You bloggers are changing my mind. Does anybody have a post that explains what to look for, different patterns, etc. I would be so naive I'd pay $10 for something that wasn't worth a nickel!

  19. What a great deal! The arrangement in your header photo is so pretty.

  20. You found an excellent value for $10...each item is a wonderful design!

  21. Beautiful transferware. I am especially fond of the Charlotte pattern. Wonder why?

  22. This pattern color is really pretty. I am impressed in the price, how lucky you were! I love the salt and pepper shakers, those are really nice. have a great VTT!

  23. Such lovely transferware. I especially love it in the brown.

  24. I need a house with endless rooms so I can display everything I like......problem is I like everything .....your transfer ware is beautiful and what a bargain

  25. Wow, beautiful collection! The flower pot is especially pretty and what a bargain!

  26. What a great find! they are all lovely pieces.

  27. Oh my gosh! I LOVE brown transferware...and I so seldom get to see any! Yours is just lovely!!

  28. I love brown transferware! What a great deal! Thanks for sharing those pretty pieces!


  29. Jaw dropping deal you got there, Sally! You lucky ducky! I'm so jealous! I'm crazy for transferware. Love the Clarice Cliff S&Ps and the charlotte pattern is so pretty!


  30. Sally these are so beautiful and what a fabulous $10 find!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  31. Very Pretty, and you got a good deal.

  32. I can never get enough of brown transferware! You got a great deal on that box!

  33. absolutely Bee-You_Tee-Full! What a great post! I dropped in from "My Romantic Home" and am so happy that I did. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day soon when you get a moment. until later...

  34. omgosh, Sally got some WONDERFUL pieces here...and the price! Good grief...awesome!!
    I, too, love brown transferware..I don't have any. My mother left me the most complete and beautiful set that I've ever seen. I passed it right on to my daughter and she has 2 daughters that will get it someday.
    Congrats on getting such a fabulous deal...
    Is it cold there in Colorado..? Bet it is. We are supposed to get more snow here tonight. brrr
    xo bj

  35. I luv luv the pattern and what a bargain..
    Have an inspiring weekend,

  36. I can't tell you how cool that I think it is that you have a *family* collection of rolling pins...that is just awesome! I also enjoyed looking at your transferware...
    have fun watching bb :)

  37. Fanastic bargain!!! Those are all such lovely pieces.


  38. My oh my, I cannot adequately express, yet I shall try; just how much I enjoyed these brown transferware dishes that you have shared today my dear lady!.., Perhaps it is their beauty as well as the comforting nostalgia that they also evoke!..,

    Do pop by for a visit sometime!...,

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The plumed Pen

  39. What a great bargain!! I've never really payed much attention to transfer ware. Thanks for teaching us.

  40. I'm such a sucker for transfer ware. You sure found some treasures at bargain prices, that's the best today we have sun and warmer temps, what a difference a day makes..hugs ~lynne~

  41. Morning girl! What a great deal you got for $10....I would have paid that just for the shakers alone...ohhh my eyes went straight to them first!!!! lol Beautiful pieces did good! Hope you are having a great week my friend...~Picket~

  42. Oh My Gosh! What a deal! It's all beautiful. I especially love the s-p shakers and the covered butter dishes (with covers intact!). laurie
