
Saturday, March 27, 2010


I admit it - I'm nosy! I love learning about what people read; what makes them tick; what their interests are. I never sit down with a shelter magazine without my magnifying glass, so that I can check out the books displayed in homes. Then, I'm terrible when going to some one's home straining to see what's on their book shelves.

Well, turn about is fair play. Here are some of our bookshelves and a chance to learn a little about us.

I'm a proud third-generation native Coloradan. We have an extensive library on Colorado history.

Once an engineer, always an engineer. Bob retired after a 44-year career as a Civil Engineer.

Ah, yes, the cookbooks! You would think I liked to cook. WRONG. Even though I have the cookbook, "The JOY of Cooking"; I never found much joy in it. The large collection of cookbooks is only because I'm not very creative when cooking, but have certainly cooked thousands of meals in 51 years of marriage.

My favorites on the bookshelves are my decorating books. I read them over and over.

I spent 20 years as a professional quilter making quilts and doing designs for publication; so there are quite a few quilt books.

Then, there is the antiquing and collecting habit. Bob and I share this hobby.

We love to travel, but got a late-in-life start at that. We do have a couple of great trips planned for 2011. Bob is the one interested in foreign languages - I just limp along in that department.

Oh, yes, we have even written a couple of books around here.

I'm a magazine junkie. Someone (that would be me) really needs to purge. But how can you throw out every issue of Mary Engelbreit's magazine or copies of Romantic Home from 1992.

And, of course, there is the most important book of all.

What are on your bookshelves? Do they tell your story?


  1. I also enjoy spying other peoples bookshelves -- whether in person, in magazines or in books!
    It is so much fun to spot a title that I own also.

  2. I love books, too! There's a family nearby that was on our Wiggins Christmas tour a year ago with a LONG wall of book cases across the length of the basement wall. Now I'm curious--what is that book about by Mike!

    We missed this last storm but had horrible cold wind today. Hope you will have some nice weather this next week. ♥♫

  3. Sally- I am a book lover too though I wish my books were more organized like yours!! When we moved in the house I just started unpacking them on the shelves and really need to take the time to organize them. We have books in our bedroom, large bookcases in the study, bills study and the living room!

    What is it with this weather??? We had snow on and off all day today! Had to cancel Wednesday nights study and 3 appointments I had in Rye this morning because it was snowing hard there!

    I haven't forgotten about us getting together- we have more company coming in next weekend so am working on that and we should get the building in a few days so that needs some good cleaning so we can have our first service there on Easter Sunday!!

    Let me know if you guys decide to get down this way! Bill has a board meeting in May and they will be meeting in Canyon City so maybe I can see you then if not before!

    Are you all healed up from your surgery?

    bee blessed

  4. Hi there!
    I so admire your book collection and your ability to display it so beautifully! I'm a little envious!

    Hope my comment finds you well!

  5. Wow! You have a lot of books and that's wonderful. I love the decorating books. Our bookcase has more knick knacks than books. I asked dh to take his medical books to the clinic cause I was running out of room, lol....Christine

  6. Sorry...I had to laugh when I saw all the wonderful cookbooks!!...I saw alot or most look like cookbooks from from churchs and ladies groups...Those are the best of all...great decorating books and ofcourse your huge stash of magazines...the Boss made me throw out all my Country Living...going all the way back to the very fist issue...a few years was a sad sad day....I managed to hide all the Bon Apetit and Gourmets....
    Oh I wanted to tell you that daughter has made her first sale of a quilt...her friends mother is having her make a baby quilt...she was very excited to actually make a sale....she's getting very good at it and in May is taking a class at the local quilt store....

  7. Cute post. I am a magazine junkie too! I have all my Victoria's neatly organized in binders and my Romantic Homes and Home Companions. How could I ever part with them?

    On my bookshelves? Susan Branch cookbooks, books about tea, travel books about England, Ireland, and France.

  8. Looking through your shelves was fun! I'd like those decorating books and I was so impressed with your authorship of a whole stack of books... Wow! I'm not a quilter but I'd like to see your quilts. Maybe I'll snoop around in your past posts, huh? That sounds like more fun than cleaning out MY bookshelf... I really do need to do that! Your post reminded me! Something's gotta go; there's no more room!!!
