
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Spring in Colorado is a tenuous thing. We can have warm days and cold nights, then cool days and warm nights. The wind can blow; it can rain, snow, and hail. As a matter of fact, we had ALL of the above this past weekend.  On Monday morning, the sun was shining and it was snowing at the same time!

The roses don't leaf out much until May, and don't bloom until June. We can have apple blossoms and lilacs in April/May, but maybe not depending on if we get a really hard freeze in March.  We can plant our snap peas on St. Pat's day, but don't dare set out the tomatoes until after Mother's day

One thing that has always been dependable is our bleeding heart plant. Mine is in a sheltered, shady spot and it flourishes.

Is there anything more beautiful and a greater reminder of God's plan and creation?

I'm joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer
for Outdoor Wednesday.


  1. Oh, it is so pretty. I don't have any of these. I need to check to see if they will grow here. laurie

  2. That is a very lovely flower. I've never had one, so that may be on my list later this spring. Too windy to do any planting yet! ♥♫

  3. What a beauty. I think they will grow in my area of California. Will check them out when I head to the nursery this week. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Jane T.

  4. I like Bleeding Hearts, but I have never attempted to grow them. I will to check to see if they will grow in my zone.

    ~ Tracy

  5. Your flower is gorgeous, Sally! I think bleeding hearts are one of the most beautiful flowers....Christine

  6. I have one little bleeding heart on my plant that I planted last year.!

    Have I asked you about hydrangeas? I would love to grow some- do you have any?

    Sounds like it will be windy all day today- ;{

    bee blessed

  7. Isn't it amazing that something this fragile looking comes out so early?

    My MIL and Mom both have beautiful Bleeding Heart plants.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  8. Some of the most beautiful work of art is provided by nature. Your state has plenty to share. Sometimes our bleeding hearts are stronger than we think

  9. We have had a crazy spring-- I am from Colorado too.

  10. We always manage to visit in Colorado in the spring. "Course we head that way for the snow still in the mountains but it is funny how you never do know what sort of weather you'll have from one day to the next! Those bleeding hearts sure are pretty.
    Happy Outdoor Wednesday- CailinMarie

  11. Hi Sally! This is the prettiest of all blooms! I don't get to see this in person very often.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Bleeding heart is such a beautiful and delicate flower. I have always loved them but never had any in my garden.

    Thanks for posting a sweet comment on my blog.
