
Friday, April 23, 2010


We don't need a thing, but we still are drawn to yard sales and auctions. Bob does buy some furniture to fix up and resell; but I try not to buy more stuff!! This is what has come home with us recently, however.

How can you not love children's chairs? The red one is 22" tall and was $1 - Bob did have to do some repair work and give it a new paint job. The wooden one is only 16" tall costing $3 and did require some work, also. The red one will probably be resold, but I haven't been able to give up the little one yet.

At a yard sale this past weekend, we bought this table shown below for $7.50. It only required some tightening up and some furniture cleaner; and is living here at our house for now.

The vintage throw in the background came from the auction at my great-grandparent's homestead. It was in a box of linens; but when I saw I was bidding against one of my favorite cousins, I stopped bidding. After she won the bid, she asked me what I wanted out of the box. I told her and she gave it to me for FREE. Thanks, Jane - I owe you.

Back in the 1960s, my aunt gave me the Blue Willow covered milk jug. It had belonged to her in laws, and she said, in disgust, that it just wasn't her style. I was thrilled and have always loved it. It is marked Buffalo China with a 1911 date. I always look for Buffalo China Blue Willow when we are out and about junking and antiquing, but in all of these years I have only found this platter and bread and butter plate. I don't think they are particularly scarce or valuable - they just haven't crossed my path.

Considering the amount of dishes I have amassed the last 50 years, it is probably a good thing that come collections have remained small!

We also picked up this past weekend another table for $7.50 at a yard sale and a table for $5.00 at an auction. When Bob finishes doing his magic on those I'll post about them.

I will be joining Rhoda at Southern Hospitality
for Monday's Thrifty Treasures party


Marty at
A Stroll Thru Life

for Table top Tuesday.

Check out their great blogs for more party participators!


  1. I love those little chairs! I saw one at Goodwill the other day and passed it up (got something else). Love the dishes too!


  2. Hi Sally! Love those little chairs! And you know I love the Blue Willow! Have a wonderful weekend...hugs...Debbie

  3. Your little chairs are just wonderful. I love them. The blue willow is fabulous. Great treasures. Hugs, Marty

  4. Hey Miss Sally....I didn't know Buffalo China made a Blue Willow
    pattern...I love that pitcher...I will certainly keep my eye out for you....but boy you sure find bargains...and the two ladies above me...they find the best stuff at our local GW....I don't know how you guys do the thrift store I paid $20 for that butter dish....I should have had my head examined!!

  5. Wish we were a little closer to Pueblo for garage sales. We had to go to the big city a few Saturdays ago( the weekend of the quilt fair) and I got to a few then and found just a few things among which was a wonderful chair for $2.00! Will have to show it one of these days! I just can't seem to get the time to do all the post I want to!

    We were supposed to go and help an elderly lady today but she called and canceled at the last minute so Bill helped me take some things to my booth space and I got it spruced up a bit. Amazing how dusty that front space gets being right by the door!

    bee blessed

  6. You found wonderful things, Sally, Those little chairs are so sweet. It is difficult for me to resist bringing more childrens chairs home. I love 'em!

    Happy Weekend!

  7. I love the little chairs...especially that tiny one! How cute....

  8. Hi, Sally, those are some sweet chairs. And I know what you mean, I don't need a thing either, but I still have to go yardsaling. Thanks for playing this week.

  9. Oh those chairs are so adorable, Sally, so cute! And what a great buy! The throw's very pretty. How lucky for you to get it for free, what a nice cousin! Lovely dishes!...Christine

  10. Oh just the sweetest little chairs! And what a deal on those tables!

  11. The chairs are wonderful and I love your dishes!
    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  12. Those chairs are just precious and of course blue and white dishes always make my heart smile..


  13. Oh, those little chairs are irresistible! Darling! I love your Blue Willow vignette -- and I'm glad to know that's a covered milk jug. I have a similar piece in another pattern and wondered what it was used for.

  14. I am crazy about little chairs. I use them on table tops all of the time. I also like your blue and white china!!

    Susan and Bentley

  15. I love the children's chairs and yes I would keep them. Thanks for sharing.
