
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I'm back from my blogging break. I am feeling much better, and can breathe again (important, you know?). I've had some time to knock out a couple of projects, and take care of some obligations.

Our grandkids said that one thing they wanted to do this summer was make sock monkeys. It seems their Momma will not let them play with her childhood monkey, and they wanted their own!

Little fingers are great for stuffing monkey tails, until they discovered that fiberfill is great for making a mess with fake beards.

Meet "Miss Priss" and "Camo Rambo".

They are kind of cute in a monkey sort of way.

One of the obligations that I had pending was a speaking engagement about 'Signature Quilts'. I don't do a lot of this type of thing anymore, so it took me a little time to get my act together. Wyatt, our 8-year-old grandson wanted to go hear what Grammy had to say. So, after I put the fear of God and Grammy into him about his behavior, his Momma brought him. He is our social one, so after my talk and during the 'meet and mingle'; he was out working the crowd! An overheard conversation went something like this: Friend: "Do you know that your grandmother is a famous quiltmaker?" Wyatt: "Oh, I know, I've read allllllllll of her books." (In reality, there are only 2 books, and hardly 2nd grade reading material.) Second conversation with another friend discussing his part in my success: Wyatt: "My sister helped with the drawings and samples for the book; but I was just a baby and not much help." (In reality, Caitlin was 5 years old at the time; and I was just producing busy work to stay 2 steps ahead of them, so that I could have 10 minutes of time to concentrate.) Needless to say, with his charm and cute freckles, he managed to engage the group. Do you suppose he will grow up to be a real press agent for someone really famous?

Summertime for us is all about the grandchildren. More projects and excursions are planned.

I'll be linking up with Donna at Funky Junk Interiors
for her Saturday Nite Special (sewing section) party. Please check her blog out for all kinds of fun inspiration.


  1. Hey...we were both gone for awhile!! Dear Sally you are back!
    it looks like you and the grandkids had fun with the sock monkees....I had fun on vacation with Miss B and the parents...just posted some pics from Martha's know me...something always goes started out on the wrong foot but improved as the week went by....I was happy though to get home then I got the call from daughter that we are due back on the 21st. for babysitting duty...18 hours in the VW Bug..that I am not looking forward too!!

  2. Hi Dear Sally! Glad you're back. Look like you've been having some fun with your grands! Cute little sock monkies! How proud your little grand is of his granmommy! :)
    Glad you're back!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Your grandkids are so much fun, Sally, and those sock monkeys are so cute. You truly are very creative and talented!..Christine

  4. Glad you are back! I hope you have wonderful plans for the weekend. I have my CT next week...but otherwise I am doing good. Thanks for asking.

  5. Sally, love those photos of your grands making beards with fiberfill. The sock monkeys are so cute. They look like they each have a special personality. I think your grandson may turn into a politian! He sounds like such a charming little boy. I'm so glad you're feeling better. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. laurie

  6. LOL I think that Wyatt already IS a press agent for someone famous!

    Your grandchildren are beauties and have great personalities!

    Have a Happy 4th! Live dangerously; eat a hamburger!

  7. Great to have you back! We all need a break now and then and yours was well deserved. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend (providing those dern sock monkeys don't start any monkey business!).


  8. We just got back too, and your pics look like you were having a ton of fun. Love spending time with the grands. We have an 18yr. old grandson here visiting. Such fun. Hope you have a super 4th. Hugs, Marty

  9. Hi sweet friend! I am so sorry you have had such fits with asthma! I understand this so well! Hope you are feeling much better!
    SO glad to see you back, even though I have been a baaad blogger of late!
    You have had lots of fun haven't you?? Your grandchildren are just precious...and those monkeys!! TOO cute!!
    Love to you Sally!

  10. The sock monkeys are adorable. Your grandson sounds like he's a real charmer.

  11. Oh I adore this project. It is going in my style file for sure!

    Happy 4th of July!
