
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This week we are getting all new windows in our 25-year-old house. They will be energy efficient, easier to clean, etc. etc. While we are looking forward to having them, we are not looking forward to all of the work involved in getting ready for the installation. Plus, then we will have to get our life back in order!

Everything within three feet of every window must be cleared out. That means this huge receptacle of my dish addiction must be emptied and moved. (When I remembered to take this picture, the top and the top shelf had already been cleared.) Because of the weight involved, this thing is bolted to the wall.

This one, too!!

And, this one.

And, this one.

Well, you know, if you are going to move all of these dishes, you might as well wash them all before you temporarily pack them away.

It's not just the dishes - there is the art work, the furniture, the stuff, stuff, etc. Thank goodness it will not disrupt the kitchen too much.

I'll be back to blogging in a couple of weeks when I get my life back together.


  1. Oh my that sound like a lot of work Sally!! I know your vast array of beautiful dishes- you have a ton of them!!! Know you are looking forward to having new windows!!

    Had DH thought about doing something with the old ones? Have you seen the pretty green houses they make using windows??

    One of our sweet ladies in Aguilar fell broke her hip today so we will be in Pueblo tomorrow to visit her in hospital-

    bee blessed

  2. My, you are going to be busy! Maybe you could play and take pictures of table settings--as if you'll have time for that!

    I want to paint a little, but I'm not looking forward to it because of all the preparation it will take!
    Maybe I'll just be happy with getting the front door painted! ♥♫

  3. We'll miss you! I don't envy you that job! Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Well congrats on all the new windows girl but all that moving and packing stuff mercy...maybe when it's over you'll rearrange and feel like you are in a new house! lol Oh and if when you start putting back all those gorgeous dishes and discover that they don't all fit...just send them my way...I'll 'store' them for you! lol Take care sweetie and have a great weekend...Picket~

  5. You have been so busy bless your heart!! That is a lot of work!! I need to do mine...whew. Just thinking about it tires me out!!
