
Sunday, August 22, 2010


I'm still busy working six days a week getting ready for the humungous estate sale. And when you are over 70, working like that is much harder than when you are 20!! But, this type of work sure has its benefits when you are an antiquer (junker) like me. The workers have first crack at the goodies. The only rule is that someone else must do the pricing of the item you have your eye on. I've brought home quite a few wonderful things so far. Here are a couple of them.

The plate is Bavarian, the colors are luscious, and the bird is a delight - and only $3.00. Again for $3.00, this tiny (2 1/4") transferware pitcher is marked 'Rural England'.

I have lots more to show you on future posts. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, our garden did not get the message that I'm busy. Must do something about all of these tomatoes soon.

Enjoy a new week!

I'm linking up with the following parties:

Rhoda at Southern Hospitality

for Thrifty Treasures


Linda at Coastal Charm
for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays

Check out these blogs for a plethora of thrifty finds.


  1. Oh I love the browns in those pretty transfer ware pieces! Nice prices, too. I bet you DID find some more nice things. LOL about your garden not getting the message about producing so much! Wish I could take some off your hands. *grin*

  2. Both pieces are stunning. I love the bird too and the colors are gorgeous. What great finds and such terrific prices too. Hugs, Marty

  3. HI Sally! Oh, I'd love to be there helping you get the sale set up! :)
    What a beautiful plate and tiny pitcher. This part would be so much fun!
    Now your tomatoes are gorgeous! Again, if I were closer...I'd take some off your most tiny hands! ;)
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;0

  4. Hi Sally...came to visit from Coastal Charm and urge you to join Apron Thrift Girl's Monday Thrift Share...She strikes me as a thirty something version of yourself...You two should "meet"!

  5. The plate is lovely. I have a thing for old style bird paintings.

  6. Sally what pretty pieces!! I bet you are having fun getting to see all wonderful items in the estate!! When and where is the estate sale? I think it would be fun to go if our schedule allowed!


  7. Good eye! Love that plate, such beautiful colors. You are working hard but it sounds like fun.

    Luscious tomatoes, yum!

  8. Sally...Amazing price on that adorable pitcher! And the plate, too! Sounds like fun but exhausting work...worth it for those great finds! :) Hope you are doing great!

  9. Agreeing with Susan on that adorable pitcher...and look at all those tomatoes...if I lived near you I would be making you some homemade tomato sauce...

  10. What gorgeous pieces! I love the plate and the pitcher.
    My tomatoes are gone for the year!

  11. WOW! you sure know a bargain when you see it. I want a job like yours. BIG smile.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  12. These are gorgeous pieces, Sally!

    I think our tomatoes are finished. J got the last of them yesterday. Ours aren't as pretty as yours.

  13. Both of those pieces are beautiful! Oh shoot! I REALLY want to go to this sale! laurie
