
Friday, September 3, 2010


Continuing with a few more treasures I purchased from the endless estate sale, the plate below is a souvenir plate from Boston. The plate is from an English Staffordshire pottery and shows the Boston Library. It was right in my budget for transferware souvenir plates of $3.00.

I've been attracted for several months now with Victorian era quadruple-plate silver serving pieces. These two are my first purchases, however, both for $10 a piece. The spooner on the left holds some of my collection of Victorian sugar spoons and the cream pitcher on the right has an attached lid. I'm smitten with both pieces!!

In front of the spooner and creamer are three sugar spoons that I bought at the estate sale for $3 a piece.

More treasures to come on future posts.

Marty-- does a shelf in my china cupboard count as a tabletop? Hope so as I'm linking to your Table Top Tuesday event. Be sure to check out
A Stroll Thru Life
for more table top inspiration.

I'm also linking to the following parties:

Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Treasures


Linda at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays

Be sure to check them out for other thrifty finds.


  1. Hi Sally...

    Oooh...I am really enjoying looking at all of your estate treasure finds, my friend! Love the transferware souvineer plate but ohhh my, those fabulous silver pieces really did make my ol' heart skip a beat! They're gorgeous!!! What a great deal too! Thank you for sharing your pretties with us!

    Well my friend, it was a scorcher here at our place today but the wind is really blowing now...another cool front is making it's way in! It's supposed to only get in the low 70's tomarrow! The perfect temp for me! Hehe! Hope ya'll are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Darrin and Danielle are here with us. It's been awhile since they've been here, we're enjoying them! Russell is out grilling hamburgers right now and then we're going to watch a family movie! I'll talk with you later, sweet friend!

    Love ya,

  2. The sugar spoons are so pretty! Nice finds. :) I love estate sales---there's almost always something neat to bring home. Visiting from Rhoda's Thrifty Treasure party. Hope you'll stop by and say hi. :)

  3. HI Sally! Oh, what lovelies you found at the estate sale! The plate is lovely and those silver pieces! Gorgeous! This must have been the most fun job!! :)
    Well, I've changed my tiny mind, I won't sleep on the countertops! :)
    Have a great Labor Day!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Such pretty sugar spoons Sally! I do love pretty silver!

    Had an AMF family stay with us this weekend on way back home to California. Another couple comes tomorrow and my sis and mom may be up this next weekend so it looks like I need to change some linens!!

    Bee blessed

  5. Thanks for coming to my NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS PARTY with all your treasures...I really love all your silver!


  6. Everything is absolutely beautiful, Sally!

  7. Sally, you are really find some fabulous treasures and at fabulous prices! I would love to come to this estate sale. That plate is gorgeous, and of course the beautiful silver is a treasure. Lucky you! laurie

  8. Gorgeous finds! I just love estate sales. Great job!!!

  9. Your silver is just beautiful, what great finds!

  10. Sally, it definitely counts. This is just stunning. What wonderful finds. Your plate is fabulous and the silver is all exquisite. So beautiful. I would love to find a spooner. Yours is gorgeous. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  11. Sally my Dear friend..Girl I love the victorian silver pieces..but will tell you I love all that hand painted china I also see there WOW!! is it german or Prussia...Hope all is well in your world my dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  12. You are so lucky to have had first dibs at all the good stuff in this estate sale! Love the silver- I always look for it when I'm out. And what a great bargain on the transferware plate, too.
    :-) Sue

  13. I just love that silver - so beautiful and unusual! I'm glad it found a great home! Linda

  14. Oh Sally, I love those Victorian silver pieces. I've always been attracted to them, I love the etching. What great finds, the Boston souvenir transferware is awesome!...Christine

  15. Oh I LOVE the silver bargains you got at the estate sale... WOW, they are REAL treasures...
    I Love mismatched silver pieces. The more, the better...
    Have a wonderful week,

  16. Hi Sally!
    Well I love Estate sales I almost always come home with something special! Be sure to check out my most recent find! But back to your gorgeous silver! Love the spoons, the spooner and the creamer. Beautiful pattern and lines. Great finds! Thanks for sharing these beauties! Hugs!

  17. I love estate sales. You can find the best stuff at them. I love your silver finds. They are beautiful.
