
Thursday, September 23, 2010


A couple of years ago while we were in Paris, we went to this department store called 'Galleries Lafayette'. The architecture was amazing.

While there I bought my granddaughter a sparkly, Paris t-shirt. She came bounding in the other day with this pink and bling t-shirt on. After I commented that she had just about out-grown the shirt; she said, "But, I love it sooooo much!"

So, it was decided that it would live on in a pillow. I found some fabric that coordinates with her shams and comforter and added them to the knit of the shirt. This is the result:

I cut out the label and put it on the back of the pillow.

She was excited today when she came after school to find her new pillow.

This is a good solution for those much-loved t-shirts that just won't disappear!

A couple of hints:

When combining knits with a woven fabric, it helps to stabilize the knit with an iron-on interfacing before sewing to your fabric. This eliminates any stretching that might occur.

If you don't want to spend the money for a down pillow insert, or even for a quality fiber-fill insert; check the pillow section at Wal-mart. I found this 14" x 20" travel pillow to use for the insert and it was just $2.00. You certainly can't make it for that money; and they are great for teen-age rough and tumble!

I'm linking to Donna's Saturday Night Special
on Funky Junk Interiors.


Susan's Metamorphosis Monday
on Between Naps on the Porch.

Check these two blogs out for inspiration beyond belief!!


  1. This is a fabulous pillow....and idea. Love it...

  2. Now that is such a creative idea and the pillow is stunning. Your granddaughter is so cute. What a thrill for her to still have her beloved tee shirt. Great hint on the pillow forms too. Hugs, Marty

  3. Great idea! I bet she adores her new pillow!

    Is that blog header pic a recent photo? Are the leaves already turning
    where you live?

  4. Sally, you are so clever, and your darling granddaughter is so lucky! That turned out great. laurie

  5. O, Sally, O, Sally...It has taken almost a year for me to get the pieces for my bedroom. I so know all about how stingy Social Security is..dang it!! Oh, well, I am glad to have what we do have.
    The quilt I have been waiting for just went on sale..$40. off so I ordered it right away. I need a few more things for the bed but I have enuf that I can start putting it together. Gotta remove that dang border and then paint and THEN...set up the bed, in all it's glory. I guess taking so long to get it together will surely make me more proud of it...HOWEVER, just once, I would like to buy the WHOLE thing, all at one time.*sigh

  6. Hi Sally! What a great idea! I know that pillow was sooo appreciated! I find great inserts...down, Goodwill for about $3.00! I LOVE Galleries Lafayette, too! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
