
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sheila at Note Songs
is having a party today to celebrate "The Heart of the Home". I think she means the kitchen. Right?

Oh, I thought that was the dish storage room, as I don't have much of a passion for cooking.

But my joy lies in collecting dishes.

Don't get me wrong -- I do know how to cook and can put a decent meal on the table as I've had lots of practice -- just not much joy in that activity. See my kitchen is really functional - it has a stove, lots of storage and counter space.

It has a sink - I like it best when it is empty and clean!

There are well-used utensils close at hand - some I've had since we got married 52 years ago

I do enjoy looking at my kitchen - these old Ball canning jars have held my supply of macaroni and rice for at least 40 years. I remember the day we bought them (the jars, not the rice) at an auction in Montana.

My favorite time in the kitchen is cleaning up and turning out the lights for another day!

Be sure to go over to Sheila's - I'm sure you will find lots of kitchens belonging to passionate cooks. One just doesn't reside here!


  1. Hi Sally...

    My friend, I think this is the first time that I have seen your kitchen in its entirety! Ohhh...Sally, it's beautiful...I love it! Girlfriend, I had to giggle when I read what you wrote about "Oh...this is a kitchen and not a dish collectors room"! Hehe! I totally agree with you about the cooking part! I CAN's just not my favorite thing to do! I sure had fun getting to peek at some of your fabulous dish collection behind those pretty glass cabinet doors! Ohhh...I love glass doors! I hope to have a few in my new kitchen! Well, a gal has got to have a dream...right? I have been dreaming about a kitchen remodel for years! Someday, maybe! I also loved getting to see your pretty table and chairs, Sally! Girlfriend, your kitchen and dining area is really beautiful! I loved getting a tour!!! Thank you!!! I also wanted to tell you that I took a peek at your last post! I am sooo envious!!! I would love to have a demijohn and like you...I have never seen one to purchase. I think $5 is a great buy!!! I'm so happy for you, dear friend! Really!!! But still green with envy! Hehe!

    So glad that you stopped by for a visit yesterday! Mary had told me that ya'll were coming for a visit. I bet ya'll had a great time together! Ahhh...that Mary is just the sweetest...isn't she? So do you have your sweater pumpkins out for autumn? I am really enjoying mine! Well dear friend, it looks like cold weather has moved into Colorado. We are only getting up to the mid 50's heat is going! It's kind of misty too...brrrr!!!

    Have a wonderful day, sweet friend!

    Love ya,

  2. I've seen MANY pictures of Hoosier style cabinets on these blogs but yours is the closest to looking like mine. Is it a Wilson Cabinet? The only difference between yours and mine is that mine has yellowy gold slag glass in the little windows. My sponge painting along the edge is blue. Is yours? We have very good taste in kitchen cabinets!


  3. I also prefer collecting dishes to preparing food...but do it of necessity! Your kitchen is warm, inviting and very attractively designed.
    Thanks for sharing this appealing space,

  4. So glad you joined and showed off your wonderful kitchen! I have always loved your kitchen with those white cabinets and that awesome Hoosier of yours!

    I never would have guessed by the way you cook that you don't prefer to! I get in moods-sometimes I love it and sometimes I just do it because we have to eat!

    Just got home from the chat and coffee and my it has been cold!! Getting ready to get the first fire started of the season in the stove!! Yippee!!

    bee blessed

  5. I like collecting dishes rather than preparing them too. Sounds like there are a lot of us out there! Oh, I've done my share of cooking and baking, don't get me wrong but I do love dinner out! Love your kitchen! Love the colours and your china behind the glass is making me swoon!


  6. What a cute post. Your kitchen is very charming. I hope you'll drop by Atticmag to see our kitchens - it's a three for one!


  7. Every time I visit you, I see another area in which we are similar. Today is yet another time we are alike. My kitchen has been named a "low maintenance" one. LOL

  8. Sally, I love EVERYTHING in your kitchen. Now I know where to come borrow dishes from .... hmmmm! And that island looks like the old butchering blocks, love the legs, awesome piece.

    Have a beautiful eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  9. Sally, I just love your pretty kitchen. I love all those glass door cabinets that show off your dish collection..:)

  10. Your post made me smile. I do like cooking, somewhere in me, but right now as a stay-at-home mom it's much more a chore than a pleasure. Thanks for the smile!

  11. Oh how I love your dish collecting room! I dream of having a room like this one day. Maybe once my kids are all grown I can turn my kitchen into a dish collecting room too! I also love that rug and the size of it!

  12. Beautiful kitchen you have. I suppose after all of those years, you deserve some play time and collect dishes. You dishes are wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing all of them...Linda

  13. Oh I love me a dish too! This is a perfect storage room. :) Seriously! What a great kitchen! :)


  14. Hi Sally! OH, I love your non cooked in kitchen! You know I'm all for the dish collecting too! You have some great cabinets for storing and playing with them! :) Love your island and that Hoosier! I don't know if I've seen that before!! Thank you so much, Sally, from the bottom of my heart for coming to my party!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Hi Sally!

    Well, at least you're honest, right? :D I love your kitchen...I love the glass doors on your cabinets to display the dish storage! :) So pretty!

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  16. What a great kitchen. I also love my sink clean and EMPTY. It never stays that way for long though.
    I love your kitchen. It is very homey.

  17. Sister I hear you, I don't like to cook! Love your bright, charming and inviting!! Great post!

  18. Your kitchen is beautiful Sally!

  19. Your kitchen is gorgeous. Love all of your dish storage, what a blessing. Your hoosier is fabulous. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  20. So beautiful kitchen and a great collection of dishes!


  21. All I can say is OMG! That's what I need - a dish storage room! I don't really like cooking so I'd rather convert all my cupboards to dish storage too! Wonder if my husband and daughter will go for that idea :) Love it!!! Want it!!


  22. Just beautiful and I love your collection of dishes. Very pretty indeed.

  23. Your kitchen is wonderful. I too believe the kitchen should be used for beautiful dish storage and very minimal food preparation and cooking.

  24. You have a lovely kitchen. And I share your passion for collecting dishes. Wish I had the storage you have!

  25. Beautiful warm kitchen!

    Take care!

  26. Sally, your china storage room is great! I love the chopping block and the Hoosier cabinet. I got a chuckle out of you saying you didn't buy the rice, etc. at an auction years ago! Love the plates hanging on the soffit. They give so much personality to the space. laurie

  27. Your kitchen is absolutely lovely!

  28. I love your dish storage room! It is a pain to have to get in there and cook isn't it? LOL. I have a ton of dishes in my kitchen but I do cook in it too. You have some glorious dishes. Don't be afraid to use them.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. Hi Sally....boy do I feel like I have been gone forever...I am in love with your butchers block but I have never seen your hoosier cabinet's wonderful...your whole kitchen is so cozy...can't believe you really don't like to cook....oh sure you do!!......hope your doing well and hopefully I will be back checking out my favorite blogs now that I have almost recovered from Boo eyes are still swollen....think I will be dogless for awhile...

  30. Beautiful kitchen! I know what you mean about not having a lot of joy in cooking. My husband is passionate about cooking and I drive him crazy because I just don't care. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments!
