
Sunday, December 19, 2010


I have become a 'blurbarian' as I have now 'blurbed'. I learned how to 'slurp' my blog, and have had contact with the 'blurberati'! Yes, I am now addicted to, which has a very easy, free software to download called Booksmart that allows you to create books. I was surprised at how inexpensive it was to have your book printed for gifts and for your own use. This is what I have been up to on Blurb. I found it hard to photograph the books for this post; the pictures in the books really are sharp and clear.

Last Christmas, I scrapbooked (the old-fashioned way with papers & adornments) pictures of my Mother-in-law's ancestors. This year, we wanted to gather together some of the pictures since her marriage in 1931. She is now 96 years old, and we thought she might enjoy a look back. Here is a sample of the Blurb book we created. Below are family pictures from her 90th birthday and 95th birthday. There are about 60 pictures total in this little book - the cost was under $20, as Blurb gave me a promotional code for free shipping.
Since my granddaughter was about 8 years old, we have scrapbooked (again the old fashioned way) a photo book for her to give her parents of the pictures that I have taken of the kids during the previous year. Since Caitlin is definitely of the computer generation, she was excited to give Blurb a try. She had so much fun choosing different backgrounds, colors, fonts, etc. for each page. Once again, the cost was under $20. I know I have spent way more than that in previous years for a binder, papers, and stickers.

The following book was the reason I checked out Blurb in the first place. This blog was started as a journal to record and photograph a variety of things for my descendants (if they are interested). So, I thought it would be a good idea to have a hard copy of my posts. This book ended up being 372 pages long with a little over two years of posts. I had it bound as a hardcover book, so it was more expensive at about $60.

Some examples of the pages:

It was very easy to 'slurp' my blog posts and all the pictures into Booksmart. It took some editing to transform it from a blog format to more of a book format, but I enjoyed the process. In the middle of the editing, we had to buy a new computer which caused a few problems during transfer of data. But, the blurbarati (the technical staff) were quick to respond to my email with lots of suggestions and ideas.

I can think of all kinds of books I now want to do. For instance, I'm thinking of a book of all the Christmas pictures from the last 52 years; or maybe a book with pictures of the houses we have lived in during our married life. Yes, I do have a lot of pictures.

By the way, did not compensate me for this post. I just enjoyed my experiences and wanted to share!


  1. Hi Sally! What a great idea! That would make a wonderful gift, too! Thanks for telling us about it! Wishing a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!...hugs...Debbie

  2. So cool! I've bookmarked that so I can take closer look later. THanks for sharing you fab find!

  3. What a super idea!

    I'm just popping in to wish you a Blessed Christmas, my good blogging friend!

  4. I am definitely going to check out slurping and blurbing, Sally!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the best in 2011!

  5. Christmas Blessings to you and your family, From my mountain to yours Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Isn't Blurb wonderful!! And your books are truly treasures..for you and for your family.
    I have given several as gifts and they are always met with a great response! Personal and so meaningful.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas sweet friend. I think about you so often...even when I am being a bad blogger!
    Sending you many hugs and wishes for a blessed 2011!
