
Sunday, January 16, 2011


I'm going to take an extended break from posting on my blog. I need a new camera, and with my limited budget for things like that, it may be awhile.
In the meantime, I'll still be lurking around in blogland, visiting my favorite blogs, and making comments. The blog world is such a source of inspiration for me that I could never give that up. PLUS, all of the wonderful friends I have made through blogging the last 2 1/2 years has been an unexpected bonus.
I hope you don't forget me - hopefully I'll be back sooner rather than later!
Best wishes to all of you!


  1. Oh so sad you won't be posting. I always look forward to your posts. Please do pop in and say hello, I love hearing from you also. Come back real soon. Hugs, Marty

  2. I hope you get the camera of your dreams soon. Sarah has wanted one for several years and must wait like we do. I'm just lucky she lets me use her simple digital or I'd not be doing any blogging.

    Be sure to visit once in a while! ♥♫

  3. I hope you enjoy your blogging break, and come back when you are ready!
    As Marty has already said, Pop in and say Hello!
    Best wishes for a wonderful New Year -- Cass

  4. Oh, Sally! I'm going to miss you! I hope you'll find the camera you want and I want you to know you've been an inspiration to me! I love coming to see you and will look forward to your return! Take care.
    Be a sweetie,

  5. So many of us are pausing or stopping completely. I guess we've worn out. I'm down to posting once a week on Mondays; daily blogging was eating up my life.

    I will never forget you. How could I? You have such a beautiful name!

  6. Well Sally, I hope you accomplish what you want during your hiatus. It can be trying to contemplate new posts, take oodles of pictures, and then spend time visiting. I just don't have the time any more, so I'm cutting back on who I read and follow. I've deleted so many people and feel bad about it, but tastes change and often, people's blogs no longer meet our needs! I have so much to do that my own posts will be few and far between. Thanks for stopping by. Take care! ~ Sue

  7. Hi, Sally girl..I think we all need breaks every now and then, for whatever reasons.

    Believe me, we will never forget you..take your break and then come on back.
    love, bj

  8. Oh, go get a camera and come back soon! You will be missed!!

  9. Sally! Thanks for the appreciation of my Hoosier. Even my husband accepts that the Hoosier is part of the family. Sorry to hear that you are leaving, when I've only just found you. Fortunately, I be able to make do for a while surfing around your old posts :-) And I'll follow along to see when you pop back up again :-) ~Barbara

  10. Sally, I agree - hopefully sooner rather than later! Enjoy your break from posting. I'm just looking at a photo of a beautiful quilt in your post before this one. I'm going to go check that out now. laurie

  11. Hey sweetie...hope you find that new camera soon..I totally understand needing a break..I know it has done a world of good for me to back up alittle and refocus...take care my friend but don't be a stranger..Picket

  12. Okay life isn't fair....I'm finally back and now your leaving!!
    But I certainly can understand...every now and then you need a break from blogging...but make sure you still come around because I have a few good posts on tap....I'm planning on doing one about "when is too much stuff too much stuff?".....I found myself the other day actually hanging a picture from the fireplace mantel because I had no free wall space....I'm trying to figure out if I'm a real Collector or a Hoarder...LOL.

  13. Thanks for your visit today. I hope all goes well for you. It is fun to meet so many people from all in blogland. Linda

  14. See you when you get back, Sally.

    I came by to tell you, the gray in the "new" rooms is a warm gray. It makes me think of my idea of taupe.

  15. I hope you find the perfect camera for you! Enjoy your blogging break.

  16. Sally I just come back and you leave *sighs*
    I do know that life can get in the way of blogging. It can really take it's toll on you at times. I'll be watching and hoping you come back soon!....And don't take two years like me *winks* Vanna

  17. Just coming by to say Hi! Hope you are enjoying our snowy weather! We were up in Pueblo for a meeting Thursday evening and I was wondering if we were going to make it home with all the snow- not a snowplow one heading south- 4 heading north!

    bee blessed
