
Monday, February 21, 2011


I mentioned in my last post how much we enjoy winter, and that the Colorado mountains are just glorious. This past weekend our church had a sledding party at the San Isabel National Forest. Our granddaughter was going with her youth group, but our grandson was too young unless accompanied by his family; so what are grandparents to do, but go!

We probably had no business going with my artificial hips on snow, ice and uneven ground; and Bob with his muscular dystrophy, braces, and cane. But, we went and had a blast!

What a thrill to watch kids have so much fun doing something old-fashioned and free!

Wyatt had never been on a sled before; but before Bob & I had hiked into the sledding area, he had gone down the hill (backwards!) and was trudging back up to go again. He went up and down the small hill, then the big hill so many times; he was one tired boy.

This is the frozen lake at the bottom of the small hill.

The big hill - it's a long way up there, but what a thrill coming down.

The older kids would line up on their individual sleds, hook their legs around the one in front of them; and go down in tandem.

Who's that old guy with the cane trudging up the hill? Bob went up the big hill about a third of the way, met Wyatt with his sled, then slid down with his cane on his lap. I wasn't as adventurous - it was enough just walking around. I only fell once flat out on my tummy; but one of those nice teenagers quickly came over to help me up!

Some hot chocolate to warm the body before hiking back to the car.

The road out of the forest was muddy/snowy and tricky to navigate; but we all made it home safely.

A small lesson relearned: sometimes joy outweighs a little risk.
I'm joining Susan of A Southern Daydreamer
for Outdoor Wednesday
P.S.: I know these are lousy pictures. Hopefully I'll have a new camera soon.


  1. Looks like a fabulous time! I didn't even need to be on the ice to fall this past Saturday--went to an open house two houses away from Sarah's. I noticed the bottom three steps were not the same height, but failed to notice that the 4th one was different yet, and went down on my tummy, too. Sarah called them Dr.Seuss steps! Hope you are OK! You pictures look fine to me. ♥♫

  2. Hi Sally!! We used to go sledding and tubing all the time (well all the time when it would eventually snow there in New Mexico!). It was so much fun. Glad you braved the snow and ice and enjoyed seeing the grand kids have so much fun! Bet they slept like babies that night!

    bee blessed

  3. Hi Sally! Oh, my what a wonderful time y'all must have had. What great memories for all the kids. I've been to Colorado but never in the winter time. What a site!!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. They were great photos and I 'm like you anytime spent with young people is time well spent. Have a great day.

  5. Hi Sally! I'm so glad to see you're back to blogging! That looked like so much fun!! The hill doesn't look too steep from my view but I bet it's a lot different when you're about to sled down it *winks* Vanna
