
Friday, March 25, 2011


I heard that there is a new trend when building McMansions to include a snoratorium. This is a small bedroom off of the master bedroom where a snorer (or the one being snored upon) may go sleep when the snore noise becomes unbearable. The extra room may also be used when one partner is ill.
All of this discussion brought to mind my childhood. Below is a mosaic of my childhood farm. My grandparent's house was the big house on the left side in the first picture. My parents and I lived in the little 3-room house in the center; and later in the house across the road.
Grandma and Grandpa built the house in 1914 right after my father was born. It is a wonderful, huge house built in the Arts & Crafts style. It has a huge living room, dining room, office, and a screened-in porch all with big windows; lovely woodwork, and built-in window seats. The bedrooms upstairs are enormous with walk-in closets. My parents lived in the house for several years after Grandma moved to town, but that was after I was married. The farm was then sold in the 1960s.
Nothing is new under the sun, as this house had a snoratorium! The down stair's master bedroom had a small room attached with windows on two sides. I remember it contained a closet, dresser, Grandma's sewing machine, and Grandpa's twin bed for those nights of excess snoring. They called it Grandpa's sleeping porch, but it wasn't a porch at all.
So, what do you think? Should every house have a snoratorium?


  1. At our house it was the recliner in the living room! If my nudge didn't get Wally to roll over and quit snoring, he'd go out and sleep in the living room. Wish he were here so I could hear those snores again! ♥♫

  2. Hmmm, snoring doesn't bother me anymore cause I have gotten so used to hearing it but that is very interesting....Christine

  3. lol! Oh my word girl! You are too funny...your family must have been ahead of their time! lol Hope you are having a great weekend sweetie...thanks for coming by....Picket

  4. OMGosh, what a fabulous idea. I deal with excessive snoring...Mr. Sweet MUST be the Leader of the Pack. He has always snored so much and our grands refuse to sleep with him. :))

    His family farm was sold a few years back and we miss it.
    xoxo bj

  5. My "snoratorium" is in one of the guest rooms. I moved out years ago so I could sleep restfully! I'm a night owl, so I am able to do some work or watch TV without disturbing the "master." LOL This arrangement works well, so you know I dread vacations. I try to book suites, whenever possible and the price isn't prohibitive. I need my beauty rest!! :-) Sue

  6. Oh I am laughing out loud about the snoratorium! That is just too funny! And to think, your grandparents invented it so long ago, and I've never heard of it. That looks and sounds like a wonderful place to grow up. laurie

  7. As the wife of a snorer ......YES!!! Please YES!!! I swear that man of mine is taking years off my life with all that racket! I sleep with a noise maching AND ear plugs, and I can still hear him!!

    Sally what a wonderful place to be a child with your Grandparents right next/and across from you. Vanna

  8. In a word....YES!!! Please God...YES!!!!
