
Sunday, June 19, 2011


(If interested, scroll down to my previous posts for the start of my trip to Germany.)

We're headed to Heidelberg via the Romantic Road - beautiful countryside with rolling hills, farms and vineyards.

Heidelberg has Germany's oldest university dating back to 1386.

The 700-year-old castle overlooks Heidelberg.

The view of the Neckar Valley was spectacular from the castle.

For my Wiggins' viewers I'm including our group picture at the castle. The backdrop looks fake, but it is the real wall left standing at the ruins.

We left Heidelberg to cruise down (or is it up?) the Rhine River.

It was a short 3-hour cruise, but the scenery was beautiful.

Castles, churches, villages, and vineyards.

And finally, our last stop in Germany - Cologne.

The cathedral took more than 600 years to complete. But Cologne seems to be all about shopping these days. Just off of the cathedral square is over a mile of pedestrian shopping. Since Cologne has a professional football (soccer) team, I figured it was a good place to find a soccer shirt for my grandson. I took off to find the shirt, always keeping my eye on those twin spires of the church so that I didn't get lost.

Found the shirt; had a sweet pretzel; had a diet Coke that actually had ice and a slice of lemon; and managed not to get lost!

Next up is France, but before I continue the travelogue; I think my next post will be about Germany's charming windows and their lace curtains.

(Most pictures may be clicked on to enlarge and view the details.)


  1. Oh two of my favorite cities!
    Lucky you.
    Love the travel posts!

  2. When I used to watch TV, Rick Steves talked about these places on PBS. How nice it is to see your pictures of all the sights. I'm looking forward to the lace curtains--we saw lots of them in Wales and Scotland. Didn't travel in England except by train to London and were in the city only for two nights. ♥♫

    Love the group picture! Thanks.

  3. What a wonderful trip! I would've traded King Ludwig's castle for the museums too! Talk about fabulous!! Vanna

  4. Hi Sally...

    Ohhh...what a wonderful experience you had! Thank you so much for sharing all of your beautiful photos with us...they all really make me want to plan a return trip to Europe!

    Wowzer...your trip up the Rhine river must have been awesome! Your photos of the countryside and all of the castles are fabulous!!! It really is difficult to full time in such an area! We only traveled through parts of southern Germany (Bavaria) and Rothenberg was the furthest north that we drove. We also drove up the Romantic Road...from Fussen near Neuschwanstein...up to Rothenberg. In fact, we stayed overnight in Rothenberg. I was sick as a dog because I had filled my water bottle out of a sink in Fussen. When they tell you not to drink the water...they mean it! Eeeks! I'm glad that it passed quickly! I do remember Russell eating pickled fish for breakfast...that the hotel had put out for their breakfast bar. After spending the entire night...sick...watching him eat pickled fish for breakfast wasn't a good thing! Hehe! I too, was so impressed with the "walled" city! If I remember correctly, it dated back to 1100 AD. That just blows my mind...that something that old is still standing!!!

    Well, here I am...going on and on! Your beautiful photos of Germany struck a few of my own memories! Hehe! Bet your grandson loved his German soccer shirt! Hehe!

    Take care, dear friend!

  5. How beautiful Sally! I am so enjoying seeing it all through your eyes and lens. We have been in germany but only in teh very Northern areas, to visit friends. I long to take the same paths you did so, for now, I will live it vicariously through your words and photos! I am so happy you got to take this great journey!
