
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


We are back from our 3000-mile, 10-day road trip just in time to celebrate our granddaughter's 15th birthday. She was so excited when she was 4 (picture on the left) as I made her a Dorothy dress, that she sat on my lap practically the whole time that I was sewing it. The picture on the left was taken this Fall as she started high school. She still loves to dress up, and will be going to her first homecoming dance this next weekend. She has a new dress, but this time with HIGH-heeled sparkly shoes.
Happy Birthday, sweet Caitlin!

We had a great trip heading south out of Colorado into New Mexico, then east into Texas. Our first stop was a visit with Bob's cousin and wife in Bandera, Texas. Now, I know what they mean when they say west Texas is dry this year. The cotton plants are struggling, and everything is brown. My heart goes out to all of those farmers and ranchers.
We made a quick stop in Fredericksburg at the German bakery for a sweet German pretzel. Yum - it was every bit as good as the ones I had in Germany this summer.
The next destination was Bastrop, Texas, the home of the horrible wild fires this summer. It is so sad to see homes with just the rock fireplaces left standing. I believe 1700 homes were burned. I talked with one mother whose family of five had been displaced and was living at the same motel we were in. She was upbeat, thankful they had jobs, and excited about the new home they are designing.
Bastrop would be our home for three nights, as we traveled back and forth each day to Round Top and Warrenton for the huge antique extravaganza.
Five years ago, we had been to the antique week, but it has grown even more. Next post will be about what we saw and the things we bought. Stay tuned!


  1. Oh, I know your trip was lovely ... it is a gorgeous drive. Your gr-kid-ling is a beauty.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Oh that sounds like an exciting trip! I can't wait to see pics of what you saw while there.

  3. Oh Sally all my Mom's family live in the Bastrop/ Smithville area and we had the in our prayers for days-seeming weeks as it kept up so long.
    Several of our relatives lost homes- So thankful for the safety of everyone though. I have wondered what it looks like now. It was always so beautiful and green when we would go visit.

    Glad you back home and look forward to hearing all about your trip!!
    A happy Birthday to Caitlin!

    I have our 2 boys here!!! It's the first time in over 8 years that we have been under the same roof- so good to have them home for a bit and you would be amazed at what they are doing to the house!!! Will share soon!

    bee blessed

  4. How fun! I can't wait to see what you bought!


  5. Hi darling, sounds like you had a great trip. I'm sorry we couldn't get together, glad you got "this" close though. :-)) What did you think of the decor at Nell Hill's. I haven't been up for a bit.. it was going towards contempory... I'm looking forward to stopping by in a couple of weeks after I take Mr. P to the doctor... hugs ~lynne~

  6. Happiest B-Day to your pretty grandgirl.

    Yep, West Texas...well, all of Texas, I think, is so dry, we are burning up.

    My daughter and I have always wanted to make this trip to Round Top...maybe next yr.

  7. Hi darling, I know how men can be. lol. Mr. P used to be that way. Now, he rides along and usually sits in the car, his days of moving around easily are long gone. I would love to meet with you any time.. We would have a ball! I take him to the doctor on the 17th, Nell Hill's is about 2 miles from there, if he feels like sitting I'll take a jaunt over, if not it will probably be after the first of the year before I can get up there. I'm trying to get the shop ready for my open house.. hope things are well your way. hugs ~lynne~
