
Sunday, October 23, 2011


We went to the new IKEA store in Denver this weekend ------ didn't buy a thing ------ don't need to go back. You have to be a better, more dedicated shopper than I am to enjoy THAT experience.

No need to tour a corn maize this Halloween season - I've been to IKEA.
Doesn't that just look like the floor map of IKEA?

If you are a REAL corn maize fanatic, I hear this is a great one. Check out Pope Farms, Wiggins, Colorado just up Hwy. 76 from Denver.


  1. It can be pretty crazy in IKEA. We have been there a couple of times. And have gotten a few things there. I don't like going to busy places anyway. That maze looks wild. Fun for those who love doing that kind of thing.


  2. This made me laugh. I felt the same way after my one and only time to Ikea. Way too much overload for me. Hugs, Marty

  3. You made me laugh, too! Since I'd been to the IKEA near San Francisco (Oakland?) I had to see the one in Denver. It IS a great MAZE!!

    Pope's has been busy the last two weekends and as I was heading to Denver I was looking over and totally forgot to take the exit to Denver and started on to Greeley! I had to go back through Wiggins to get on I-76. So, no more distractions for me!♥♫

  4. lol That's a pretty accurate description! I do love their bookshelves and organization stuff...but it is s HUGE store! I loved your analogy! :) How are you doing? I've thought about you so many times...hope you are doing great...when you're not in the IKEA maze. ;)

  5. Too funny! I found it fascinating. I had limited time so I just kept moving. I couldn't believe how it went on and on! I knew if I bought anything it would be linens, and that turned out to be true. I didn't find anything else I felt I needed tho. Now I know what it's all about.

  6. lol lol I made the mistake of going there with my daughter who was 8 1/2 months pregnant! I was afraid she would give birth before we could leave! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Never been to IKEA. Wondering how my navigational skills hold up

  8. I did buy (and have professionally assembled) wall-to-wall cabinets from Ikea, but I feel no need to return to the store. I put those cabinets in a spare bedroom that I call my "Holiday Room." I store all of my holiday decorations there.

    I feel that Ikea is best for small apartment dwellers.

    I am a bit better, day by day, but I'm still not fully recovered. Thanks for asking.
