
Friday, May 18, 2012


Our perennial garden is at its best this time of the year.  Colorado is an arid state, and once it gets hot and dry, the flowers suffer.  Water is very expensive here, but we do water a lot to keep the gardens going for the rest of the summer, but they just aren't at their peak later on.
Right now -- our roses are putting on a show!

 The peonies are lush.  I picked a bouquet for the house today.
 My favorite red poppy is blooming.  They usually bloom on Memorial Day, but I'm afraid they will all be gone by then this year.
 And this beauty was a gift from Mary Ellen at 
Mary's Meanderings that she shared with me two years ago.

We have also scads of old-fashion rose bushes covered with blossoms.  The one by our shed is at least 10 feet tall, and has been covered with pink, fragrant blooms.  Plus, the spirea and valerian are blooming.

Bob has planted all of the annuals that do the best in our hot, dry climate - geraniums, petunias, zinnas, allysum, and impatiens.  And the vegetable garden is looking good - we've already harvested lettuce.  I can not take any credit for our beautiful yard.  I wouldn't work out there in all of that dirt and sun for anything.  Bob does all of the yard work.  I just enjoy his efforts.

May you all have a sweet-smelling weekend!!

By the way, Bob found something pretty special at a yard sale this morning.  I can't wait to show you next week after we get it cleaned up.

I'll be joining The Polohouse for Favorites on the First.  Please check it out for more garden inspiration.


  1. Okay need to mail me some poppy seeds so I can grow my own plants...I had never seen poppies in person until a few weeks ago at our local nursery and they wouldn't sell me a plant. They said the same plants have been dropping seeds for 30 years and if they take the plant out of the ground it will die....? I would love to grow my own I love for your beautiful roses what is your secret...we spent $10,000 on landscaping and mine look like crap....Suggestions...

  2. Oh how gorgeous! Hubby just helped me put in a new rose garden for Mothers Day. I have 12 new roses. I can't wait until the day that mine are as big and lush as yours. We are just a bit behind here. My red poppies are in bud but not blooming yet. They will be new this year. So excited to see that first bloom. At my house it is I who spends hours in the garden. I love every minute of it.

  3. Your garden is ahead of mine. We're having a rainy day which will make everything grow...including that pasture I mow to keep it from an accidental fire. Your flowers are so pretty!! I have a micro climate once the field sprinklers get going to create more humidity. That helps my flowers, in my mind anyway!♥♫

  4. Lucky lady to have your on gardener on site! ;-)
    The roses are gorgeous as are the peonies. Wish we could grow peonies here in TX. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your garden. Happy weekend!

  5. What beautiful images!
    Bob certainly has a gifted green thumb! Can't wait to see what he found, Sally.
    Keep us posted, will you?

    Your roses are just going crazy. What beautiful varieties!


  6. I adore roses! We had a rose garden in Arizona, and I miss it! The first ones are so unusual (and gorgeous)!

    Linking from The Polo House,
    Ricki Jill

  7. What lovely roses! It's so interesting to see everyone's gardens from around the country.
