
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


We've been working on the porch a little this spring and summer - spiffing it up and finishing some projects.  This week we painted our resin wicker furniture.  Over the years, it had become sun-faded and was starting to look pretty tacky.
You can see in the picture below how faded it was getting.
We chose Krylon Fusion spray paint in Black Satin.  We're pleased with the look - time will tell how well it holds up.
As I mentioned in a previous post here that the porch has become the depository for all of the industrial and farming stuff that we have accumulated over the years.  Here's some farm trivia -- do you know what this triangle apparatus is?
It is an acreage measuring device.  From tip to tip it is 6.6 feet. If you pivot from point to point l00 times that is 660'; and 660' by 660' is equal to 10 acres.  This particular one was manufactured by a small company in the Colorado farming community that we grew up in; and we found it in my Dad's workshop.
The circular window on the left was in the house that Bob grew up in, and the etched glass window was in the house where my Dad was born in 1913.  Below is a chimmey cupboard for storing the cushions, my mother's wooden ironing board from 1937 (which we use when we set up a drink station on the porch), and my Dad's workshop tractor seat.
This is the first year that we have grown sunflowers, and they are putting on quite a show for us, as we can see them from the porch!

Some of you have inquired if we are in the path of the Colorado Springs wildfire.  We live about 20 miles southwest from Pikes Peak (as the crow flies).  So far we have had only one little fire a week ago which was quickly extinguished.  Because of the current wind patterns, we are not even experiencing any smoke problems.  You can see in the above sunflower pictures how blue our skies were this morning.    BUT, in Colorado Springs this is a horrific fire of epic proportions -- at least 32,000 people have been evacuated from their homes.  Our local TV comes from Colorado Springs, and it was just terrible watching the houses burn last night.  The weather is not cooperating at all - it is dry, hot and windy.  They are saying it will take a long time to contain this fire.  These people will be in danger for awhile - please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

I'm linking with the following:
No Minimalist Here for Thursday Open House Party
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday 
Please check these blogs out, and tell them thank you for hosting.


  1. YOur porch looks wonderful. I love the unusual pieces that you have. Hugs, Marty

  2. Your porch is so charming and inviting! I love the farm relics, especially the cart and copper planter!

    Praying for the folks in Colorado Springs!

  3. Your porch was one of my favorite spots in your house Sally when we have been there. You have done a great job getting it all spiffed up! Love the acreage measuring device- I think I would be terrible at measuring acreage like that- would keep loosing count and having to start all over again!

    We had a fire in Trujillo Canyon Tuesday and when we came home from Coffee and chat there was a fire being extinguished on the highway. I cannot believe how dry and hot it is. Several friends that we have in the Springs have had to evacuate and they have no idea yet as to if their homes are standing- the Greens went to Alamogordo where we are from as their mother who lives with them in the Springs is over 90 and the smoke was just too bad- they left Sunday They live very close to the Flying W which was destroyed.

    bee blessed

  4. The measuring device is such an unusual treasure! Yesterday there were vehicles flying by with the sirens going. There must have been some fires started when the thunderstorm came through. Later, they were going the other direction as the storm moved east. I'll have to wait and see what is in the paper to find out where exactly they were going. It is dry everywhere!! I could even see the huge cloud of smoke from the Washington County fire on the way home from Greeley on Monday. Stay safe.♥♫

  5. First of all, I am crazy for all your old pieces....that is what makes a house a home!
    And those sunflowers are fabulous!!

  6. Your farm collection is a sweet sight. I'm always amazed when people still have such things that belonged to their parents and grandparents. Your porch is lovely.

  7. Hi Sally! I'm so sorry about all of these horrible fires and pray you'll be safe and they won't come near you.
    Your sunflowers are so pretty and I love all of the sentimental pieces you have on your porch.
    Yes, ma'am, it's hotter than all get out here. Yesterday the news said our heat had broken the record from the late 1800s. It's been in the 90s but with our humidity it feels like a 100! I try to stay indoors all I can.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  8. Your porch is a fantastic retreat. Glad to hear that you are not in the path of the fires. It's so sad to think of the destruction. Texas had terrible wild fires last summer. Certainly hope that doesn't repeat this summer.

  9. Your porch looks like a great place to relax on a summer evening, and your sunflowers - Fantastic!

  10. I so love that copper pot and the vintage cart.
    We here in the northeast have much discussion about the terrible fires over there, glad you are safe.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Your Porch is Lovely, the Collection of Vintage Items is fantastic and those Sunflowers are Magnificent!!!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. Your porch is lovely and your sunflowers look amazing!

  13. Your porch is wonderful! I love that you decorated unique to you....have a safe week. I will pray the fires stay away from you.
    Blessings My Friend,

  14. I love your new-look furniture!! Great job! I have been watching footage of the fires on telly here in Australia - so frigtening. Good luck to you all,

  15. Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!
