
Monday, June 4, 2012


It seems that our screened-in porch has become the depository of all things ranch/farm/industrial that we have accumulated over the years.  In an effort to corral some of the stuff into a sense of order, Bob put up a shelf in one corner last week.  The brackets are some sort of hardware store thingies that were in my Dad's farm workshop.
 The round window came out of Bob's childhood home.  I, also, have the window that was in the farm house where my Dad was born.  As soon as we get the frame spruced up, I'm going to hang it in this corner, too.
 The red barn lantern belonged to my great-grandfather; the blue-tipped thing is a sheep brand in the shape of an H for my family name; plus a cow bell; my Dad's spurs; and more brands.
There is still more stuff to organize and display.  
In the meantime, this is the view from the porch -- our shrub roses have been beautiful this year!


  1. Looks great Sally. J would love your screened porch.

  2. Your roses are amazing. Mine always seem to die back in the winter and must grow first. Maybe I should take better care of them, but the minis are so easy that I forget about the regular ones. Yes, the grasshoppers are here. The road was covered with them on the way to church in Wiggins! And there were sunflowers (a few) blooming, too. Always before they were in bloom late July and August. Early is right!♥♫

  3. What a fun collection. The window is gorgeous! How fun to have bits and pieces of things that bring family memories.

  4. This is a wonderful collection all by itself. But it's so neat that it comes from your family. That industrial cart is pretty cool too. Your roses are gorgeous. And I bought that blue bird flour for the flour sack too! Mine's still on the shelf tho! Nice to know you came by!

  5. Hi Sally! Great bunch of your Dad's and Granddad's thingies! :)
    They all look nice on the shelf and that lantern is fantastic! Your roses look so pretty and I like the swirliness of your border.
    Oh, you'll have to show us the little ruffled dress when you're finished!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Such a wonderful collection...but especially since it means so much! Your roses are so, so pretty Sally!

  7. Hi darling, I love your collection on the porch. I hate that I sold so many of my treasures in the auction 2 years ago. Almost daily I discover something else I turned loose of and wished I hadn't. :-( Your fence is gorgeous lined with your beautiful roses. hugs ~lynne~

  8. Everything looks amazing, Sally.
    Having a screened in porch is on my Bucket List.
    Beautiful roses...:)

  9. Only you Sally would have actual windows from the family homestead....I love it....I am trying to get back to writing and reading blogs...Had a few minuted the other night when the Boss got mad at me and didn't talk for three days because I made bad fish cakes....long story...One bad meal in 42 years give me a break!! Saw the adorable picture of Caitlan on Facebook baking cookies....she's so grown up....
    And I am finally finishing up the quilt for the neighbors new baby....I have to have it complete by the 23rd for her shower....Leo was born yesterday....our shower theme is ofcourse Lions and you know me I will be wearing along with the other co-hostess a full Lion headdress from the Wizard of Oz....very cute...will post pictures ofcourse....Hope your enjoying the weekend....very unusual here that's it's been crappy all weekend long....
