
Saturday, July 7, 2012


Guess I didn't need to go junk hunting this week. Bob seems to be clearing out his garage, so he keeps bringing things into the house wanting to know if I want to keep this or that; and, if so, where can it go IN the house.
I don't know where this came from, but it is a part of store receipt board. In his family's grocery store, they had one where they kept charged receipts. When a customer (my family included) came into the store, bought their groceries on credit, the receipts were filed in this type of apparatus. Then, at the end of the month, they would total up the receipts and mail the statements out hoping the customers would pay. I know that Bob's dad carried a lot of customers on the books during rough times.
It has these double clips on both sides.
For now, I've clipped some old family pictures on it. See that man on the horse in the top cowboy picture -- that's the grandson of President Monroe, a friend of my grandfather. Both my Dad and our son are named after him.

And, that's your history lesson from the Salmagundi household for the week. Does anyone have other ideas that I could use for this thing-a-ma-jig?

I'll be joining the following blogs this week -- please check them out for a plethora of inspiration:
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday Treasures
No Minimalist Here for Thursday Open House
Jann Olson for Share Your Cup Thursday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday


  1. You continue to have the most interesting family memorabilia of anyone I have ever known.....all ihave to show for is the tie clip I made my father in Kindergarden.....A penny glues to a cheap tie clasp...that's it for the Lackie family history.....Hope your staying cool and enjoying the summer...How are the kids doing...I still keep getting weird e-mails with your address on them.....I just delete them without ever looking or reading them....I hope you didn't send me a message saying your leaving me all this good stuff in your will and I deleted it.... :)

  2. Sally what a neat piece of history you have both in the receipt holder and the picture! I always love reading your posts as you have such fun stories behind so many of your things.

    I am thinking that receipt holder might be fun to use somehow in a creative space to hold patterns , bits and bobs of things.

    Was to go and help speak at a camp this next week but Bill is going without me. I am having a bit of a time with my health the past 6 weeks and we both think I just need to lay low for a bit. Hoping it helps. Now that the rains are cooling things off a bit that should help too!

    We got some wonderful rain today- how bout your way?

    bee blessed

  3. Sure wish I had neat treasures like this in my garage. I love it! Such a fun piece and I can see you using it for so many things. I love it with the vintage pictures. I think it would be so cute in a craft room holding tags or in a laundry with old laundry ads. Just so versatile.

  4. It looks to me as if you've already found the perfect choices for this piece!

    We had rain!! Two evenings in a row. And there are a few raindrops coming down now. Must go and get ready for church!♥♫

  5. I'm loving the idea of holding your family photos--what a unique and lovely item with so much interesting history! That would make me smile every time I looked at it--fabulous idea!
