
Sunday, July 29, 2012


This week August will begin. I'm ready as summer is not my favorite time of the year. Bring on Fall and the Holidays!

In the meantime, we need to finish up the summer projects.
We're getting a new roof - the shingles have been delivered and placed on the roof. Hopefully, the crew will be here this week to do the dirty work; and we will have a new 'onyx black' roof. The change in roof color, of course, will probably mean a complete paint job on the house. I'm already looking at paint samples.
Our house is 26 years old, and the fence was showing its age. Bob has decided to replace it in stages. Our son came home for a few days to help with the sides and gates. When you get two highly educated mathematicians/engineers together, things are checked for level over and over!
And, if you are 10 years old, wet concrete just calls for getting your hands dirty.
And, what have I been doing -- lots of cooking to keep the troops fed. Real men DO eat quiche!
This cutie and I have some major shopping plans week after next before school starts. That's the best part of summer for a soon-to-be high school sophomore. She's been pretty busy this summer training for the cross-country season plus she goes to church camp next week for some serious volunteer labor. As she gets older, 'grammy time' gets shortened; but we plan to make up for it on our shopping trip.
I'm taking a blogging break for a couple of weeks to finish up the summer and recharge my batteries. See you then!


  1. Have fun shopping! When Sarah went to church camp she did NOT want to leave and come back home. Hope your gal enjoys it as much.♥♫

  2. Hi happy your spending time during the summer with the kids....Caitlin is so adorable but does she know grammy posts her picture on this blog??....
    I have all but stopped blogging....too much going on...I'm assuming you got my e-mail about Miss B off with her father and daughter not knowing where they were....very scary time the past two weeks....she's due home tonight at 6:00....I'm thinking he will not be there on time....Enjoy your time off and fall will be here before you know it....I hope so atleast the heat this summer it killing me.....

  3. Sounds like a full summer. What a cool grandma taking your granddaughter shopping like that. She's a cutie. Your quiche looks great!!!

  4. Hi Sally...

    Wow...sounds like you are having a busy..busy summer with all the projects going on! I bet your new roof is going to look'll have to share a few photos with it when it's done.

    I know that you are enjoying have Mike spend some time at home and I'm sure that Dad really appreciates the help. Ohhh yes...I can just picture all the figuring going on...between the two. Have fun with your Granddaughter on your shopping trip! Enjoy, sweet friend!

    Love ya,

  5. Sounds like a busy place. Relax and enjoy the family and all the DIY going on. Hugs, Marty

  6. Your cutie very much reminds me of one of my special cuties! And boy did you remind me of what's left to do around here. Our boys are painting our old fence. It always something! The quiche looks good! Enjoy your time away!

  7. Ha, ha, had to laugh. My hubby is an Engineer. I get the measuring thing completely. Summer is such a busy time. Looking forward to seeing the new look of your home. Enjoy that Sophomore! She'll be grown and married before too long. Boy does time ever fly by?

  8. How cute are your grands!! I know you are enjoying them so much. Grace and I are shopping this afternoon! I will need strength! *laugh*
    Have fun and know I will be thinking about you!

  9. Hi Sally! What a beautiful grand daughter and I'm sure you've had a wonderful time with her making memories! Hope all of your home projects are done and the men are cooking for you! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Hi there
    I bet your roof must make such a difference on the appearance of your home...and a new fence too. Its always nice to freshen up isn't it.

    Your granddaughter is lovely. I hope you had a good time off and were able to spend some time with her also.

    Enjoy the summer...its been humid and I don't like that part of drizzly today for a change.

    Come by and visit when you are back.

  11. Sally, What a cute granddaugther. Bet the shopping trip was fun. Your quiche looks delish. I also wanted to tell you your blog header looks great. laurie
