
Friday, September 21, 2012


The past year or so, I've noticed in the antique malls a plethora of string on cones.  They were of interest to me because I'm just naturally a textile/texture/tactile type of person.  But I was not smitten enough to fork over $5-$10 for one.  Then, during our last trip to Denver; I saw first one, then a second string cone with a holder/dispenser.  Now, I'm really interested if you combine string with rusty iron.  I showed Bob the second one I saw -- and he said, "Oh, I've got one of those in the garage!"
Well, I couldn't get home fast enough to check this treasure out!
To me, it is just pure sculpture.  I'm now smitten.
 And, it didn't cost the $50 asked for the ones in the antique malls.
 So, what else is lurking in the depths of our garage?  I'm going shopping there more often.

I'm joining the following blog parties.  Please go by these blogs and thank them for hosting their weekly parties.
Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Treasures Monday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday Treasures
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things Thursday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday
Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special


  1. I still haven't totally cleaned out the garage-it was Wally's collection point. I discovered that I wasn't the only collector in the family when I started sorting things. Maybe I'll find a string holder!♥♫

  2. That is a great find! Would look lovely perched just about anywhere.
    Thanks for you kind comments!

  3. Shopping at home!..don't you love it when one thing can spur you on to another. Love your work...

  4. Hi there! I was on Jann Olsons blog and saw your picture so I decided to stop by :) I am also from the Rocky Mountains in Colorado...we are so blessed to live in such beauty! Anyway, I have become your follower and I look forward to your future posts.


  5. What great pieces! Thanx for sharing at THT!

  6. Love your blog and am now following. That small wool quilt displayed with your wonderful string holder has caught my eye and I would love to get the pattern. Did you make it? Can you help me with a resource for the pattern? I love handwork and have been itching to try out a wool project! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  7. Oh I love it too! What treasures you must have hidden in the garage. :-)
