
Monday, October 1, 2012


My favorite granddaughter turns 16 years old this week.
Her love affair with shoes started at a young age -- especially those with some bling!
Her mother hates to shop, so I've been the designated shopper for this cutie pie over the years.  But, I about lost the title last year when she and I came home with these sparkly high heels.  The family just about decided that Caitlin and I couldn't be trusted to shop for shoes.  She was so excited as we picked out her first homecoming dress, then these shoes.  I couldn't resist.
It's not just the fancy shoes that tickle her.  Her sock wardrobe is beyond belief.  Even a pair of plain grey Keds are paired with hot pink socks.
 Purple socks are a necessity to jazz up your running shoes at a 5K race.
And, plaid shoes are perfect for any occasion.
Last week, the family agreed we could go shopping for some happy 16th birthday shoes.  Caitlin told me on the way to the city that she thought some black pumps would look fabulous with skinny jeans.  I knew then what we were going to come home with -- it was out of my control!
When you are tall anyway, 6" heels puts you easily over 6 feet.  Being short myself, I don't know how anyone walks up in that rarefied air anyway.  But, she does it like she has done it for years.   We'll see if the family ever lets us go shoe shopping again.

Where have the years gone?  I pine for the day I bought these cute, little Mary Janes.  Check out those socks with the hint of red tights.  I wonder where she learned how to choose her shoes and socks?
Happy Birthday,  Caitlin.  May you always walk strong and tall!


  1. WOW! Spending time with a special pair of grands! Grand mother and grand daughter...hope I can do that some day. My favorites-the sweet MaryJanes.♥♫

  2. What a sweet tribute to your granddaughter! I would have to say shoes would be at the top of my "addiction" list. Although, I don't have anything over 2" in my collection. It's special that you have the bond you do with her. Blessings...Pam

  3. I once had a shoe fetish even though I always had issues with shoes hurting my feet, no matter what I bought! After years of living in gym shoes because I taught aerobics and did personal training, I've learned to live with low heels and ballet flats these days! Anything higher than two inches kills me. Caitlin's six inch heels would have me toppling over. LOL Happy B-day to Caitlin!

  4. Hi Sally and Happy Birthday,to your beautiful Caitlin! That young lady has some style and I think she may have inherited it from her grandmother! :) Thanks for popping in to see me and you know how I love your comment!
    You are the sweetie,
    Shelia )

  5. Caitlin is a girl after my own heart! When Bill married me he used to say that the only thing I brought with me was a closet full of shoes!!

    She is growing up into such a beautiful young lady!

    Can't wait to see you next week!

    bee blessed

  6. A belated birthday wish for Miss Caitlin....your special how she got black heels to wear with jeans....yup she's growing up grandma...we have to face it how fast time goes you know she's we getting married and you'll be going with her to pick out her wedding dress....your a wonderful grandmother...
