
Thursday, November 15, 2012


I thrive on change!  But after living in this small house for 15 years, there isn't too much we haven't already changed that was feasible.  Sure, I would love to knock down more walls, build a stacked-stone fireplace -- maybe add on 1000 square feet.  But, at our stage of life, none of that type of expense can be justified. So, I have to be satisfied with little changes, such as the following.

I've shown this wardrobe that's in our dining room in previous posts.
 It has been holding part of my dish obsession.
 Recently, I've missed having my quilts out as they have been stored in a dark closet for several years.  Light can be very destructive to cotton fabrics over long periods of time.  Now that we have changed out our old windows for those that block UV rays, I decided that the quilts deserved to be seen in the light of day again.

 Maybe it's a LITTLE overkill.
O.K., maybe 63 quilts is a LOT of overkill!  I can always put the curtains back up on the doors. 
(And I didn't even get out the bed-size quilts.)

I'm partying again at the following:
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday Treasures
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
No Minimalist Here for Thursday Open House Party
Have a Daily Cup for Share Your Cup Thursday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday


  1. I have always liked to see quilts stacked in a cabinet with glass doors. Yours are gorgeous, Sally!

  2. Hi Sally! OH, I love seeing all of your quilts out in the open. How in the world did you fold 60 + quilts like that? Looks great!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. That's a grand cabinet for dishes AND quilts. It's the perfect time to enjoy some of those quilts, too.♥♫

  4. Wow, Sally!! I love that you have all of those quilts and that you are displaying them!! They are beautiful! If you ever get tired of your display case, I know someone in Swink who would love it. ;0)
    PS Can you use gray wool? I have an old cloak if you want it.

  5. You are a quilting crazy lady, so gorgeous. Love all the colors you've used, they're spectacular. I love quilts. I haven't made any but we have a few hubs Mom made and we cherish since she's no longer with us.
    Glad you got some of yours out to show off and make your home warmer. What a shame to have them hidden away.
    Someday I hope to take a stab at quilting. I have a quilting frame and all the hardware an uncle made for my Mother that we've lugged all over this country since we left Tucson.
    Then we moved to San Diego area, then MT, then KY and now here west of Grand Junction, CO. That baby has done some traveling.
    I just couldn't get rid of it, kept telling myself someday I'd attempt quilting. I'm 72 so guess I'd better get busy huh?

  6. Sweetie it may seem over kill to you, but it certainly filled my cup! Your collection is amazing! I have alot of quilts also. I store them in a large double closed in my upstairs bathroom. I rotate them often for the seasons, but it's awesome to see them grouped all together. Thanks for sharing with Share Yor Cup.

  7. Oh my goodness, Sally. Your quilts ate beautiful. I love that you are enjoying them. Thank you so much for visiting me and for your sweet words.

  8. Absolutely fabulous! I love dishes, too. But it was time for these gorgeous quilts to take center stage!

  9. this is NOT overkill....this is art!! you and your quilts are amazing...did you have a good birthday this week...did Bob take you out to dinner in the big city....BTW still getting those spam e-mails from you....didn't see who it was from today just deleted it....

  10. HA!!!! Now can you start to take them out one by one and show and tell every week? ::)

    I was just starting to quilt something and it's been YEARS and furthermore I was doing it in a floor frame, not a hoop, and feeling like a contortionist trying to get used to it again and looking at my lopsided stitches and bleeding finger and then TaDa...there was your inspiration post :) So much beauty on display....

  11. How beautiful. That collection needs to be shown as it is so beautiful.

  12. Just found you! I love quilts too, but I don't have that many ;) I would love to invite you to stop by for a visit. I have a grandparent blogger link up on Saturdays, a grandparent blog directory you can add your self to, and another link up on Wednesdays. We would love to have you join us for sure!

  13. This is too beautiful for words! Love it!

  14. You can't go wrong with a stack of quilts. Your collection is amazing and so beautiful in your cabinet.

  15. I love this! Absolutely love it.

    I have looked and looked for a place to put mine where they can be seen, so far, no solution! I understand what you mean about taking on a lot of expenses at this stage of life -- can't be done.

    Your quilts look fabulous, and I think I might be estate sale-ing for a glass doored cabinet!

  16. Oh my goodness, I am seriously loving these photos of your quilts. Total quilt envy! I would love to spend hours checking them all out. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Oh, goodness such quilt heaven!!!

  18. Did you make the quilts?? or did you collect over years and year? They so beautiful,no wonder you wanted to show them off! Love it. So what did you do with the china?
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. The quilts look amazing in your cabinet :)

  20. I can't figure out what I love most, the black cupboard, the quilt collection, the pressed back chair or the hotel door number. I love a girl who lives with color. This is FABULOUS. Keep those quilts out of the closet. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Just popped over from Cozy Little House, and I LOVE your quilts. A woman after my own heart!!! Once of these days my quilts will be displayed where I can see them, instead of behind closed doors.

  22. Beautiful quilts! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!
