
Thursday, April 18, 2013


 Burrito-roll refers to the technique -- not what is inside my pillowcase!!!   I first learned this method for making pillowcases at the Houston Quilt Festival in the 1990s.  I've made scads of them since then for gifts and for personal use.  They can be made in less than an hour, and it's fun to choose the three coordinating fabrics.  They are especially a great gift for a sick child, or one with sleeping issues, or just because; as the variety of cotton fabrics available for kids goes from dinosaurs to princesses and everything in between.
 There are tutorials all over the web for this technique.  A good one can be found at The Crafty Gemini (click here).  The great thing about this method is that all seams are enclosed with no raw edges by just sewing three seams!
I'm in the process of a mini-makeover of our guest room that includes these new pillowcases.  

By the way, this was the view of our backyard from the guest room this morning -- Colorado at its best -- the morning after a snowstorm with the blue sky and the sun shining!  Love it.

I'm linking to the following:
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday
Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday
The Dedicated House for Anything Blue Friday
Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
Smiling Sally for Blue Monday
The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday
Cedar Hill Ranch for The Scoop Tuesday
A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday
Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday
No Minimalist Here for Thursday Open House
A Daily Cup for Share Your Cup Thursday


  1. I HAVE to learn how to make those pillowcases! I love the way they come out. Love the ones you have made- xo Diana

  2. Hi Sally! Oh, I love these pillowcases and the little piping with the fabric even makes them look more special. You are truly the smartest one! I need to find some cute fabric and make some for my little grand daughter! Hope you're doing well and I'm sorry it's still snowing at your house!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. I've seen this type of pillowcase and even have directions for them, but have never done one. It's on my list of projects as I really like the idea of it having no raw edges.

    The drive to Denver was most likely fine as the interstate is always so much better than the country roads. My road even had drifting snow this afternoon with bright sunshine.♥♫

  4. Thanks for the link. I love making pillow cases! And what a view...amazing since it's in the 80s here today!

  5. Hi, Sally...such adorable pillowcases.
    brrr, doesn't Colorado know it's SPRING and time to stop that snowing?

  6. Perfect timing to read your blog. I just bought fabric to make pillowcases for the guest room. Blessings, Debbie

  7. I've always admired how clever you are. Today, my admiration increased again. Thanks for playing Blue Monday.

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally

    from: the Other Sally

  8. You are so talented! How I wish I could do anything at all with thread and needle! I love these...the fabric is so pretty. I love the view from your window too. The snow is so beautiful. I LOVE Winter and snow. I even love snow in the Spring!

  9. What a great idea. That sight of the snow is absolutely gorgeous, but glad it is not in Texas.

  10. Love your pillow cases, they look fabulous and the fabric choices are great. So much snow still, wow. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  11. Good Morning Sally, I really love the pillow case you have made and the piping really lifts the pillow case to another level.
    Thank you for the tutorial as I will be able to make some pillow cases for my great nephew to enjoy.
    I have enjoyed my visit with you and I have become a new follower.
    It would be lovely if you could visit me at Ivy, Phyllis and Me! when you have the time. The door will always be open.
    Sending you best wishes from England, Daphne

  12. Sally, I have made pillowcases for my grandies for Christmas and Valentines. I have never tried this method and have wanted to. I always zig zagged all of the raw edges. I love how this method looks so professional. Thanks for sharing the link for the instructions with SYC.
