
Thursday, August 15, 2013


This week things are pretty ugly around here -- we are having a yard sale on Saturday.  It is time to get rid of some stuff and junk, so the kids don't have to at some later time.
We have things marked and piled in the house and garage before hauling it out to the driveway early Saturday morning.
But, I hated to start off this post with a messy picture, so instead here is one of a day's harvest from the vegetable and flower garden.
And now, the mess.  My sewing room -- time to get rid of linens I no longer use -- what am I saving them for????
Lots of nice vintage linens (cheap), plus a great wooden box and a vintage wire basket!
I know some bloggers that would enjoy some of this stuff.  Wish you could be here -- wooden boxes, tool totes, etc.
 Lots of crust and rust!  See that blob of red in the middle picture below - that's a nice metal tote.  Come Saturday a.m., I'm not sure I can give that up!

How about another pretty picture or two for this post -- our first batch of blackberries right off the vine and into a Blackberry Crisp.

Hoping for good weather on Saturday!

I'm linking to the following parties this week.  Check them out!
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday
Common Ground for Be Inspired Friday
Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks
Creative Home Expressions for The Creative Home and Garden Hop Sunday
Creatively Living for Monday Funday
Dwellings for Amaze Me Monday
The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday
Our Home Away from Home for Tuesdays at Our Home
Hickory Trail for Efforts and Assets Tuesday
Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday
No Minimalist Here for Thursday Open House
Have a Daily Cup for Share Your Cup Thursday
Thanks to these ladies for always hosting each week.


  1. Oh how I wish I lived in Colorado....just for this weekend...I bet this sale is going to be a those wooden boxes and I can only imagine what other good stuff will be for sale....As for your cobbler...the Boss was so mad...his beloved blueberry bushes finally started to produce fruit...he was so excited...the birds and the rabbits were staying away and then the Mexican landscapers showed up....(they speak no English)....and cut them all down...poor Boss.
    How is your lovely granddaughter doing?...

  2. Now if that's ugly I sure don't know what ugly is! lol! Still looks pretty organized to me. Loved your little happy pictures popping in here and there. Oh, gal you are so right. Wish I could be there! I haven't been only to 1 yard sale this summer and was thinking I might just head out tomorrow or Saturday. How far away do you live? Hee-hee! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
    p.s. I've told my kiddos that when I'm gone to just open the house up and say, "Come on in"

  3. Forgot to mention that I told hubby I would plan a get away for Labor Day weekend. Pretty sure it's going to be Colorado. Glenwood and Fruita.

  4. I really need to have a garage sale, but have such a difficult time "letting go". Good luck on Saturday! I'm not missing one thing about school--I get to see my friends at church so that could be the reason. The quilt shop is still open in Fort Morgan and always has the most beautiful samples, but the last time I was in the variety and amount of fabric seemed to be much smaller. I think I will be like my grandmother...she worked on quilts in the winter. I have plenty of fabric to do that! Hope you have good weather so lots of people come shop.♥♫

  5. It is so hard to clear our anything! I feel I saved it because I liked it. And, with that attitude you can imagine I need to weed out things, too!

    Good luck with the yard sale and fingers crossed that the weather will be perfect!
    ♥ Jil

  6. I could absolutely have fun at your yard sale, and a bite of that blackberry crisp would be great too! Good luck with your sale!

  7. I sure wish I could be there! For the yard sale goodies, AND for the blackberry crisp-YUM! ;)

  8. Hi Sally,

    I love that blue transferware!

  9. I would love to grab some of those vintage linens -- but I'm a long way from Colorado. Have a good sale and enjoy your weekend!
