
Tuesday, May 27, 2014


What is a blog post without pictures?  Not much as evidenced by this posting.  

My camera has gone traveling!  It is the perfect size for travel and takes great pictures of shrines, churches, and buildings.  Our son likes to borrow it for his trips; so it is off to Japan for two weeks. It's been to Paris and Germany on previous trips, and may soon require a passport of its own!  

You would think I would have a back supply of drafts that I could pull up, but I don't blog that seriously and use inspiration of the moment only.  So, my posting will be spotty, at best, until after at least Father's Day.  In the meantime, I'll be here on a vacation of my own looking for some new inspiration.

Wishing safe travels to Mike and his students.  I'm sure they will have a great time -- this is Mike's third trip to Japan including a summer spent there living and working on an orchard. He is quite knowledgeable about the country; so I'm sure his high school students are in for a wonderful glimpse into another culture.
(Yes, Mike, I'm concerned about your and the kids' safety and not just that my camera is returned in tact!!)


  1. Hi Sally! I'm sure your son is having a ball with your camera and maybe he'll let you share a few snaps when he gets back. Thank you for popping in to see my Little House! Have a great weekend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. hahhaa...well, I think it's pretty cool that your camera is on vacation. Especially in Japan.

  3. Hi Sally....Oy...the Boss and daughter want to go to Japan...I refuse. I am not flying all those hours to go someplace where the food looks horrible and I would have no idea where all the public bathrooms are...(one reason I hate to go to Paris!!) I hope you camera gets back safe and sound...and ofcourse Mike too!!
