
Sunday, November 16, 2008


Chari of Happy to Design has bestowed upon me this fun award! Thank you Chari for thinking of me as a blogging friend. I'm honored.
Along with the award comes the tag of: "What five things have I always wanted to do -----". This is a hard one because at my age I have been fortunate to do just about everything I dreamt of doing in my life time!! But, here goes:

1. Return to Paris, France - I've been once, but a repeat performance would be wonderful!
2. Have every corner, cupboard, closet, and hiding spot of my house immaculate and organized - all at the same time!
3. Have a personal chef - I wouldn't care if I never cooked another meal - I guess that's an advantage of moving to a nursing home someday!
4. Make a difference in some one's life that I don't know and will never know me!
5. Be a good wife, mother, and grandmother - I will need to keep working on that until the end!!!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Congratulations on your award. I love Carol too!

  2. Check off #4 as done. You've made a positive difference in my life and I'm glad I got ot know you! Cindy

  3. AFternoon, Sally! Oh, congratulations on this great award! You are just the most special person and I appreciate you so much. Thank you for your visit today and sweet kind words.
    Oh, by the way, love your new header!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. Congratulations on the award! I'd like to have my whole house clean all at the same time too and with me I'd like a chauffeur. I'd be very happy if I didn't have to drive myself anywhere :-)


  5. Hi.... just hopping from house to house from Susan's to see all the beautiful tables.... come visit the house in the roses... ;)

    Have a lovely day. BTW, love your blog banner... ;)

