It is Met Monday again hosted by Susan at
Between Naps on the Porch.
Be sure to check out Susan's blog for a list of the other participants and their projects.
As I have said before, Bob is always in his workshop (aka The Garage) putzing around taking things apart and putting them back together. In April, he bought this huge, oak rocking chair at auction for $20. He is never satisfied until he has taken it all apart, then reglued, redoweled, re-whatevered its parts.
This project ended up involving me more than I intended. I'm the resident upholsterer, but only because I own the sewing machine. It's not because I know how or have any experience.
The previous upholstery was a mess - brown vinyl, bad foam, and broken springs.
I know enough that for a good upholstery job, you need a good foundation. So between us, we figured out the springs and added new foam and batting.
Then it was time for the fabric of choice - nice fabric, but on sale so I could buy plenty in case I goofed up.
The final product!
The chair is off to the consignment store to be sold.