
Thursday, July 9, 2009


Once again, our charming hostess for Foodie Friday is Michael of
Designs by Gollum.
Be sure to stop by her place to check out all of the participants in this event.

What do I fix for supper when there are only dibs and dabs in the refrigerator? And, I'm too lazy to make quiche? It's frittata!

No real recipe needed. First, I swish around a little olive oil in my 8" quiche baking dish. Then, I just start layering in the ingredients on hand. Today, it was some leftover baked chicken, 2 crumbled strips of cooked bacon, a handful of fresh peas from the garden, and a small, sliced tomato. Mushrooms, onions, olives, and/or ham are also good. Really anything you have on hand works. Then, I sprinkle the top with grated cheese and dried (or fresh) parsley. Next, I pour six beaten eggs with salt and pepper over all.

That's it! Bake in a 450 degree oven for 30 minutes. Be sure to watch it for doneness. I live in a high altitude, and it takes a full 30 minutes for the eggs to set.

Make some toast and supper is ready. I was raised on a farm - our night time meal was always called supper.

Thanks for stopping by,

P.S. I seem to be having trouble leaving comments on some of the blogs that I enjoy and regularly follow. It appears that it is those blogs that have their comments embedded at the end of a post. I click and click and cannot get the comment block to come up. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong and how I can fix it? I'm not the smartest thing when it comes to this computer; but I sure don't want those blogs I love to think I am lurking and not commenting!!


  1. Sally this looks yummy! We love quiche but many times I wont make it as I am too lazy for the crust making part!

    I thought there may be others that cannot comment because of the comment format I chose so I have changed it to the pop up window.

    I am home and completely off my foot till the 17th when I go back to Dr. I broke out in a rash yesterday due to another rejection of the antibiotics they started me on the day I left. I sure would be interested in knowing why my bod decides to reject the things it does!

    I cannot begin to tell you how special it was for me to see you while I was in the hospital- Thank you for taking the time for this lil ol blogging friend!


  2. Very quick & how inventive it is in making use of letovers & it certainly beats fast food all to heck. I can't wait to try this Sally...thanks!

  3. Looks like a fancy quiche to me and better yet, it's a lot less carbs. Great idea, Sally.

  4. This looks delicious! Great idea, you can use up anything you have in the fridge. We had a frittata last weekend, it was yummy!

  5. I like quick and easy dishes.

    Since moving, I've had so much trouble with my internet service. They tell me it's the area. (sigh)

  6. I love easy meals, I made something like this for dinner with leftover shredded chicken. Thanks for sharing - Geri

  7. Sally, I'm glad you posted about the blogging problem. I've tried to comment on several and can't, too.

    On to food... your friatta looks delicious. I wish I was a creative cook like the rest of you and could whip up something like this. If I tried on my own, it would be fodder for the garbage disposal so I'm always happy to have recipes from people who know what they're doing! THANKS!

    Happy Foodie Friday...


    Sheila :-)

  8. Recipes that you just "throw together" are often the tastiest. Looks great!

  9. I enjoy simple quick dinners like this..what's not to like!!!

  10. Wow.. this looks yummy. Will have to try it, I'm sure Mr. P will love it. I'm glad you enjoyed the tablescape. My Catie is delighted she finally gets to take them home. She's already planning our first get together to be able to use hugs ~lynne~

  11. Hmmm, this is a great way to use up leftovers. Thanks for reminding me of this recipe. Think I will fix one tonight for my granddaughters..I've spent the week with them and their mom and dad comes home from their cruise tomorrow..We sure have had a good time but I'm pretty sure I will have to crash for the next few days and get my breath back..Hahaa
    I can't help you on the comment problem..I do good just to get my computer turned on every morning!! lol

  12. Now this is my type of dish! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Morning, Sally! Oh, yumminess! This looks wonderful! I've never made a frittata, but I think I will after seeing yours! Thanks for the recipe!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :0

  14. Mornin' Girlfriend...

    MMMM...yummy! I would love a piece of your supper frittata for breakfast right now! Hehe! I just love eggs but my honey is not big on them so I don't fix many dishes like know if I did, I'd end up eating the whole thing! Eeekks!!! I just started back on my low fat diet this week...I've gained so much weight because of this fibromyalgia and lack of excersize. It looks like this would be a great healthy and low-cal meal though! Thanks for the idea!!!

    So glad that you came by and took a peek at all my family vacation photos! And no...I'm still really not rested up from the trip yet...but Russell has a car show that he wants to participate in this weekend in Sterling so guess we'll go and check it out. He is going to enter the 1970 RS camaro that he's been working on and also his Dad's old 53 Ford. I hope the weather will hold out...they are predicting rain here today and tomorrow...not good for a car show!

    Well my friend...have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!
    Love ya,

  15. Ooops...was going to tell you that I haven't run into any problems posting on anyone's blog. I sure don't know what the problem would be. Do you have problems posting on mine?


  16. I love this type of entree for a whole host of reasons. This is a very nice recipe and I want to thank you for sharing it with us. I'm sorry to hear that you've not been well. Take care and mend fast. Blessings...Mary

  17. Hi Sally
    Thanks for the good idea for a meal when there is nothing much to eat. I will definitely be using your idea!

  18. This looks just delicious! We love quiche so this one will have a try out when I get home! Thank you for sharing it with us!!

    I have problems too...I am also still having problems getting into some blogs. *sigh*


  19. Hi Sally, this looks so good. I'm going to copy the recipe and make it. It's also nice that we can use anything we have around....Christine

  20. Just coming back by to say thanks for stopping in for ice cream today. Yep...we put pecans on almost anything we eat. It's hard to find something that doesn't taste a bit better with a few pecans.

  21. A fritatta is my go-to meal - always! So easy and so tasty too. You're right about using whatever's left in the fridge. I found adding a little Herbs d'Provence gives it an amazing extra bit of flavor.

