
Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is hosting Outdoor Wednesday today. Stop by her blog to check out the beautiful scenery of the participants.

I thought today I would introduce you to something a little different from Colorado's countryside. In our effort to give our grandkids some different experiences this summer, we headed out to Bent's Old Fort northeast of La Junta, Colorado.

These cannons were never used in defense of the fort, only used for signaling and welcoming arriving trade caravans. So, welcome to the Fort!

The fort was established on the Santa Fe Trail in 1833, and at the time was the leading industry west of the Mississippi as a fur trading post.

The historic site designation was established in 1960 by Congress, and the reconstruction was completed in 1976.

"Even though it is OUTDOOR Wednesday, it's really hot out here; can't we go inside?"

Inside the adobe walls, it was actually quite cool. This is the "Trade Room" where trappers, traders, Indians, and various adventurers could barter the exchange of furs and hides for goods imported from around the world.

The blacksmith's shop was where the wagons, tools, etc. were constructed and repaired. Right, Wyatt??

They were even 'tablescaping' in the 1830s on the Santa Fe Trail.

Some yummy transferware!

They loved their dishes even then. Susan Magoffin, the first Anglo woman to travel the Santa Fe Trail spent some time at Bent's Fort recovering from a miscarriage.

Time to say goodbye to the resident peacock.

After we left the fort, we went into La Junta to visit the Koshare Indian Kiva & Museum, a wonderful treasure trove of Indian art and artifacts. No pictures were allowed inside; but it sure was a great ending to a day with the kids!


  1. Evening, Dear Sally! Now, I'll bet that cannon was used and the cannon balls actually punched someone really hard in the stomach! LOL
    What a fun place and I'm sure your grands had a great time! Dishes! Look at the dishes! I see Willow - Blue and Pink! How wonderful! What a beautiful peacock. My grandmother used to have a peacock and I would hear it call at night and it scared me to death! Sounded like a screaming woman!
    I've entered your name in my giveaway!
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  2. What a fun trip! And I know that most of blogland is drooling over those dishes right about now lol. Great pictures, thanks for sharing. Kathy

  3. Hi Sally,
    Love the post and pics of the kids. What a fun way to spend the afternoon. Great peacock but they sure are noisy. I have one that lives next door.

  4. Great pictures. We went to Bent's Fort when we were in Colorado a few months ago visiting our oldest son. He lives in Denver, and we had planned a trip to southwest Colorado and over into Utah to visit some of the National Parks, but on the way down LBeau insisted on detouring over to the east a bit to visit Bent's Fort. I'm glad we did.

  5. Ooh, I love history. What a wonderful tour. I love that lava bowl and pitcher. It is so beautiful and can you imagine those dishes when they were new? Thank you for my tour today. I have signed up to follow your BLOG, I hope you will pop over and feel inclined to do so as well. Country Hugs, Sherry

  6. Sally!!! Those are my plates on that table!!! That is Mottahedeh's Canton pattern! I would recognize it anywhere, and it's from the Historic Charleston collection. Hence, it's based on an historic pattern. It is tablscaping in the Old West. LOL!

    Loved seeing the fort. Looks like you all had a blast.

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!


    Sheila :-)

  7. I always love seeing Grandparents involved with the young ones. Good for you! That looks like a very fun place to visit. The heat would have bothered me, as well. I can't stand it.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  8. Very fun and different Outdoor Wednesday -- do love the peacock.

    I have posted about a peacock I came upon one day walking.

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥

  9. I love to visit places like this. I find them so interesting. It is wonderful that you got to take the grandkids, sounds fun!

  10. Hi Sally,
    What a great idea for the grandkids, they looked liked they were having a wonderful time. I also enjoyed my trip with you, the peacock knows he rules the roost. lol. Thank you Sally for sharing.

  11. Hi Sally,
    Thank you for the historical tour. I've taken my children to see missions and adobes here in California. Your grandkids are very lucky to have you take them to such places. Happy OW!

  12. What a fun and interesting Outdoor Wednesday post! I love taking part in this because we see so many new things. Love those old pioneer dishes! You are a fun grandma!

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  13. What neat place to visit! How interesting that even back then women loved and traveled with their precious china!


  14. Isn't it wonderful to combine a history lesson + grandchildren + summer? What a good time. I loved your post. Happy OW.

  15. Everyone needs a resident peacock! However, I have dogs and cats and fish. Somehow these photos remind me of a childhood show I watched: Gunsmoke. Remember that one? Or are you old enough? Can't imagine why now, but as a little girl I loved that western tv series!

  16. Thank you for such a wonderful tour.

  17. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I love visiting places through and cheap!
    Have a great day!

  18. Thank you for the historical tour and sharing photos of your grandchildren with us. It looks like a good time was had by all. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  19. what a fun time making memories, thanks for sharing

  20. Kudos to you for braving the heat to see some history. I'm afraid I would feel like your grandaughter's hot out here!! Can we please go inside!...;o)
    Great shots!
    Have a good day!

  21. Sharing a day with grandkids is always fun and exposing them to new things is even better!

    Love the peacock like everyone else does. My grandpa had one on his farm, thanks for the memory.

  22. Thanks for the tour!!! Those dishes are really nice. I loved the peacock! Wonderful!

  23. Really like the trip and you're history lesson. Love the pictures you mad.

  24. Great Outdoor Wednesday post, Sally. The photos are wonderful and your granddaughter is so cute, under her umbrella.

    I wonder why we stopped having thick walls in our homes. They would be great for heating and cooling!

  25. Hi Sally! Oh, I appreciate you popping in to see me! Always love your visits! About my tablecloths - I've just always loved them even when it wasn't popular to use them! I get them anyway I can. I've even been known to make a few! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :0

  26. What a fun little outing. Love me some transfer ware!

  27. Hi Sally, nice pictures! I want those dishes!

  28. Your grandchildren are so cute. This looks like an interesting museum. Love all of the transferware! That peacock is gorgeous. laurie

  29. OMG! A real live peacock! I haven't seen one of those since I was a little boy. Gorgeous, and what fun this must have been! I have to mark this down on my list of places to go! :) Thanks Sally!
