
Monday, July 20, 2009


Tam at The Gypsy Corner
is hosting Three or more Tuesday today. Please check her out for a list of all of the participants.

I think I have three of everything after all of these years, so decided it was time to participate in this fun event. The crocks and jugs I'm going to show you today were not collected - they were accumulated! When we first got married, I bought a 2-gallon crock at a junk store as I thought it would be neat to hold my monthly magazines. They had scads of these things, and sold them for 50 cents a gallon. So, my purchase amounted to $1.00. When my Dad saw what I had bought, he told me I didn't need to pay money for those things - there were bunches of them around Grandma's house and the farm. So, he would periodically show up with another one for me. The crocks were originally used for making pickles and sauerkraut; and the jugs were to hold whatever liquid deemed necessary including a few of the hard spirits that were hidden in the barn.

When our daughter became a teenager, she announced that when she got married that she wanted lots and lots of fresh flowers. So this 5-gallon crock became known as the 'flower pot' and was where we threw in our loose change to pay for the flowers when the time came. Sure enough 13 years ago, she had a wedding with beautiful fresh flowers with money saved in this crock. Since that time, the change we save in here goes to a charity our church supports.

These two crocks house my laundry detergent and non-chlorine bleach. The 2-gallon crock is the one I bought originally.

This 5-gallon jug is huge and heavy - its sculptural shape is art in itself.

Another smaller jug.

A Red-wing chicken feeder

A brown jug that we made into a lamp.

The 3-gallon crock holds my mother's and my two grandmother's rolling pins. The 4-gallon crock with the spigot was used for lemonade at picnics.

More crocks hidden in the cupboards!!

Thanks for stopping by. Now, please go by Tam's to check out the other collections/accumulations of three or more.



  1. All your crocks are really nice Sally! The little lamp you made is so precious.

    Have a blessed evening.
    ~Melissa :)

  2. I recently bought a 10 gallon Medalta crock with wire and wooden handles for $5 Canadian so about $4.50 U.S. It is huge and I don't know what I am going to do with it but I knew it was a good deal.
    I have never seen the bird feeder before. That is special.

  3. The crocks are beautiful. They are functional art.

  4. Love the header pic girl! Those crocks are so beautiful and I loved the story of saving for the real flowers! lol But my favorite was the crick filled with your mama's and grandmothers' rolling pins..ohhh what a precious treasure those are...hope you are having a beautiful week sweetie!

  5. You have an awesome collection of crocks. I love them as I really love pottery. So nice that you have big ones too...Christine

  6. O, Sally, I love your crocks..what a nice collection you have. I love and collect crocks, too, altho it has been awhile since I've found one. I only have a few but will do another post on them soon...
    I noticed a comment you left on a blog in regards to making your photos larger. My large photos aren't being cut off now that I am on a Stretch background. You might change your background to either none at all or one made for the larger photos. Once that is done, you can follow the instructions at Susan's or I'd be happy to send them to you in an email.
    You just have to learn which photos will look good inlarged and which might look better kept smaller. Just takes awhile to get used to them but I do love the bigger ones. Good luck, dear one.

  7. Thats a great collection and I love that you are repurposing some too!
    Have a great week!
    ~Really Rainey~

  8. I had a totally different idea what crocs where. Yeah, I'm a foreigner...Now it seems that I owns some crocs too. Learned something new today. Love the striped limonade one!

  9. Hello, I loved looking at all of your crocks..I have 4 or 5...two of them rather large pickling crocks. Once I get unpacked and ready to decorate I'll post them.

    Thanks for sharing these,

  10. What a wonderful collection! I love the way you use them as well as display them. I think "accumulated" treasures are the best...they have "heart"!

    Thanks for sharing them!


  11. Sally, your crock collection is amazing!!

    My collection started with a couple of old brown 5 gallon crocks, given to me by Granddad,in the early 1960's. I still have them. I have a crock churn and several other crocks.

  12. Hi Sally :)

    I love all the crocks and think it's wonderful that you have them passed onto you from your grandma. It's such a sweet story about the wedding flowers for your daughter too :)


  13. Hello Girlfriend...

    Just wanted to stop by to say hello and see what you've been up to! I've been away from the computer so much lately since Russell was home on vacation last week...that I'm feeling a bit estranged! Hehe!

    My friend, I see that you've been keeping busy...I just went through your last few posts that I've missed! Oooh...I love all of your crocks!!! You can beat them for storage and I just love the look of them! I especially liked your crock with the spigot that you use for lemonade! Also wanted to tell you congratulations for that fabulous treasure find...the Edwin Knowles China! Girl, I can't believe that you got the entire set for just $8 and they're so pretty! Can't wait to see you do a tablescape with them!!!

    I'm trying to catch up on housework today since Russell went back to work. I sure didn't get much of it done while he was we had alot of fun playing! Hehe! The weather has been beautiful at our place...we've been doing yard work! We have cut down several old elms that had dies...what a job!'s nice to get back into the "normal" routine of things!!! I hope that my note finds you and your family well, my friend!!!

    Have a terrific Tuesday!
    Love ya,

  14. Sally, loved seeing all your crocks! What a great idea about the loose change- I bet there were a ton of flowers at the wedding. That is one thing that if we had lots of extra money I would love to have fresh flowers in every room of the house every day of the year!!!!

    When I was little mom had a crock like the one you had made into a lamp. My brother got (i think it was) his thumb caught in the opening one time and it was really stuck. She was so upset to think she might have to break the crock so John could have his thumb back!! After much lotion or something it did come free without breaking- gosh I hadn't thought of that in years!! It's funny how something like your blog entry will trigger a very old memory!

    We are leaving tomorrow for NM- I made my first trek up the stairs in almost a month! Bill wouldn't let me go up till he was here to make sure I was ok. My sis said he should just carry you up- I laughed and said "yea, then instead of a bum foot- we would both end up breaking something as we tumble down the stairs!"

    I got my bag packed for the trip , went back down the stairs, and that's all the energy I have for today- bummer!!!

    Went over to visit the dishes that are named after me! Sure are pretty. Have you been to ARC lately? I am hoping to have the energy to be able to go to some yard sales while we are in NM- there are usually lots of great finds!

    Oh my I just noticed your new header- it is making me hungry for something delish!


  15. You are full of crock (sorry couldn't resist that)! I'm just so glad that you have such an attractive container for Matilda's food! laurie
