
Friday, July 17, 2009


Beverly at How Sweet the Sound is hosting Pink Saturday today. I have never participated before, but thought it was time to join the party. Be sure to go by Beverly's for a list of all of the participants.

My kids are 36 and 41 years old, and would you believe it they still have STUFF stored in our attic and garage? Bob says it is time to reclaim his space. A yard sale is scheduled so our daughter has been going through box after box of dolls, papers, etc. etc. And, look what we found just in time for Pink Saturday. It is a tiny, PINK Barbie doll sweater that I knitted on teensy, tiny needles.

Look at the tiny buttons and buttonholes.

Do you think I may have had a little too much time on my hands?
I just wish that my fingers were that nimble now 30+ years later!


  1. Oh this tiny sweater is so precious!...Christine

  2. Oh, Sally This little sweater is adorable! I must tell you...I saw this on another blog and thought of you! This gal had a shadow box on her wall and guess what was in it? Doll clothes. I think she had a couple shadow boxes and each had three pieces of doll clothes in them. It was so cute. Maybe you could do something like that with the clothes you save.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :0

  3. Hi, Sally, welcome to Pink Saturday! That little t-tiny sweater is as cute as can be! I cannot believe you made something that small. I think that one is a keeper.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


    Sheila :-)

  4. Welcome Salmagunid to your first Pink Saturday Post. I know this will not be your last. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and say hi at my blog as well. I love to have fellow bloggers pop over. Country Hugs, Sherry

  5. Happy 1st Pink Saturday, Sally! Your Barbie sweater is fabulous! You did a beautiful job! So timeless!

    Glad you joined in with the rest of us pinks! Looking forward to more posts!

    Enjoy your weekend!


  6. Welcome and happy pink Saturday. What a lovely little cardigan in a sweet colour.

  7. That little pink sweater is so cute. When I was little I had hand knitted sweaters for my Barbies....I don't know where I got them....but see your brings back fond memories.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. Happy first Pink Saturday and Welcome!
    The pink Barbie sweater is beautiful! How talented you are!
    What a lucky little girl that had this pretty in her Barbie wardrobe!
    Thank you for sharing!

  9. Exquisite. I hope your daughter is keeping this.

  10. Oh my goodness. It is beautiful. Is she going to keep her Barbie and clothes?

    I kept mine for many years, but now I just have the dolls and the outfit on each doll. I know it sounds nuts, but I wish I still had mine. But, I would need to live in a warehouse if I had kept everything.

    Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Sally.

  11. Wow, your eyesight must have been great too. Isn't it fun to go through old things. Hope that Mary is doing better and that you are enjoying your dishes.

    Stop by the Old Parsonage anytime, I love company.

    Enjoy your day!

  12. Welcome to Pink Saturday! That sweater is absolutely adorable. I don't know how you did it, but it was made with love, I'm sure!

  13. Happy first Pink Saturday! The little pink sweater is adorable! Our boys have been on their own for more than ten years, and I still have some of their boxes too. I know I won't come across anything as cute as your sweater! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend.


  14. Happy Pink Saturday! God bless you, Sarah

  15. ♥Happy Pink Satuday♥
    Really cold (50s) in upper Michigan today with a dark sky. I need all the pink I can get this morning. Thanks so much for helping lift my spirits!

    Wishing you a weekend filled with sunshine and happiness.

  16. What a sweet little pink sweater...It so reminds me that my mother made a ton of little Barbie clothes for our daughter (she just turned 40 in April). I saved every one of them and when daughter had 2 daughters of her own, they played with the little clothes, too. I never learned to sew or knit but my mother sure could.
    Thanks for sharing this memory, Sally...and welcome to Pink Saturday. Hope you will do it again..

  17. I love your blog! I know what you mean about the "stuff". Our daughter is 23 and she has boxes and boxes of stuff she just can't "part with". However, she is still moving around so she can't take it with her - yet!

    I love the Barbie sweater - it is precious. Please don't sell it!

  18. Now that brings back grandma always knitted me barbie doll sweaters and dresses and yes...even socks...i wish had them all...what a lovely blog you have I am so glad I came to visit you.

  19. Could there BE a cuter first Pink Saturday post? NO! That is adorable!

    Happiest of Pink Saturdays to you!

  20. Could there BE a cuter first Pink Saturday Post? No! That is adorable!

    Happiest of Pink Saturdays to you!

  21. Welcome to Pink Saturday!
    The little pink sweater is adorable!

  22. That is THE coolest thing ever! You have to frame it! Or put it on a little hanger for your Christmas tree!!! WOW! Are you talented too! I just love that!!

    m ^..^

  23. That is the cutest little sweater! My grandma used to crochet dresses and sweaters for my Barbie way back when. She's been gone for 30 years next month - thanks for bringing back sweet memories.

    Welcome to Pink Saturday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  24. Post your beautiful pink!

    Happy Pink Saturday friend!

  25. Sally, what a darling sweater. What talent my friend. This is definetly one of those lost arts. Mr. P's daughter knits like crazy, and I'm always amazed at her talent. Maybe in time I'll take it up, right now too many other projects are getting in the Hope you're having a super w/k. Happy Pink Saturday.
    hugs ~lynne~

  26. Hi Sally,
    Welcome to Pink Saturday....that little teensy sweater is just the cutest!!! What nimble fingers did that.
    My fingers are no longer nimble and I really struggle with little details....there must be finger exercises we could do...other than on the piano!

  27. How cute! Must be such a sweet memory - great that you have kept it!

    Happy pink Saturday too you!

  28. Welcome to pink Saturday! The little pink sweater is just precious!
    Have the best pink day!
    xo Tami

  29. Wow that sweater is amazing. Now you can't sell that in a garage sale. That is a keepsake.
    Welcome to Pink Saturday

  30. Nothing beats handmade. When I was little my mom made all of my barbie clothes as well.
    I'll bet your daughter would like to keep this now, it's vintage don't ya know!!
    Welcome to Pink Saturday!1
    Hugs, Nerina :)

  31. Oh my, I'd want to keep everything, hard when it gets older and forgotten. Happy 1st PS!

  32. What a cute Barbie sweater. I wish I knew how to knit. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Hugs :)


  33. Oh Sally that is the cutest little thing my friend...and girl your kids our younger than mine and I still have things here that belong to them...ha ha!! May you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  34. Happy 1st Pink Saturday. The little pink sweater is cute.
    Happy PS

    Stop by at Something To Share anytime, I love company :-)


    I am unfashionably late but I love this precious little sweater...I know about downsizing but it does not take up much
    I enjoyed my time here at your blog.
    Please drop by and see me.
    Angel Hugs

  36. This is beautiful! Do you have a great little one in the family to pass it on to? Welcome to all this Pink. I hope you enjoy yourself and have a loveleigh Sunday!

  37. How cute! I hope you enjoyed rummaging those boxes full of memories like this one :-)


  38. Sally I hope that darling little sweater is going in the keep pile! You will have to let me know when your sale is is send me pictures so I can go internet shopping and have an excuse to come up and see you and pick up all my purchases!!

    My neighbor brought over the article! 6 cases and that was just Parkview! I think several nurses said I was the first snakebite victim they had at St Mary's.
    I am doing so much better though still not a lot of energy- I went to a beekeepers meeting in the morning and then there was a BBQ for our property owners assoc in the evening- in between some friends dropped by on their way to Denver. Such a great day but today I woke up feeling that I had overdone it a bit!
    We stayed home from church and just listened to one of our favorites and I am being very lazy today by orders of DH!
    We go later this week to close on our house in NM and have to pack up more dishes and household stuff so he doesn't want me to overdo- isn't that just the sweetest!


  39. How adorable is that! My daughter is 17 and never wants to let anything go!


  40. How precious! So glad it was saved and preserved. This should be framed!


  41. Sally, Happy PINK to you and welcome to Pink Saturday. I know you will love visiting all the great ladies and seeing all the fabulous pink stuff. :0)

    This Barbie sweater is too adorable and it being made by you....well, that makes it a heirloom in honor of Barbie!! I think I'd be putting it in a shadow box as part of an assemblage of things past that you have made. It's just lovely!

    Drop by for a visit anytime..I seem to be in the remodeling stage right now..we finally bought our home in the Tennessee Smoky Mountains and I'm remodeling the great room and kitchen.

    Have a great week,

  42. That is precious! I hope you didn't sell that at the yard sale. laurie
