
Thursday, October 8, 2009


So just what do I store in that big cupboard?

Since it is Show and Tell Friday, I guess it is time to open the doors to view one of my addictions.

I've been collecting German Lustre dishes for over 20 years. I got started when I inherited some pieces from my Grandmother. Then I kept finding them while out junking, friends began to give them to me as gifts, and now after amassing over 140 pieces; I'm addicted!

German Lustre was in the early 20th century quite common and inexpensive. The dishware was an alternative to the more popular and expensive hand-painted dishes of that era. The cheaper variety were decorated with decals which with a magnifying glass, you can see the tiny dots that make up the decal. After the decal was applied, color around the edges was added, then a glaze containing metallic oxides was added. This gives the dishware that rainbow shine. Most of these dishes were made in Germany.

I've found the dishes in all forms and sizes. Above in the front is a butter dish, and below is a square cake plate; and in front are sets of children's play dishes.

Most have floral decals of primarily roses, but about a third of my collection have fruit decals.

I've often found dishes with the same decal used, but with different colors on the edges. That is a cheese keeper in the front below.

This cracker jar belonged to my grandmother.

The plate below has pretty Fall leaves with the fruit. This particular manufacturer always used molds with pretty, fancy edges. Most are marked on the back with either a manufacturer or just Germany.

I have dishes shaped like leaves, all sizes and shapes of pitchers, and a couple of berry sets.

Below is a very large plate, relish dishes, a bone dish, a pin tray, and toothpick holder.

I have many more beautiful plates and large bowls to show, but I'll save those for another day and another post.

Be sure to go check out Cindy at My Romantic Home.
She is hosting this party today, and you just know she will have something marvelous to show along with the other participants.


  1. Hello Dearheart...

    What a fabulous collection of German lustreware that you have, my friend!!! I have always admired these beautiful dishes and do not own even one piece! After seeing your lovely collection, I think I'm going to have to remedy that situation! Hehe! I really enjoyed reading a little of the history of German lustre...I didn't realize that the motifs were interesting! I love the soft, pretty colors and the scalloped edges...and even thought the florals are gorgeous, I think the pieces with the fruit are my favorite! My friend, I know that involved some work...setting those pieces up for display and photographing...thank you so much for sharing them with us! What a sweet treat!!!

    Hehe...I was wondering what was behind the doors of that lovely black cabinet! What a grand "show & tell"!

    Love ya,

  2. Absolutely beautiful, Sally. I think I have a piece or two of this and had no idea what it was until I read this post!

  3. You have a great collection of lustre ware but what really stole my heart is that cabinet...I love it!

  4. Oh my, what a treasure of beautiful dishes! (Don't let the blogger dishaholics see them!)

  5. OMG Sally you been hiding this from us...What a awesome collection you have of german dishes...WOW!! I'm blown away by this...You know how I love the antiques pieces...I have R.S.Prussia and some also of the german luster but nothing like you have gal...Just beautiful...Thanks for opening up the cupboard doors...I pray all is well on your side of the mountain my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Hi Dear Sally! Darlin', you've been holding out on us! :) What a gorgeous collection you have. That's a great storage cupboard too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  7. Hi Sally,
    I came over from Chari's blog and I am sure glad I did! What beautiful china! I am just in awe of your collection! What a fun post, thanks for sharing with us. Cindy

  8. These are so delicate and lovely! I don't know which pattern I like the best. There are so many of us who are secret dish-a-holics! Beautiful collection and I love the cabinet too.

  9. I think your collection is wonderful! I would be happy to take that cabinet off your hands! lol Stop by for a visit soon!

  10. What a great collection...the slanted cheese keeper is so cute!

  11. All I have to say is that you better keep a close eye on me when I come to your home!!! Love all those gorgeous dishes!!!

    My sister and hubby are coming this evening for the weekend- I always have such fun with my sisters!

    I believe we are finally going to be able to start the services in Aguilar this Sunday- it has been several weeks of ups and downs but looks like we have the community center temporarily at least.


  12. I enjoy reading the story behind those cuties....Thanks for sharing

  13. Your collection is absolutely breath lucky you are to have some of the pieces from your Grandmother.
    Do you use any of your pieces for serving or eating or do you only display them?

  14. You have a beautiful collection!! Thanks for sharing.

  15. wow...this whole post is just breathtaking!!!! I am speachless at how pretty this collection is!!!

  16. These are so pretty, Sally! I love the various shapes and I really like those butter and cheese containers...Christine

  17. You have such a beautiful collection of dishes! They are all so lovely! Thank you so much for sharing them.

  18. I knew as soon as I saw that first photo what was coming next! A fellow dishaholic will know every time! Love your pretty collection.

  19. Oh my...I love your cabinet that you store all the beautiful dishes in! I the love the lace that you've inset. It's just a gorgeous piece!

    I'm so glad that are showing your German dishes and explaining their origin! I think I might have one or two pieces from my great aunt. I will definitely have to look closely at them. Thanks again for sharing!

  20. Oh my gosh...what a wonderful collection. I think I gasped out loud when I saw all those dishes in the cabinet! Gorgeous! Thanks so much for joining in on Show & Tell!

  21. Your collection is absolutely amazing! I love the purple dishes! This is truly very beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  22. Oh my gosh! What a beautiful collection you have! I have a few plates so I know how really pretty they are. I love the cabinet too!


  23. Sally, what an incredibly beautiful collection. These are treasures to be proud of. I love the cabinet you store these beauties in as well. I hope things are well your way. Off for another LONG day at work...hugs ~lynne~

  24. Oh My Goodness! What a beautiful collection! And what a wonderful cabinet to store them. I have just a few pieces. You are the Lustre Queen! I would think it would be quite a find to get a set of children's dishes. I'm sure most of them were broken by little girls playing with them. laurie

  25. Oh Sally! What a glorious collection and if this is an addiction, it is a very *sweet* addiction! What lovely pieces. And I love the cabinet that houses them too!
    Hope al lis well your way dear friend.
