
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


As a child I was so thrilled when I learned to read. My Mother always read a lot; so I figured you were all grown up when you could read by yourself!

We went to the local library every week, plus my parents always gave me books as presents for my birthday and Christmas. Below are three of my favorites from my childhood. They all have copyright dates from the early 1940s, and two of them still have the price of $1.25 written in pencil on the inside cover.

Hansel and Gretel was a favorite not necessarily because of the story, but because the illustrations were so colorful and they had moving parts - an early pop-up book.

I loved my "The Story of Jesus" book because my Grandmother was always reading her bible and telling me stories from it. This way I could read about Jesus all by myself.

And finally -- "Sally Goes Shopping Alone"! I loved shopping with my Mother, so what little girl named Sally wouldn't have loved a book that seemed to be written just for her. I was definitely a 'shopper-in-training'!!

Suzanne at Colorado Lady is hosting Vintage Thingies Thursday today. Please check out her blog for a list of the participants showing off their vintage things.

And finally, we have had our heavy freeze in Colorado and the flowers are all gone for another season. I rushed out the night before in the dark and picked these. "The last roses of summer" are always so intense in color and as huge as a dinner plate.


  1. Love your sweet books! I have a similar story in that my Mom always took me to the library when I was little. I always loved books, and they were my friends. Your roses are so beautiful.


  2. Nice those old books have such great graphics

  3. Kids' books are so cute.

    We had a couple of frosts and snows this week. Marigolds are dead, but mums and some other flowers still look O.K. even though the mum stems felt frozen when I picked some last weekend.

  4. Oh I do love the illustrations in vintage books! Those are so sweet, and I love that you had a book written about you! I know it must have been fun to feel that you were the main character in the book. I'm having a lot of trouble catching up since I got back from my trip. Blogville certainly didn't stand still while I was gone! laurie

  5. Evening, Dear Sally! Oh, what precious books! How wonderful that you or your mother kept them for you! What treasures. I always had little books too and have a few.
    Hope you're having a good week.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I love your wonderful books..and your rose is just beautiful. Happy VTT...

  7. You have some very nice vintage books. I love looking at the older children books.

  8. Aren't books the simplest form of pleasure? I have always loved books and yours are so nice. I would get lost in my books as a child, just the way I do now.

  9. i collect old story books too and i would LOVE a copy of 'Sally goes Shopping''s priceless!

  10. How mice that you were able to preserve your favorite childhood books, Sally. I can't eblieve you are already having snow there. It's still so humid here, mostly in the 70's...Christine

  11. Sally it is just wonderful that you have so many things from your childhood including your precious books!! Everything got handed down to us as there were 5 of us kiddos so I don't think many thing survived!

    I love the Sally book but I think they should have written about going shopping with a friend- it's much more fun!!


    looking forward to seeing you soon!

  12. Love the shopping book! The rose is lovely, the last rose of summer!

  13. Those books are so wonderful!

    Your roses are beautiful!

  14. Such pretty pictures in the Hansel and Gretel book. Looks like you took good care of your books!

  15. Reading is such fun! I remember some children's books wih moving parts like in your book. They may have been in English, as my mother bought us also English books because they were very cheap because of a tax difference.
    - Sally had to go alone because she was buying her mother a present.

  16. Wonderful vintage books collection

  17. I love old books...especially the illustrations!

  18. Oh there's nothing like an old well read book to take you back in time! Books can always take us anywhere in the world and let us loose ourselves in their pages. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Oh man I love the illustrations in old books, I used to buy alot of them and than I had to stop - or that was what my family said :)

    Happy VTT!

  20. I love your books, I remember having pop up books as a child, wish they were still around! Your last rose is just will be a long winter I am sure!!

    Have a great weekend and a wonderful VTT!

  21. Its wonderful that you have your childhood books! I still remember a Golden Book I had about a girl making a birthday cake for her Daddy but,alas, I don't have the book.

    Thanks for sharing!

  22. I'm so glad you were able to save and enjoy that rose.

    It's amazing to learn that you still have your books. What a careful reader you are.

  23. These are wonderful Sally. One book I remember fondly was Box Car Children. I have a newer copy and they used the same illustrations, but I'd love to find an original. I've always loved to read and enjoyed going to the library. Our town librarian read, on the radio, every Saturday morning. This was neat, especially when the weather was bad and we couldn't walk to the library.

    My third grade teacher read Box Car Children to the class and that is when I fell in love with that book. Those children went to the dump and furnished their boxcar home. Do you suppose that is when my love of decorating was born?:-)

  24. I guess my old books were saved for younger siblings as I really don't remember having any of my own until I received a cookbook from my grandmother. I still have it and the many memories that came with. I also remember getting the biggest basket for my bike so I could fill it with books from the library on Saturday. I can still smell the library due to a faulty oil furnace. Yucky smell, very fond memories! I have all of my kids' books stored in the attic. Very lovely post Sally!


  25. Once again Miss Sally you have the best old the Sally goes shopping book....and whie I was gone i missed your post with all the gorgeous is that stuff....a very impressive collection....Glad to be back!!

  26. Hi Sally! I love your books..especially the one where Sally goes shopping! lol I still have some of my books, too!
    I wondered if you had been affected by that early cold spell in Colorado! So glad you saved the roses...beautiful! Our first cold snap is tonight, so I've put all of my flower pots in the garage for now.
    I scrolled down and took a peek at your German Lustre...gorgeous! Funny...I almost bought a cheese keeper Saturday...the first one I had ever seen! Happy week!...Debbie

  27. I love your books and I wish I had some of the books I loved as a child! I made sure to keep some of my daughter's favorite books!


  28. Hi Dear Sally! Thanks for popping in to see me. Yes, I agree with you about Paris! Everything is just so magical. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. Hello Sally...

    Love looking at your vintage books! I think that I've seen all three of these! Oh yes...the Hansel and Gretel book is fabulous with all of its moving parts and you're absolutely right about the beautiful illustrations! Hehe...I bet you did like "Sally Goes Shopping Alone"...that's just too cute, Girl! sad about the last of the roses! They are simply gorgeous! Well my friend...we will just have to look forward to Spring and Summer next year!

    Love ya,
