
Tuesday, October 20, 2009


On almost every Sunday afternoon we go for a little drive. It was such a beautiful, Fall day this past Sunday that we decided to do something a little different.

We took a helicopter ride over our town that sits at the base of the Rocky Mountains.
Here I am all strapped in with a headset taking in the gorgeous views.

This is our neighborhood on a bluff overlooking the river.

In the far background is the Sangre de Cristo mountain range.

The river!

Coming into the landing on the Abbey grounds.

What a fun excursion that was!!

Please go by Susan's blog, A Southern Daydreamer. There you will find our gracious hostess plus a list of the other participants.


  1. Oh how wonderful that must have been. You made the most beautiful photo's. Thank you for sharing

  2. Wow! that was a great your pic...thanks for sharing...Pat H

  3. Sally what a fun day it looks like you had! Wow the river looks beautiful for up above! You should have just had him fly to over here for a quick cup of tea with me!!

    Looking forward to seeing you Friday!


  4. I am such a chicken! I could nver get in one of those...

    Great sites though.. maybe i could roust up some courage.

    If you have a moment — I would love you to stop by and say hi!

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

  5. What fun! Colorado is such a beautiful place... those mountains! I have a nephew who lives in West Cliffe... a quaint little town at the foot of the mountains. We enjoyed visiting him and were impressed by all the wild life there.

  6. Wow amazing pictures. You are so lucky to have had such beautiful weather. That sky looks incredible. what a great way to spend a Sunday! Happy Outdoor Wednesday! Sherri : )

  7. What a cool thing to do. It certainly made for some great photos!

  8. I took my daughter on a helicopter ride for the first time in 2009. It was so cool! Your heart races...

  9. Wowza! You took us on a cyber tour on a helicoper. Nice job!
    Joyce M

  10. Wonderful post, Sally! Beautiful views! Looks like a fun Sunday "drive"!

  11. the view from the top is always better.:p

    love the photos...thanks for sharing them with us.

  12. I grew up in Colorado...and raised my kids to adulthood in the state. I still have a sister who lives in Montrose...

    I knew these photos from the very first.

    How fun.

    Mine today is the Annual Jazz Festival in town. Come by if you can. CLICK HERE

    Have a glorious Wednesday.

  13. What fun this must have been! Your photos are just spectacular. I especially liked the one of you looking out the window. Have a great week and enjoy Outdoor Wednesday.

  14. What a thrilling ride that must have been! You live in a gorgeous place. Thanks for sharing, Sally.


  15. O, I do love Colorado. We've lived there, at different times throughout our lives....Cortez, Montrose..
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip in the air....:)

  16. I can't think of anything any more exciting than seeing your own neighborhood from a helicopter....those mountains are so beautiful it must be a wonderful place to live.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us...the photos are great!!!

    Happy OW!!

  18. Thanks for sharing your fun trip! I have never been up in a helicopter.

  19. How cool! I love the idea! Great pictures! Thank you for taking us with you on your helicopter ride. ~ Tracy

  20. Dear Sally.....let me be the first to say....YOUR CRAZY!!!!!
    I have been in a helicopter once...NY Airways....more like a flying bus. Scared the hell out of me...Will never ever go in a helicopter again...and I enjoy flying....You are one brave lady...As for will be here before you know it....Can I tag along? Okay you know I have stories to tell.....When we went when daughter was in HS it was the middle of cold...snowed like crazy....The Boss drove us down to the big castle....You know Neusswinstein...or whatever it is....When we get there there was a long line for the tour in English....The Boss being impatient made us go thru the German tour.....daughter caught some words but we basically walked around like 3 idiots just shaking our heads and laughing at the appropriate times.....Men!!! We then ate at a cafe below the castle and daughter was so disapointed they brought her a white bowl with steaming hot water....2 white weinies...a package of mustard and a few mini gerkins...her face when she saw it was priceless.....So if you really want to whole German experiance I will rent out the Boss for your trip!

  21. Wow, you are the adventurous one! Looks beautiful....

  22. Sally isn't it amazing how much the weather varies from your house to mine! Bill says about 7 inches so far! I am sure it will be all clear by Friday- you know Co weather!


  23. What a fun thing to do! I enjoyed the ride.

  24. What a fun day trip! I love the pictures, especially the shot of the river. Thanks for the tour. Kathy

  25. Now that sure is a flight of fancy. I loved the view and my tummy did not do any flip flops:)

  26. I loved the trip and I loved seeing where you love, I have relatives in Grand Junction, Colo, not sure where that compared to you< I loved the pictures, what a fun day, I am a new follower of yours, would love for you to come for a visit...

  27. OMG!!!! this is just unreal!!! How fabulous of a day was this!!! I love that you always take us along!
    have fun and an adventure for me!

  28. Oh Sally!! How wonderful and how brave of you!! I would love it but am a little scared to do it!! I know, silly me!!
    What beautiful pictures!!
    I saw the comment you left on Sue's blog about Germany!! That sounds like a wonderful trip! I think Sue and the Boss should go to...and Bill and I will tag along!! *grin*
    We were in Germany for 2 whole days...I know, only 2 but we loved it. I look forward to going back someday and seeing MUCH more!
    With a maiden name like Groseclose, you know I am half German!!


  29. What an exciting experience, Sally, and what a great view!...Christine

  30. Great shots and it was so clear you could see everything!
    I am from CO too. Ned area.
    Nice blog. I will be back to read more!

  31. That would be a fun afternoon-so beautiful!
    Have a good weekend,

  32. Hello Dearheart...

    Ooooh...what a fun day you had! Girl, I've never been up in a helicopter...I'm not sure whether I would enjoy it or not! The views were fabulous though...I really enjoyed your photos! I must ask a foolish this Colorado Springs that I'm seeing in these photos? I was thinking that is where you lived...but I thought it was the Rockies that ran throught the Springs? Hmmm...hopefully, you can clear up my confusion! Hehe! That Sunday was certainly a beautiful day at our place as reached 80 degrees! Hard to believe after all the cold temps and snow that we had yesterday. for question #2! Hehe! I was reading one of your comments up above...are ya'll going to Germany soon?

    Was wondering how your son is doing with his elbow. When you come up to Wiggins, I would love to meet with you! Hopefully my health would cooperate! My old fibromyalgia bones don't do as well in the winter and sometimes I don't get out and about much! But, let me know when you are coming up this way and we'll see how things go! My friend, I would just adore getting to meet you! We were just in Wiggins last weekend. My step-son Darrin had a cross country meet there. I thought about you the whole time we were there and wondered where your son lived!

    Well Darlin' happy to hear from you today! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! Ours will be kiddos this weekend!

    Love ya,

  33. wow your much braver than I am!
    Beautiful view but I probably would have gotten helecopter sick.

  34. What gorgeous photos you got, and what a fun, adventurous afternoon! laurie
