
Friday, October 23, 2009


Yes, that is our smoke detector. It played a part in a great visit we had today.

You see -- Bob and I had invited Mary of Mary's Meanderings and her husband, Bill, to come for lunch. We also had invited some friends of ours that serve as prison missionaries for Mary and Bill to meet, as Bill does prison missionary work. Everyone had assembled and were ready to eat lunch. We were having the best time visiting; I got distracted, and you guessed it -- the smoke alarm went off telling me I had forgotten the garlic bread that was browning in the oven. Bob calmly announced, "Guess lunch is ready!"

How embarrassing, but I cut around the really burnt part and lunch continued.

Not only did the bread get a little toasty, but I was having such a good time that I completely forgot to take any pictures to blog about.

Mary brought me a set of her white pumpkins made from old sweaters. Aren't they wonderful? If you haven't become a reader of Mary's blog, please stop by here and introduce yourself. Her heart of gold shines through her blog.

It was a great day of fellowship.


  1. Oh Sally, sorry about your bread but the important thing is that you all still had a great time. How nice for you to have dinner with Mary and her hubby. I can imagine all the laughters. BTW, I posted the flatware clotche last night in a close up so you can see the details, so come by again when you have a chance...Christine

  2. Shoot! I can't believe you forgot to take pictures, and all we got is a picture of the smoke alarm. That will be a lasting memory of the lunch. I can just see you and Mary giggling over this in the future. So glad you had such a wonderful visit (in spite of burned bread). Your sweater pumpkins are so pretty. Have a great weekend. laurie

  3. I can laugh at this bz I did the exact same thing with garlic bread when we were feeding the missionaries for our church. I was sooooo embarrassed! At least it happened in the company of good friends and you can laugh about it now.

  4. Sally, we had such a wonderful time getting together with you and Bob and your friends. Thank you so much for all the wonderful hospitality and fellowship!! Those soups were so good - I thought afterward I should have tried the chicken soup too but that taco soup was just so yummy I had to have more!

    The alarm going off just made me love you more! And you handled it so great!

    I had my pink Sat post ready but plan on doing a little ditty on my blog about our wonderful time at your lovely home.


  5. Hi Sally !
    What a fun story - your hubby is funny - glad you had a great visit...I love your pumpkin presents ! Someday we should organize a Colorado Blogger get together !

  6. Hi Sally, I'm sure you had a wonderful time, smoke detector and all. What a lasting memory that will I think it's wonderful you live as close as you do to be able to get together. Thank you for always coming by and saying hello...hugs ~lynne~

  7. HI Dear Sally! Oh, my goodness! That must have been a little scare! Glad it was only the bread that burned and so much more glad you all had such a nice time visiting!
    Thanks for your visits, I always love them.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  8. That's so funny! My smoke detector is soooo sensitive to heat (and not smoke really) that it goes off frequently when I take dinner out of the oven. We call it the "dinner bell"!

    I love those pumpkins! So cute!


  9. How horrible to sound off at a time like that. It's good that your company was a fellow blogger 'cause we'd all understand! LOL

  10. I'm coming here from Mary's blog, she was telling the story from her visit to you and I wanted to know the sweet lady she was talking about. And my biggest wish is to visit Colorado one day (I live in Belgium) !
