
Friday, November 13, 2009


It's our miracle child's birthday today. Our daughter, Jennifer, was adopted by us at the age of 3 weeks thirty-seven years ago. It has always been amazing to me that her biological mother loved her so much that she gave her baby to us so that we could love, care for, and cherish her, too. It is such a blessing that she is with us to celebrate another birthday. I've blogged about her struggle with brain cancer before, but if you are new to my blog and would like to read about it; please click here.

Happy Birthday, Jenni!! Thanks for the joy you have given us, and the special gift of making us the grandparents of your adorable children.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I seem to have a bit of wanderlust recently, so thought I would join Chari of Happy to Design's

Sunday Favorites this week with a trip to the Eiffel Tower previously posted on October 8, 2008.

Please go by Chari's to find a list of other Sunday Favorites.

My husband, Bob, is retired from a 44-year career as a civil engineer. Consequently, when we travel, engineering marvels are always at the top of our "must see" list.

There are many engineering feats I have not witnessed such as the pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China.

But, I have seen the underside of the Golden Gate Bridge, and viewed the Royal Gorge Bridge of Colorado from a tram 1100 feet above the river.

I've been claustrophobic at the top of the St. Louis Arch, and have ridden 13 miles across the Confederation Bridge to Prince Edward Island in Canada.

I've been in the bowels and seen the inner workings of the Tower Bridge in London, and traveled 180 miles an hour under the water of the English Channel through a tunnel.

BUT, in my opinion, the absolute best, best, best engineering marvel is the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

It combines the structure and strength of engineering and the beauty and form of art.

I know that there are professional photos that capture that beauty better than our amateur pictures, but these are ours and remind me that I was actually there!

A view from the top!!!!

Ooooooo, I so want to go back and see it again!!!!


  1. OMG Sally the view from the top just took my breath away how pretty is that...Oh Girl I would love to see this in I did see the bottom of the Golden Gate bridge ha ha!! these photos were awesome my friend...May you have a Blessed weekend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. Happy birhtday to your wonderful daughter and i know someone else who has a birthday coming up....she's just as lucky to have you as your are to have her...
    And one of my favorite things in the whole world...the Eiffel holds my best memory of my entire life...when me and daughter sat at it's base and listened to Pavaroti sing...I still get chills just thinking about it....Have a great weekend my friend....

  3. Just me again.....Ellen needs your support when she unveils her Collections post so get out all those goodies that you collect and start thinking about a post...I know you can do it!!.....and as for my spinach/beef roulade....simple to make but you do have to use your hands to roll the things up....put on rubber gloves!

  4. Hello Dearheart...

    Please tell Jenni Happy Birthday for me!!! I was trying to Jenni will be 30 this year...ohhh my! Where does the time go, my friend?

    Well...I just adore this post! Of course you knew I would! Hehe! I think that the Eiffel tower is the grandest piece of architecture that I've ever seen! It is magnificent, isn't it? You know what struck me strange was when we were on top of the Eiffel looking out at the city...the entire city is white! All the buildings made of that limestone..or at least I think it's limestone. It was so beautiful! I love your photo of the Arc de Triomphe! Beautiful photos, my friend!!!

    Ohhh...I want to go back too!!!

    Take care and stay warm, my friend! It sounds like we're in for another snow storm this weekend! So happy to have you join in with Sunday Favorites this week! I'll talk with you Sunday!

    Love ya,
    PS...Still praying for your MIL!


    Sorry to hear about Bob's mother and we will be praying - it is so hard to break up housekeeping in your parent's home.

    Bill is taking me thrifting and yard saling in Pueblo tomorrow- haven't been in what seems forever and it is our anniversary weekend - not a very romantic way to celebrate is it but we both enjoy it and I am running low on furniture for my booth- things are selling!!!! Yipee!!!

    Are you all cozied up and ready for the snow storm?


  6. Hi Sally! I love Paris and you are right about the Eiffel Tower. Paris is one place that I know I will go back too. Everywhere you look is magnificent....Christine

  7. I love your Pictures! I was thinking they should have someone take professional pictures and then you can buy a perfect 1 like Disney! lol Instead they had pop out small pictures lol But I want to go back also! Hugs Grace

  8. I join you in wishing a happy day to Jenni, your blessed miracle child. Her birth mother made a wonderful decision to give life, and God was able to find the perfect parents. Isn't He good?

  9. See, if you hadn't been married to a civil engineer perhaps you would not have gone there! Ha!

  10. They are beautiful photos. I've never been there myself but would love to see it live and in person. I haven't been to any of the other places you mentioned Maybe I should have married a civil engineer! Thanks for Sharing and Happy Sunday!

  11. Please pass on Happy Birthday greetings to your daughter.

    Yes the Eiffel Tower is spectacular, especially at night.
    I love the illumination of the buildings in Paris. Magnifique.

  12. Hi Sally...

    Just wanted to stop back by to say thank you for joining in with Sunday Favorites, my friend! and...I got another peek at the Eiffel while I was here! Hehe! You know...I have a photo that I took while standing "dead center" underneath the night. The tower was really magnificent from that view...and the lighting brought about a special effect. I'll have to post about it one of these days!

    You know...I would love to see some of your photos from some of your other travels too!

    Well my friend, we are under severe winter storm warnings here...but we only have a skiff of snow. I'm wondering if we're going to miss all that severe weather...I'm hoping so! Have ya'll received any snow this weekend?

    Have a super Sunday, dear friend!

  13. What wonderful photographs. I would love to go Paris.....

    Happy Birthday to your Jen.


  14. Great photos - thanks for sharing them with us.

  15. Happy birthday to your sweet daughter! The pics are gorgeous and lucky you to have seen such beautiful sights! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend dear friend!

  16. Hi Dear Sally! Oh, I do remember the post about your daughter Jenni. I'm sending wonderful birthday wishes to her! What a blessing. Today is Mr. Precious' birthday.
    I love your Eiffel Tower photos. I've been there too and would like to go back. Hey! Let's plan a trip! ;)
    Oh, you had a Hostess Set! How wonderful!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Happy Birthday to a very lucky girl. What a great post Sally. I'm always amazed at all of who travel. The sights you all see give me the chance to enjoy them as well.. I wish you could have been here for the open house too!! Stayed tuned pics coming
    hugs ~lynne~

  18. Oh Sally. I am so enjoying catching up with you. I know I missed wishing you a happy birthday on the right day. I offered you a little wish on my blog and I hope you forgive ne being late. Happy birthday to your daughter!! She is a blessing and a gift!!
    How I love your photos here..I so want to stand beneath the Eiffel Tower. Someday...for now I dream!

    Off to read more!
