
Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Once again it is Tablescape Thursday hosted by Susan of
Between Naps on the Porch.
Please check out her blog for a list of this week's participants.

Recently, my 95-year-old Mother in law downsized to move to assisted care. Among her belongings were 40 pieces of Heisey crystal in the Moonglo pattern. She announced that my husband, Bob, was to have the Heisey because in the 1950s as a teenager he gave it to her for Christmas one year. Now, didn't he exhibit infinite wisdom in choosing that wonderful Christmas gift? He had no idea that he would marry someone who cherishes china and crystal, even though we were dating at the time. The set includes goblets, sherbets, cups & saucers and a relish plate. It is engraved, etched, and has a wonderful ring to it.

So, I believe a tablescape is in order.

I've combined the Heisey with my grandmother's green glass plates, my great-grandmother's Austrian china, and my mother's 1847 Rogers silver plate.

The white linen napkins with the crocheted edging were a wedding gift to us 51 years ago from my 5th grade teacher.

It was so enjoyable to set this table with things and memories from both sides of our family.



  1. Hi Dear Sally. Since I've seen your sweet smiling face in the past week in blogland, in my mind's eye I'm seeing your sweet smiling face as your setting up your beautiful tablescape.
    Oh the crystal is just so beautiful. What a sweet hubby you have before he was your sweet hubby. Wasn't that nice of his mother?
    Oh, I love everything about your setting - of course the crystal and the china, the runner all scrunched in the center of the table, that tureen is so lovely,your little candlelight and the beautiful silver. Now if you'll just cook some dinner - I'll be there. :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  2. Sally I think is is so wonderful that you have so many things passed down from you and Bob's family! Wow and to think that Bob gave the gorgeous Heisey crystal to his mom!! I wish my boys gave me presents like that!!!LOL
    You have done a beautiful job with your tablescape! I love the fabric in the middle of the table- so pretty!!

    I am trying to get dishes linens and food together for a luncheon tea at one of my hospice patient's home. They are moving her to a nursing home Friday and I wanted to have a special something for her before she left. I do hope I remember everything!!!


  3. Your tablescape just reminded me- I forgot goblets!!

    When is your birthday friend?


  4. How fortunate you are to have a mother-in-law who knows how to preserve things and pass them on to YOU! Now, perhaps you can have her over for a dinner party.

  5. Hello Dearheart...

    Ohhh...I finally get to see the Heisey crystal that we talked about over lunch! My friend, it's absolutely gorgeous!!! Oh a teenager, your Bob had inexplicable taste...that's for sure!!! I think this is the first time that I've seen Heisey crystal...and the Moonglo pattern is lovely! I like the pretty edging...looks similar to candlewick! What a treasure to have, Sally!!!

    Now...onto this fabulous Heirloom tablescape that you created! My friend, I do believe this is THE PRETTIEST tablescape that you've ever done!!! My first thought when I seen it was...regal, elegant, a table set for royalty!!! really, really outdid yourself with this fabulous table!!! I love, love, LOVE your great-grandmother's china...I've never seen anything like's sooo beautiful! And...your grandmother's green plates look so perfect with the china...gorgeous! Love the octagonal shape of those pretty green plates! Are they depression glass? This truly is one of the prettiest tables and place settings that I've ever laid my eyes on! Ohhh...and pairing this place setting with that beautiful red damask tablecloth is stunning! The glassware just shines against that pretty red! And...I love the beautiful scarf or table runner that you used for the center of the table...the pattern and colors of the fabric is gorgeous! It really gives your table that "rich, elegant" ambiance!!! Ohhh Sally, I really could just go on and on! Your photos are fabulous! Love how all that fabulous Heisey just sparkles in the candlelight!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this spectacular table with us! What fabulous family treasures you have!!! Now I wondering if Bob's mother will get to see this fine tablescape...I know that she would certainly approve of her choice in giving her lovely set of Heisey to you!!!

    Well my friend, I see that you've been a busy little bee since you've returned home! How is Mike coming along with his elbow? I'll talk with you later, Darlin'!

    Love ya,

  6. Hi Sally...I just love how you have all these wonderful family treasures...the glassware is beautiful and so is your table...

  7. Gosh the table is breathtaking, I do love it when the dishes are all mixed up and have such a wonderful story, I love the green plates with the other crystal, it is so beautiful with the silver, love it all...

  8. Hi Sally...

    I just read your sweet happy that you stopped by, my friend! I'm so sorry to hear about Bob's mother being so ill...just wanted you to know that I'll be praying for her! This must be a terrible blow to her...since she was just in the process of moving to assisted living and now having to think about a nursing home! Just wanted to come by to let you know that ya'll are in my heart and prayers, Sweetie!

    Love ya,

  9. Sally whatgreat tresures. Your tablescape is outstanding, very creative.


  10. Beautiful table and beautiful story! I love this, Sally!

  11. Oh what a beautiful table - so many family members represented in the setting. That is very special.


  12. What a wonderful table with such rich heritage. What a blessing to have that Heisey and how sentimental. I love it.

  13. I think it is wonderful how so many from your family are represented in your table. I think they would be so pleased. What a treasure to have all those new/old things to play with. Your table is beautiful. Sue

  14. Very pretty table, love the china; it is such an unusual pattern, simple but yet elegant.

  15. Oh Sally, this tablescape took my breath. All of these beautiful treasures look like they were selected to use together! The china, the green glass plates, the crystal -- all of it exquisite. And that beautiful fabric in the center of the table. I love it all. laurie

  16. How wonderful! I just love to hear the stories behind our pretties. The memories make them even more precious! A lovely table!


  17. Such beauty in all your heirloom pieces. I love that they were all passed down to you and you are using them! I use all my china all the time. I won't keep it tucked away just for holidays.

    Gorgeous table scarf too. Love all the Autumnal colors.

  18. Oh my, your heirlooms are so beautiful. I found myself looking closely at each and every piece. They all work together so nicely...what special treasures. Thanks for sharing!

  19. girlfriend...this is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  20. What a wonderful heritage of beauty! I love pieces with a history, and you put them together beautifully!

  21. Oh this is truly stunning. I love all of your beautiful heirloom pieces, they are just gorgeous. You have set such a lovely table with such wonderful memories in all the pieces. Beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  22. Oh, Heisey crystal is so nice. That man had great taste. You picked a winner! Your table is so beautiful and special with all those heirlooms.

  23. What treasures to receive! I hope that my family members cherish & appreciate my things when I am done playing with them, like you do.
    Everything just sparkles & looks soooo pristine. Just beautiful!


  24. Oh Sally, I just love your china and your crystals!...Christine

  25. O my goodness, do have some beautiful treasures here. Your table looks fabulous and just shines with the love of all those people.
    ox bj

  26. Awesome, just awesome....I love all the history behind these pieces.
